// Horizon Catalog //

Discussion in 'Nexus Market' started by Khaos, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    [ Connecting to horizon.nex . . .
    Connection established.

    Load complete. Displaying terminal interface. ]

    // With sleek design, the horizon catalog's interface is somewhat simple, but it certainly is to the point and friendly enough to navigate. //

    Horizon Catalog
    (( Click Here for the Discord ))
    (( Click Here for Fulminate Breweries ))

    [:: Prosthetic Limbs
    Top-of-the-line prosthetics, built to improve your life.
    All prosthetics are built with a standardized joint system, making them a breeze to swap out with one another.​
    [ Standard ]
    [ __ 'Lightweight' Prosthetics Arm/Leg ]
    { 2,000/3,000 Px }
    [ __ 'Jack' Prosthetics Arm/Leg ]
    { 3,000/5,000 Px }
    [ __ 'Hammer' Prosthetics Arm/Leg ]
    { 12,500/15,000 Px }
    [ __ 'Flask Mk I' Prosthetic Arm ]
    { 3,000 Px }
    [ __ 'Flask Mk II' Prosthetic Arm ]
    { 3,500 Px }
    [ Weaponized ]
    [ __ 'Boltcaster' Prosthetics Arm ]
    { 8,000 Px }
    <| DISCLAIMER! Do not use as a makeshift defibrillator under any circumstances!
    [ __ 'Grav-Fist' Prosthetics Arm ]
    { 6,500 Px }
    [ __ 'Grav-Flail' Prosthetics Arm ]
    { 8,000 Px }
    [ __ 'Mule' Prosthetics Leg ]
    { 15,000 Px }
    [ __ 'Strong-Arm' Prosthetics Arm ]
    { 10,000 Px }
    [ __ Plasma Arm ]
    { 8,000 Px }

    [ Utility ]
    [ __ ZPEM Arm / 20-50 kg lift / 5 meter range ]
    { 4,000-10,000 Px :|: Varies on lift desired }
    [ __ MANOS Arm - Perfect for field medics everywhere! ]
    { 8,000 Px }
    [ __ Tinker's Arm - A toolbox in your arm! ]
    { 13,000 Px }
    <| DISCLAIMER! Read details before making purchase.
    [ Promo ]
    [ __ Gumball Leg - Anniversary Edition ]
    { 3,000 Px }
    <| Based on the first-ever prosthetic worn by Horizon's CEO. Made with reinforced glass.
    <| DISCLAIMER! Gumballs must be acquired separately.

    [ __ Prosthetic Repairs and Maintenance ]
    { Varies ( Contact representative for details :|: See Warranty ) }​
    More coming soon! ::]

    [:: Cosmetics
    Prosthetics shouldn't just be bland. For those who don't mind or prefer the inorganic appearances of prosthetics, Horizon offers tons of cosmetics!
    [[ // Here, users may view preset patterns and customize prosthetics to a user's liking. It even allows users to submit their own hand-crafted patterns for paint-jobs and engravings! // ]]
    [ __ Paint-job ]
    <| Prosthetics come in a great variety of colors, within the hexadecimal range from #000000 to #FFFFFF. Paintjobs can be as simple or complex as the buyer wishes. Paintjobs come free with purchased prosthetics.
    { 200 Px re-paint }
    [ __ Material ]
    <| Prosthetics may have exterior hulls of various materials. All are free on purchase of a limb, with the exception of synth skin.
    METALS: Durasteel | WOOD: Any common variety | PLASTIC | SYNTH SKIN: [Types Below]
    { Varies }​
    [ __ Engravings ]
    <| Prosthetics may have their own series of engravings etched into metal limbs. Incompatible with synth skin exteriors.
    { 500 Px }​

    [:: Implants
    A variety of implants for a variety of needs.​
    [ Gadgets ]
    [ __ Dataflow Visualizer ]
    { 3,000 Px }
    [ __ Hard Links ]
    { Free /w installation of prosthetic | 300 Px }
    [ Organs and Optics ]
    [ __ Internal Organs [Ex: Lungs, heart, liver, stomach, etc] ]

    { 200-5000 Px per organ :|: Varies }
    [ __ Optic [Standard/Smart/Laser] ]
    { 300-800-1,200 Px }

    [ Synthetic Skins ]
    [ __ Basic Synth Skin ]

    { 150 Px per square meter }
    [ __ Advanced Synth Skin [Details, tattoos, touch reception, hair, feathers, etc] ]
    { 250 Px per square meter }
    [ __ TrueSeal Synthetic Skin ]
    { 400 Px per square meter }
    [ __ Claytronic Skin/Features - Basic ]
    { 30,000 Px per square meter }
    <| Thin layer or strands of basic claytronics applied on top of advanced synth skin that allows for a wide range of color configurations and glowing features, with minimal ability to change texture.
    [ __ Claytronic Skin/Features - Advanced ]
    { 55,000 Px per square meter }
    <| The full claytronics package.
    (( OOC: All forms of synthetic skin now contain denatonium benzoate as of 28/12/3285. Nontoxic, but is incredibly revolting to taste. Incredibly bitter. This does not apply to the surface of the skin. You may still lick your synth friend and not vomit, so long as you don't bite a chunk out, you weirdo. ))

    More coming soon! ::]

    [:: Upgrades
    Several upgrades for existing prosthetic and gauntlet models.​
    [ __ Built-in Comms ]
    { 60 Px }
    [ __ Built-in Datapad ]
    { 400 Px }​
    [ __ Built-in EN-Storage Module ]
    { 30,000 Px }
    [ __ Built-in Quantum Communications ]
    { 15,000 Px }
    [ __ Concussive Pistol Attachment ]
    { 2,000 Px }
    [ __ Laser Pistol Attachment ]
    { 2,000 Px }
    [ __ Plasma Pistol Attachment ]
    { 3,000 Px }​
    [ __ Roller Blades Augment ( Requires two prosthetic feet ) ]
    { 150 Px }​
    [ __ Hover Shoes Augment ( Requires two prosthetic feet | Max height: 1 meter. ) ]
    { 4,000 Px }​
    More coming soon! ::]

    [:: Gadgets
    For those who prefer our non-permanent devices.​
    [ Gauntlets ]
    [ __ 'Boltcaster' Gauntlet ]
    { 6,000 Px }
    <| DISCLAIMER! Do not use as a makeshift defibrillator under any circumstances!
    [ __ 'Grav-Fist' Gauntlet ]
    { 5,000 Px }​
    [ __ ZPEM Gauntlet / 20 kg lift ]
    { 3,500 Px }​
    [ __ Plasma Gauntlet ]
    { 6,000 Px }​

    [ Equipment ]
    [ __ Shield Belt - Don't feel like being shot? No problem! Ideal for VIPs. ]

    { 4,000 Px }
    <| DISCLAIMER! Do NOT combine with Energy Dash technology.
    [ __ ZPEM "Lynx" Apparatus - ZPEM mobility device. Launch links that stick to surfaces and objects. Pull yourself or objects towards yourself! 200 lbs capacity. ]
    { 7,000 Px Harness + Glove | 3,500 Px Glove/Boot | 20 Px Link }
    [ __ EN-Storage Module ]
    { 30,000 Px }
    [ __ Quantum Communications ]
    { 15,000 Px }
    [ Accessories ]
    [ __ Claytronic Umbrella - Umbrellas of various sizes for all needs. A premium accessory that can change colors, patterns, or even display images or video. ]
    { Price Varies }
    [ __ Flying Carpet - Custom-designed carpets for your flying leisure. ]
    { 16,000 Px }
    More coming soon! ::]

    [:: Robotics
    Mechanoids of simple intelligence, for all sorts of needs. All robots are nonsapient, yet are capable of completing simple tasks. By default, these robots are not militarized, and are prohibited from harming sapient life.​
    [ __ Handy Drone / Comes in both normal and large variants]
    <| Drones come modifiable with a number of appendages of the customer's choice. Medium drones can have three appendages, and large ones may have five. They use anti-grav propulsion and DE batteries. Contains storage compartments, communications, and universal charging ports.
    { Standard (Medium): 5,000 Px :|: Large: 10,000 Px }
    <| Appendages: Standard { 800 Px } ZPEM 35 kg { 3,500 Px } Mining Laser { 1,000 Px }
    (( Medium: DOWNLOAD Large: DOWNLOAD ))
    These are sprites, and you will want to use Hatter to make them into hats after editing them to your liking. Limbs are attached to the dark points seen in the sprite. One at the front and bottom, and one to either side of the drone. You will also want to use an invisible body, and I recommend using SOS to make bodies invisible. ))
    (( OOC: Based on this drone lore. ))
    [ __ Horizon Droid ]
    <| Droids are reliable extra hands for most needs. Humanoid in form, they are capable of following instructions and performing tasks with the dexterity of sapient species. Weights 150 kg (330 lbs) and is capable of lifting up to a maximum of 177 kg (390 lbs).
    { 20,000 Px }
    (( DOWNLOAD ))
    (( OOC: Based on this engineered lifeforms lore. ))
    [ __ Heavy Droid ]
    <| Heavy droids are designed for personal defense of assets and individuals. They are modifications of the base droid model, reinforced and equipped with both a durasteel shield and concussion gun built in. It is worthy of note that these models are not intended to inflict lethal harm, designed to incapacitate when necessary. Optionally, the concussion gun can be replaced with another deployable shield.
    { 25,000 Px }
    More coming soon! ::]

    [:: Synthetics
    For mechanical clients who need a new body, to those who want to embrace a new life, this section is for you. Synthetics are considered special orders, and prices greatly vary depending on the body desired, in ranges from as little as 25,000 to 120,000.
    Bodies can come in a number of forms, to the user's liking. This includes but is not limited to: Drones, Droids, Synths, etc.
    Contact a representative if interested.​

    [:: Order Form:

    >> User Information
    Nexus ID:
    Medical Documentation: |Upload| (Optional)
    >> Order Details
    Order: |Select Product|
    Quantity: |Select Number|
    >> Shipping
    Pick-Up Location: |Select Location| (Haven/UACC)
    Teleporter Coordinates:

    >> User Information
    Name: Elliot Charles
    Species: Human
    Nexus ID: ElliotC@nexus.nex
    Medical Documentation: echarlesmed.docnx
    >> Order Details
    Order: Right Arm 'Grav-Flail' Prosthetic
    Quantity: 1
    Order: Left leg ‘Jack’ Prosthetic
    Quantity: 1
    >> Shipping
    Pick-Up Location: Haven

    END ::]
    Prosthetic Warranty:
    All prosthetics and implanted organs have a lifetime infection and malfunction warranty. If either of these are to occur, free medical treatment and repairs will be provided. This warranty is void if the prosthetic is used improperly, or if the user damages it as a result of violence. Internal, vital synthetic organs are an exception in regards to violence, and will still be covered.

    Privacy Policy:
    All provided medical history, measurements, and transactions are recorded and used by Horizon in order to improve the experience provided to users. Information is not shared with any third parties.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
  2. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Name: Tomespark Frostfinger
    Species: Glitch
    Nexus ID: ArcanicDeviant@Nmail.nex
    >> Order Details
    Order: Horizon Droid, 'Boltcaster' Gauntlet
    Quantity: 1
    >> Shipping
    Pick-Up Location: Haven
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    // Your total comes at 22,400 pixels. Thank you for choosing Horizon! //
  4. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Name: Pauline Cooper
    Species: Human
    Nexus ID: C0pperS0lace
    Medical Documentation: Uploaded from the Ikeda Hospital.
    >> Order Details
    Order: 2 Jack Arm Prosthetics [L/R ; custom: orange paint], COMMs upgrade, Datapad upgrade, 80 kg ZPEM upgrade, EN Storage upgrade
    >> Shipping
    Pick-Up Location: [Coordinates are sent to the SOLUS HQ, New Corrav District of Haven City.]
  5. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    // The total comes at a 40,520 pixels. With the payments made, the custom-made Jack prosthetics would be sent on their way. Once it is specified which arms the customer would want the upgrades installed in, they'll be assembled and delivered soon. //
  6. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Name: Cirillo de Guanciale
    Species: Human
    Nexus ID: [CR::67623423]
    Medical Documentation: N/A
    >> Order Details
    Order: "StrongArm", "Mule Leg"
    Quantity: 12 ea
    >> Shipping
    Pick-Up Location: [The location of a warehouse in Rendera is given. Its somewhere near the coast, and the deliveryman would probably be confused at the choice of a drop-off, seeing as the place would look nigh abandoned, with broken out windows replaced by large pieces of plywood, and trash filling the alleyway road leading up to the place.]
  7. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:

    // By default, all orders are private and non-visible to others. It wouldn't make sense for the orders to be visible to the public eye. //
    // The total comes at around 79,200 pixels. With that paid though, the two dozen prosthetics would find their way there, delivered. //
  8. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
    Likes Received:
    //The order was paid in full up front//
  9. Jayon

    Jayon New Arrival

    Dec 2, 2017
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Vittoria Fiore Angelo da Colitzenze
    Species: Synth/Android
    Nexus ID: Titania
    Medical Documentation: Not provided.
    >> Order Details
    Grav-Fist Gauntlets
    Quantity: 2
    Special Request: Best Quality (Willing to pay extra), Lessen the blatant visual features please! Synthskin not necessary.
    >> Shipping
    Teleporter Coordinates:
    Coordinates would be sent from Nisia, specifically an apartment penthouse.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2019
  10. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    // The total comes at 3,400 pixels. Assuming the payment is made, the custom-fit Grav-Fist Gauntlets would be sent on their way. 200 px extra for each gauntlet in order to modify appearance to appear cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing. However, the plates required for their function must still be present. //
  11. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Name: Cassius Philip Daniel Carac-Nash
    Species: Glitch
    Nexus ID: CPDCNTFOHCN@nexus.net
    Medical Documentation: Not provided.
    >> Order Details
    Order: Dense-Electron battery.
    Quantity: 10
    Order: Glitch-compatible Dense-Electron battery loading frame, along with all other necessary parts.
    Quantity: 1
    Order: Dense-Electron battery charger.
    Quantity: 1
    >> Shipping
    Teleporter Coordinates: |96973-85409-60329-11867-13243|
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
  12. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    // The total came to about around 500 pixels, and it can be teleported over in minutes. I hope I'm not underselling what it'd be worth oocly, but there you go. //
  13. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Name: Lillian
    Species: Human
    Nexus ID: Witchy
    Medical Documentation: They would be sent from the haven hospital
    >> Order Details
    Order: ZPEM Arm, 50KG lift. built in comms and datapad.
    Quantity: 1
    >> Shipping
    Teleporter Coordinates: Coordinates for a ship owned by one Jakob Burns
    Khaos likes this.
  14. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    // The total is marked paid in full by Lavender_Reaper. It'll be shipped within 12 hours. //
  15. schizothotep

    schizothotep Ozymandias's very own Diamond Donator

    Aug 20, 2018
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Name: Cassius Philip Daniel Carac-Nash
    Species: Glitch
    Nexus ID: CPDCNTFOHCN@nexus.net
    Medical Documentation: Not provided.
    >> Order Details
    Order: Black synthetic hair.
    Quantity: 1 single strand, dipped in lavender perfume is possible.
    >> Shipping
    Teleporter Coordinates: |96973-85409-60329-11867-13243|
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
    Khaos likes this.
  16. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    // The request... while odd, does get a response. It's only like a couple of pixels. They'll provide the hair, just not the perfume. It's sent pretty quickly. //
  17. Capslock

    Capslock you're all nerds Ex-Staff Event Builder

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Name: Thalass Cissa
    Species: Avian
    Nexus ID: TWWTCissa@nexus.net
    Medical Documentation: Provided through Ikeda Memorial Hospital
    >> Order Details
    Order: "Jack" Left Arm prosthetic w/ TrueSeal Synth Skin
    Quantity: 1
    >> Shipping
    Pick-Up Location: Haven, Capital District, Ikeda Memorial Hospital
  18. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    // 1,250 pixels, with the arm and trueseal considered. //
  19. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
    Likes Received:
    >> User Information
    Name: Lillian Skye
    Species: Synth
    Nexus ID: Hecate
    Medical Documentation: Sent via Ikeda hospital
    >> Order Details
    Order: Horizon Droid
    Quantity: 1
    >> Shipping
    Pick-Up Location: A one use beam code is listed.
  20. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    // Droids come at around 20,000 pixels, but there is an employee discount that chips it down to probably around 17,500 pixels. //