Tools Electro-Negative Storage

Discussion in 'Approved' started by WowGain, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name of Aug/Tech: Electro-Negative Storage

    It is essentially the equivalent of a handheld or worn hammer space cube, though it has it's downfalls and the sort. The device itself can range from small, handheld cards to backpacks and full-sized crates.

    How does it work?:
    The device consists of two main parts; The housing, and the Input/Output. The housing consists of an aegisalt frame, coated in a rubberized matte finish to prevent damage to the items inside. The inner housing consists of an extremely rigid lattice of pristilite or equivalent, coated in a layer of cerulium or equivalent. This lattice segments the inside of the device into compartments, ranging from even one (Useful for storing entire structures.) to 50000 (Useful for handheld objects.). To store objects so efficiently, the electron shells are stripped away from the component molecules by the pristilite-cerulium lattice. This allows the objects to be compressed by extreme amounts, as electron shells can equate to over 99.99% of the overall size of an atom. When items are removed, the electrons are redistributed, returning the item to normal size. Due to the highly reactive nature of unbonded particles, however, items are usually suspended by a magnetic field emanated by the device. Initially this is powered by the device itself, though as battery life depletes the device may start digging into the electron reserves from the items stored within, rendering them somewhat dangerous when removed.

    • Heaps of storage, negates most of the need to carry items by hand.
    • Is extremely protective. The rigidity of the device means that it is capable of being thrown around without so much as jiggling the items inside.
    Conditional Abilities:
    • Electron distribution tends to the anode, meaning devices stored get recharged.
    • Items stored inside will retain the FULL WEIGHT as if they were existing outside. This means cramming it with a metric ton of items will make it weigh a metric ton.
    • Reactive molecules, such as explosives and propellants, have an EXTREMELY high chance of detonating. As such, it is almost always advised not to store such items inside. Don't put bullets in it.
    • Time to retrieve items from the storage device is exponential with density and size, and is inversely proportional with the size. Low density/small objects can take milliseconds, where as dense/large objects can take upwards of 15 minutes. The larger the storage device however, the quicker it can be retrieved.
    Conditional Limitations:
    • If the entire device runs out of power (Including the stored items), what is left is a highly reactive time bomb waiting to go off. The only way to solve such an issue is to recharge the device, which may take an excess of a week depending on what is stored inside. (Yes, a full OOC week)
    • Extremely expensive to produce. Smaller devices, such as credit-card sized editions, average the equivalent of 10,000 Osidan (15,000 USD). Industrial models may cost upwards of 2,000,000 Osidan (3,000,000 USD).
    Flavor Text:
    Looking for a way to create a simple yet effective manner of storage, many companies have invested in Electro-Negative Storage. The first production of these items began in early 2500's, the first models having a compression ratio of approximately 8000. As time progressed, newer models present ratios of up to 100000, far more efficient in comparison.

    Attainability: [Open]

    Tags: [Civilian] [Industrial]

    Category: Tools
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2018