Ranged Armaments Boltcaster Gauntlets and Arms

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Khaos, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Boltcaster Arm, Boltcaster Gauntlet

    The Boltcaster Arm and Gauntlet are two separate items with the same function. One is a metallic gauntlet that fits over the hand, while the other is a technology built into prosthetic arms that achieves the same goals with the additional perk of being less bulky and more concealable.
    Without variance, the gauntlet is protected with Ferozium segments as well as an insulated fabric that fits over the hand and a portion of the forearm. As for the arm, the Ferozium plating is present all the way down to the elbow, the insulating fabrics woven over the mechanical joints.

    ( A reference image for a Boltcaster Gauntlet)

    - The Boltcaster weapons first align a shot using an ionizing laser (of which isn't dangerous, though it would be painful if shined into a sensitive spot like the eyes), followed by a discharged shot of electricity. This shock, similar to a small lightning bolt, trails along the laser's path and to its target.
    - The amperes of this shock average around 3000. This is roughly 1/10th of the shocking power one would see from a lightning bolt on earth. As for the voltage, it is exponentially higher, allowing the shock to travel through most targets with little resistance. While the amperes are certainly high, the shock itself is very brief, discharging all of its energy in a fraction of a second. This means while the shock itself can burn flesh and fry circuits, it will almost never directly kill a target unless fired repeatedly. (Except for the poor soul who has a pacemaker.)
    - The Dense Electron Battery holds quite a lot of electricity, and can be replaced when depleted.
    - The ferozium segments and insulated weaving prevents the user's hand from being exposed to high heat (In terms of the gauntlet).
    - As for the prosthetic, the arm's internal charge is separate of the weapon, meaning the arm will still function if the DE Battery is depleted, as it has its own separate power source.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    -The hand can grasp a conductive surface and discharge a shock which can harm others who are in contact with said surface (or y'know, whoever the hand is holding onto.) This of course risks the user shocking themselves, if the electric current finds its way back to the user.
    - While not intended to be armor, its thin ferozium plating and insulated fabrics make it highly resistant to shocks and heat. However, its resistance to cutting weapons and ballistics is severely lacking.

    -The Dense Electron Battery can only power so many shots, usually only being able to discharge about 24 shocks before being depleted. (A lot of shots, but DE Batteries have a huge charge to them.) However, the weapon generates a lot of heat in order to produce the powerful shocks it disperses, which takes time to vent. This makes the weapon hard to fire repeatedly, overheating in 3 shots (or used once per turn for 3 crp turns). This means the battery cannot be replaced nor can the weapon be fire for the remainder of the scene, with the exception of the device getting cooled by an extreme source such as liquid nitrogen. In addition, when overheated the gauntlet's/arm's exterior is hot to the touch, and can burn skin.
    - The weapon has a short charge-time between each shot. It may only be fired once per CRP turn, and the brief delay allows for a small window of reaction-time from others before being fired. Of course this limitation can be avoided if a shot is preemptively charged a turn or more prior.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    - EMPs will fry vital components in the weapon, requiring the arm/gauntlet to receive repairs in order to fire once more. However, the arm regains movement functionality after 3 CRP turns, and it will be jittery and hard to move properly during the turn it reactivates. (This coincides with how EMPs effect android characters.)
    - If shot, the DE Battery will explode in a violent chemical reaction. While the blast will be aimed away from the user's torso, it will without fail cripple the user's arm, and obliterate the weapon completely.
    - Armor cannot be worn underneath the gauntlet, though this should be obvious.

    Additional Note: If this technology were adapted to be used by an alien technology that is not electronically-based, the EMP and Explosive weaknesses would be replaced with the weaknesses of the alien technology, and in addition may only hold a charge of 9 shots before needing a recharge/refuel.

    How does it work:
    Upon the palm of both devices is a central laser-pointer that while not threatening on it's own, it provides not only a method to line-up shots with the device (The laser itself is visible to the naked eye as a red line), but provides an ionized path for electricity to follow.
    In a ring around this laser-pointer is an output for a series of supercapacitors underneath the surface of the device (In the case of the gauntlet, this results in the palm being unusually thick.)
    Before the weapon fires, two inputs must be made by the user. In the case of prosthetics, this is handled internally through neural input into the arm. The first input causes these supercapacitors to build up a strong electric charge, and the second input causes this charge to fire out of the palm, following the ionized path the laser provides it.
    In the case of the Gauntlet, the thumb's IP joint must be flexed to trigger the first input. Once the capacitors are charged, the same joint can be flexed again to fire.
    In both the case of the Arm and Gauntlet, all fingers must be safely spread and away from the palm, otherwise the weapon will automatically refuse to charge. Additionally, balling one's hand will cancel any charge that is currently built up within the device.
    The hand/arm is covered in small sensors (The same that cybernetic limbs use to simulate the sensation of touch) which detect conductive surfaces. If a conductive object (or liquid) sets off sensors that are not on the palm or fingers, the weapon will prevent itself from charging in order to prevent the user from shocking themselves.
    On the back of the hand is a simple, circular interface that displays a few things:
    - Battery Charge
    - Amperes and Volts in the current charge of the weapon.
    - The device's temperature
    - Damage warnings (In the case the weapon is noticeably damaged or otherwise unfit to fire, a warning with flash on the display for about five seconds before the weapon turns itself off.)
    The final component is a Dense Electron Battery, fitted into the Gauntlet/Arm near the wrist, always facing outwards from the individual. This serves as a replaceable power source, effectively allowing individuals to ‘reload' it. The battery itself is held securely by a release that must be manually opened by the user's off-hand.

    Flavor text:
    Originally conceptualized by Gary Noose, he developed these weapons and augments alongside prosthetics expert Elizabeth. They were inspired by existing tesla weaponry, and exist as a more accessible and hands-free alternative.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):
    Electrical Weaponry and DE Batteries

    [Open] While it is open, do keep in mind these devices are not cheap, and expertise is required to build them.


    Ranged Armaments
  2. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    idk why I can't @ people all of a sudden but pass, awaiting seconding
  3. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    second pass