Prosthetics TrueSeal Synthetic Skin

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Khaos, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: TrueSeal Synthetic Skin

    Description: TrueSeal appears to be identical to all other forms of synthetic skin. It can be shaded to match organic skin, and be decorated with blemishes, artificial hair, tattoos, and so on. One thing to note is that it is somewhat more stretchy than other forms of synthetic skin.

    Abilities: TrueSeal is not a solid material. In fact, it is technically classified as an extremely self-adhesive slime, of which tends to maintain the original shape it was cast in. The goal of the skin is to be durable and low-maintenance.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): Whenever punctured, the skin will close off over the hole or cut over a period of time. This means the skin can artificially ‘heal’ damage to itself, as the slime fuses into itself.
    - An additional, irrelevant note is that the skin is non-toxic. Completely inedible, but it won’t kill someone if they happen to eat a small chunk of it. It could potentially cause a blockage in the digestive tract, just like many other inedible things. Don’t eat it.

    Limitations: The TrueSeal skin is not armor. It only has around the same durability as typical synthetic skin, and at its thickest may serve as much protection as some leathers. It should also be noted that the skin may seal over internal injuries, which may be seen as a flaw.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional): After an extended period of time and injury after injury, it may lose its adhesiveness and thus its abilities. For the average person however, this could take years. One can begin to tell the skin is beginning to wear out as its more organic features start to become distorted.
    What one may want to worry about are punctures and large wounds. The synthetic skin may need to be held shut by exterior methods, such as stitches, tape, whatever someone would choose to use really. Punctures that happen to destroy or rip out chunks of the skin will, unsurprisingly, make it either impossible for the skin to heal, or the skin may be stretched to seal over the opening. Unfortunately in the latter case, this means the organic look of the skin would be ruined, as the features are unnaturally stretched, as if it were rubber.

    How does it work: The synthetic skin is rather simple in function. It is a slime that happens to be extremely adhesive to its own compounds. On the microscopic scale, this would appear to look like a mass of noodles (as those are the molecules that make up most slimy substances, like milk for example.) These ‘noodles’ or chains of molecules flex and bend, and tend to bind to each other when in contact. This is what gives the skin it’s “regenerative” ability, as well as what gives it its elastic nature.

    Flavor text: Produced by the greatest minds of Horizon, TrueSeal was created as a low-maintenance form of synthetic skin that would be both affordable and practical for most users, and prove to stand the test of time that other forms of synthetic skin cannot survive.
    The skin is made in batches of a secret formula, of which remains fluid when kept at a high temperature and sealed within an airtight container. Once the material is removed, it will begin to develop its adhesiveness, which is then soon cast over prosthetics in several layers and set to ‘harden’ after a few hours. During this process, additional features such as touch reception may be integrated between the layers of the material. ‘Blockers’ of more standard synthetic flesh may be used to allow for seams between sections of this skin, if so desired.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): N/A

    Attainability: [Semi-Closed]
    - Purchased from Horizon.

    Tags: [Civilian] [Food]

    Category: Prosthetics.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2018
  2. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    its gak
    Passed pending seconding. @Khaos
  3. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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