Lithui, the Hopeful Giant

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by DieEuleFranz, Apr 9, 2020.

  1. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    General Information
    [Adult Lithui]

    ✵ All artworks and renditions of Lithui are true depictions of Lithui. The reader may decide for themself ✵
    ✵ which rendition they might choose to be their favourite! ✵

    ✵ Indigo & Lithui - Drawn by Dust and Echoes (Thank you!) ✵

    ✵ Lithui - Drawn by MaskedHero (Thank you!) ✵

    ✵ Lithui - Drawn by Endiie (Thank you!) ✵

    ✵ Lithui - Drawn by Pinkbat5 (Thank you!) ✵

    ✵ Lithui - Drawn by Cauchemar (Thank you!) ✵

    Lithui-By Precaser.jpg
    ✵ Lithui - Drawn by Precascer (Thank you!) ✵

    Name: Lithui
    Age: Mid to late 10’s
    Date of birth: Unknown
    Race: Unknown
    Gender & Sexuality: None. She identifies as female.
    Relationship status: Single
    Current residence: On Rendera, in a little seaside home with her sister, Indigo.
    Social status: That of a normal person. She sometimes receives weird looks. She's a citizen of The Haven Federation.

    Occupation: She works as a craftsperson and makes small pieces of jewelry and clothing. She occasionally sells them, but she doesn't have a brand or an explicit shop.

    Traits of Voice

    Language spoken: Galactic Common
    Other Languages spoken: She occasionally makes deer-like calls, which are mostly reserved for dangerous situations where Lithui is full of anger, fear and or large amounts of stress. Additionally, she has mastered multiple fictional languages, such as, amongst others, Sindarin.

    Style of speaking: Lithui speaks in a calm and careful manner. She almost never increases the volume of her voice. It's tone is almost always filled with excitement, but, for her size, it is rather timid. She can be quite eloquent with her words but doesn't show it too often.
    Sound of voice: Her voice is uniquely humanoid. Wide in pitch and beautiful in sound, it can reach from low to high, can be soft or powerful, and melodic or harsh. Usually it's a little higher in pitch, coming from her natural state of excitement and happiness, but it's still nice and enjoyable in sound.
    Volume of voice: The normal, day to day volume of her voice is rather quiet, around 35-45 decibel. Her deer-like calls can range between 85-100 decibel. They can rarely reach 110 decibel.

    Physical Appearance

    Height: Without her antlers: 2.38 Meters [7'10''] | Height over all: 2.43 Meters [8']
    Weight: Without her antlers & sail: 136 Kilograms [300 lbs] | Weight over all: 176 Kilograms [390 lbs]
    Skin: Her skin is reptilian, with many small scales covering her entire body. Their colour is a nice light purple, their shapes vary in response to the sections of body they sit on. Scattered across her entire skin are patterns of deep purple, leathery spots. They create sophisticated, symmetric forms of markings across her entire body. Under certain conditions, for example when Lithui is scared or feels particuarly at ease, these deep purple spots can, sometimes at will, sometimes because of instinct, emit a soft, blue light.

    Head, Face, Eyes & Co.: Lithui's head is humanoid, with a diamond-shaped, although slightly rounded, face. Her eyes are similar to those of other humanoids and somewhat larger than would be considered normal for the size of her head. They have round pupils and ocean blue irises. Her slightly pointy nose is rather petite and has a button shaped, slightly upturned, tip. Lithui's ears are hidden behind her antlers. They have a vaguely humanoid shape but have a significantly sharper and pointy ends. They are of average size and have a wide range of movement. Her mouth is larger than most, and stronger, but not too large. Her lips are made from the same leathery material that makes up the spots on the rest of her body and face. Lithui's teeth are omnivoric, well equipped for both a plant and a meat based diet. They, along with the bones of her jaw, are incredibly robust. She can chew harder organic matter, like tree bark or clam shells, with ease.

    Distinguishing features: Lithui has a pair of antlers, a large back sail and additional digits on each side of her wrists. Latter are equipped with long claws. Her finger- and toetips also have claws, though they are much shorter and not nearly as sharp as the claws on her extra digits. Lithui's legs have an additional joint between their knee- and heeljoint. These joints can shift the lower halfes of her shinbones forward, which enables her to walk on all fours. Her heels have a large, fixed claw each. Similar to the deep purple spots on her body, Lithui's antlers and sail can also emit blue light. Some of these features are explained in more detail down below.
    Bioluminescence: Beneath Lithui's leathery skin hides a layer of tissue which is bioluminescent in nature. By purposefully running small, eletric currents through the tissue she can let it glow with a blueish light at will. The same applies to both her antlers and her sail. They are filled with the same tissue in their otherwise hollow inner structure. Even the irises of her eyes have this same tissue and can also glow at will.
    Antlers: Lithui has two antlers, one mounted onto either side of her head. They branch mainly backwards and sidewards, away from her head, with the exception of a small segment pointing down- and forward. The antlers themselves consist of many individual struts that, when looked at from upfront or the side, form a beautiful, interlocking pattern. They are made from a bone-like material. Their insides are filled with the same tissue also hidden underneath her leathery skin covering parts of her body, granting them the same ability of glowing at will. Additionally, a small branch of each antler leads forward onto her head, where they form Lithui's eyebrows. Both antlers are massive in size and add another few extra centimetres to Lithui's height.
    Back sail: Lithui's back sail, made out of the same material as her antlers, is gigantic, and dwarves her already mighty headdress. It consists of numerous, pillar like structures, each mounted onto individual vertebraes, extending outwards and away from Lithui's spine, from her neck all the way down through her coccyx. There it continues as an extension of her spine as a fixed tail. The individual pillars are connected through struts made from a more soft, bendable material similar to cartilage. Like her antlers, Lithui's sail is hollow and filled with special tissue.
    Wrist claws: Additionally to the five fingers on each of her hands, Lithui has two extra digits resembling oversized thumbs. They are attached shortly before the joints of her hands, on a secondary hand structure preceeding her true hands. Attached to each thumb is a long, thin but robust claw. The claw of the inner thumbs is around 40 centimetres long, while the outer one is around 30 centimetres. They can be clapped both forwards and backwards against her forearms, where they can also point down to the ground to help stabilize her body when in its quadrupedal form. Clapped forward, Lithui uses them for harvesting, hunting or combat.
    Build of body: Lithui's body is fairly-strong, due to the burden of having to carry the weight of her antlers and sail. She gained additional strength through her time exploring. Her antlers and sail are somewhat fragile. Though genderless, and not taking her distinguishing features into account, she resembles a normal weight, healthy and trained, female humanoid.
    Posture: Either upright and straight or in a quadrupedal position. She tends to kneel when not moving. Conventional sitting is almost impossible due to the size of her back sail.
    Style of walking: Lithui can walk both bipedal and quadrupedal. Walking on just her feet she takes long, elegant and careful strides. Her arms swing in a gentle and effective manner. On all fours her posture and style of walking resembles that of an Iguanodon, with her behind raised a little further into the air than her front.
    Typical clothing: Long, white robes, which usually have their buttons on the back. In warmer climates she wears lightweight robes with short sleeves. In colder climates thick, warm robes, with extra long sleeves to hide her hands in, accompanied by gloves for her feet and hands, with holes for her fingertips and claws to poke through. She owns a variety of dresses for different circumstance, for example a robe made of water resistant material for rainy places, or more elegant dresses reserved for special occasions.
    Is seen by others as: Open to carefully meet new people. A scaly, tall, light purple humanoid covered in purple, leathery spots, with a pair of bony antlers and a back sail. Though at first a little shy, she quickly opens up to people and, usually joyfully, greets them, unless they seem intimidating to her. For more nervous and easily scared people Lithui can be rather creepy and intimidating in appearence.


    Likes and joys: There are many things in Lithui's life that bring her joy. For one, of course, food of all kinds. She enjoys reading and asking other people about their lives and professions. She also enjoys exploring different worlds. Being caressed select people she sees as safe and especially hugging is another thing she quite enjoys, though not many know this. Lithui has a fable for other distinguishing features similar to her own. She is especially impressed by people with large horns, fins, or other forms of natural headwear aside from hair.
    Dislikes and fears: She dislikes all kinds of predators, weapons she can identify (Melee weapons like spears and knives, whips and all sorts of recognizable firearms), someone touching her antlers or sail when they are not allowed to do so, crowded and loud places and especially negative and nihilistic attitudes, which she doesn't understand.
    Hobbies: She enjoys exploring the worlds of The Fringe and likes to have a drink with friends, she reads old fantasy books from earth, especially the ones from british author J. R. R. Tolkien. Other past time hobbies of Lithui are singing and cooking. She likes to cook food and learn new recipes of all kinds.
    Education: Lithui possesses a secondary school grade eduction. Most of her knowledge however is self-taught or given to her by friends and her sister.
    Personal goals: Finding friends and people like herself and having a enjoyable and fulfilling life. Her main goal is to find where she originates from. Aside from that, she continues her profession as a craftsperson.
    General attitude: She's happy, excited and open to meet people of all kinds. She' very cautious, though she quickly opens up to others.
    General intelligence: She has an IQ of around 115, but can be incredibly naive at times.
    General sociability: Lithui enjoys being around people she knows and likes and is open to meet new people, as long as they are nice to her. She sometimes enjoys creeping people out with her odd appearence but tries not to truly scare them.


    Illnesses: The leathery skin scattered across her entire body is sensitive and can hurt when Lithui is in severe emotional distress.
    Allergies: None
    Sleeping habits: Lithui sleeps around twelve hours a day. She sleeps when she's tired, not because of a day-night cycle. When she sleeps her metabolism slows down significantly. Her heartbeat slows down to around four to five beats a minute, and she only takes a breath every four minutes or so.
    Energy level: Very high for her weight and size. Her electromagnetic field consumes vast amounts of bodily energy when actively used and Lithui needs a large intake of food and water after extended usage of said field.
    Eating habits: She doesn't use any cutlery and eats with her hands and thumb-claws. She has to eat much due to her energy level, as she would quickly starve otherwise. Lithui is omnivoric and eats, in addition to what most would consider 'normal' food, things such as stems, tree bark, bones, inner organs, eyeballs, etc..
    Memory: Normal
    Resistance: Due to her large demanding of food Lithui is very resistant to poisons, venoms and mold. She is able to eat almost anything edible.

    ✵ Blue fields can be clicked on, they will lead to the respective sheets ✵
    "Archived" relationships are relationships with characters who's players are currently not active on GC

    "My sister and very best friend! I love her very very much! She gave me a home and someone to love and she takes care of me! Without her I wouldn't know where I would be now! Every moment I can spend with her I treasure deeply and from her I get my most beautiful memories! I often go on travels and explorations with her! There we find lots of nice things we take with us but never too much! We don't want to be greedy! Indigo also helps me with making jewelry and dresses and she is a great teacher that helps me learn from the mistakes I make in life! I never want to leave or lose Indigo and I don't want her to get hurt! I love her so very much and I hope that we will be sisters and a family forever!"

    "Ki'a is my best friend! He is like a little brother for me and I like him so very much! But I'm always scared for him and worry very much because he get's in danger so much and always seems weak and hurt... I very much hope that he doesn't have to be scared and hurt anymore! But I think he will be okay one day! He is very strong in both his mind and heart! I will try my best to make sure Ki'a is safe! I love him! I wish I could see him more often though! But more importantly I wish that he will find his peace one day! Now that he has is own home I'm sure he's on his way to a better life!"

    Best Friends

    Robin Flynn [Archived]:
    "Robin is very nice because she gave me a job where I can have fun and make money! She is also very supportive and gave me a chance to prove myself to be able to do work! I hope I can helped her company very much! I also hope that her baby will be very much safe and okay! I'm not working for her anymore but we are still friends! I don't know where she is now.. I miss her.."

    Good friends:
    Lorch "Cinnabum" Tigren
    "Lorch is very much sweet! I first met them over the Nexus but after some time we also met in real life! They have a very interesting and nice style of clothing! They look very much fancy! I think their usage of the nice faces and symbols while using the Nexus is very much cool and funny! They do seem to have some things in the past they worried about I think though... Hopefully Lorch will be fine!"
    Diana "23" Williams
    "A friend I met on Garlen years ago! She is very nice but also a bit scary but Indigo says she is only making jokes! She has a very cool ship and some nice people I also like there! Diana is always very helpful to me for example when I have a question! And I enjoy her parties so very much! But Diana has to be more careful and thoughtful of her ideas and actions sometimes! At least I think that! But she has to forge her own path like we all have to!"


    "Though I don't see him often Kodey always has something exciting to show! I like him very much! He has an device that makes tea and light and probably much more! He says that he has problems with repairing his teleporter back home, hopefully he can repair that soon! Hopefully ARC will be fine too! ARC is a friend of Kodey! I hope they will be both be okay soon! Although I'm a little worried for ARC..."
    "An everyman! Joren seems like he can do very much many cool and exciting things I aspire to do one day as well! Though not everything.. Ew... He is a Kul person and a Houndmaster which all sounds very much exciting! But as I said he can do so much more it seems! He always tells me about his people and how they live and their stories which are all very nice! He is also a very much good cook and very kind overall! I want to go fly with him someday!"

    "They are so tiny! Nakai is a very good friend! They let me sleep on their ship and cooked for me and made sure I'm safe while sleeping and I am really thankful for that! They're food is very tasty! They cook with things grow out of their own garden which I find very much nice! I hope I can meet them more often since it's been some time and that their garden continues to flourish!
    Riley [Archived]:
    "Riley is a friend I met over the Nexus! They are very nice! They let me visit their ship and showed me their room! And they brought me too the hosptial! They're bit weird because they don't eat or have a face but they plan on being able to do that soon! When they have their face I'll make them a nice and tasty salad!"
    "I didn't know skeletons could be alive! But it makes Chayka very much cool! They are very much nice to me but sometimes they can also be mischievous at times which I find weird but luckily they know when to stop! It does make them very much unique! And they have a very much fancy hat and clothes! I hope they enjoy being so special!"
    "Hachima is a nice and very much corteous friend! They show great interest in me! But they do seem somewhat conflicted with themselves and their past as a warrior! I hope to talk more with them soon as I'd like to learn more about the ways of a warrior! Maybe I can help them feel better in the future! I'm happy that they seem to like me as well!"

    "The one who first saved me! I can never make up for what Belle did for me! She is the first person I remember! She gave me a home and food for some time before I met Indigo and she owns the bar on Garlen where I first met her and other people I think! She is very nice and I like her very much but I don't see her very often... But when I see her she always has good tips for me! Maybe I can meet Belle more often in the future! She seems very wise!"
    "Hugh is very much nice! He helped me when I felt bad and gave medicin and bandaging when I had my injuries. He also gave me a gift! A nice music-box! It makes me very happy! He does say that he doesn't feel good either so hopefully he will be okay soon! I haven't seen him in a long while!"

    "Desdemona is.. weird! She seems somewhat aggressive at times though since I have never met her in real life I couldn't tell how much of what she says is actually true! But I still like her nonetheless! She can be very so and gentle and her sudden outbursts of writing in capital letters only even make me laugh from time to time! I hope she and her daughter Nora have a nice time together!"
    "Zeeya is very interesting person I'd like to learn about more! She seems very much smart even though I haven't met her yet nor did I speak with her often! I am very much thankful that they tended to Sun and seem to put trust in me which is a great honor for me!"
    Eryx Jaize Starkid:
    "Eryx seems to be very much forgetful! But so am I very much sometimes! And forgetfulness alone does not stop Eryx from being very much cool and interesting! Maybe I can learn to be a better smith from him someday! And maybe I can help him with something too someday!"
    "Eri is a very tall person! She is taller than me which I think is very much impressing! She looks very cool and is very nice and she can eat just like me which I like very much! I am always very much happy when I meet her and can eat food together with her! Hopefully I can meet her more often though it has been a fair amount of time since I last saw her.."
    Yushiko [Archived]:
    "Though often somewhat depressed Yushiko is very much nice and I am always very happy to see when she is happy and excited and tells me about nice things in her life! But she has to learn to not see everything in black and white I think! I wonder where they are now! I haven't seen them in a long time!"
    "Icarus is a pilot! He flies planes! I'm very much nervous about flying but when Icarus talks about flying I'm always not so much nervous anymore and more excited! I'm sure he will become a great pilot soon once he overcomes his own fears!"
    "At first I wasn't sure if I could trust Copra or not but they have always been very much nice to me and gave me a lot of tips for what to not do on the Nexus where I first met them! They even helped me get my Nexus symbol which is very much nice of them! Hopefully I can meet them sometime!"
    "Mir is one of the first persons I remember like Belle! He is a very funny person but also a bit weird and told me about marrying people which I want to do some day! He also does boxing which I think sounds very cool but also dangerous! I hope they are okay! I haven't heard from them in a while!"
    Manny Ads:
    "A little troublemaker! But Manny is cool! He makes alcohol and is overall very nice but he's sometimes a little weird in his decisions! But no one is perfect after all! I hope everything works out for him and that he can become succesful with his business! He does have to be more carefull with his behaviour! Especially after hurting Diana.."

    Morgan Snip [Archived]:
    "Morgan speaks a bit weird and funny but he is very nice and interesting! He owns Greenheart I think! I would really like to get to know him better so hopefully I can meet him more often! Maybe he will come back someday? I'm not sure where he is now.."

    Sun Upon Soil [Archived]:
    "Enkidu! A being wronged by the world and itself! The more I talk with them the more I understand them! I think! They have their good and their bad sides but ultimately I think they just want to tend to nature in their own way! They do have to learn some mannerisms though! I hope they can regrow their garden to what it was before it was burned! But they will have to understand that nothing truly lasts forever!"
    Constance Welton:
    "In past times they have been mean to me! But I haven't met them since then so I'm not sure how they are now! But I still think that it's mean of them to despise me because of what I am! Maybe they will better themselves someday! They do seem to like my cat Fân so maybe they aren't as bad as I think they are!"
    Sir Gulvar Frosthand:
    "Once I hated them to the core for their terrible deed! But it's unfair of me to judge them based on just one event! I realised during my hospital stay that a black and white view on the world cannot be good! They did bring me food when I was in the hospital! Unfortunately I got scared seeing them and I'm ashamed of me for that now! Maybe they are not as bad as I sometimes think they are.. But it still haunts me.. Talking with them might bettern things a little though I have yet to meet them again since I last saw them in the hospital!"

    - None currently -

    People she's scared of or dislikes:
    - None currently -


    Fân is Lithui's pet, a white norwegian forest cat, or the breed closest resembling one. Her name is an old Sindarin word meaning "Shining, sublime white". She's around three and a half feet long from head to tail, and has a shoulderheight of around a feet and two or three inches. Her fur is medium long and mostly white in colour, though there are some grey and light brown features scattered across it aswell. Fân's eyes are light blue in colour. She wears a little colar with a small, blue gem attached to it. Lithui often takes Fân with her when she goes out on adventures or smaller trips. She seems to treasure Fân greatly.

    Lithui normally refrains from conflicts through violence. If she ever has to fight, she would first attempt to intimidate her adversary with intense and loud screaming, her bioluminescence and her large stature. If these measures do not prevail, she will try to incapacitate her opponent using her natural weaponry, mainly via with the claws on her hands and wirsts, and additionally with those on her feet. She will also attempt to overwhelm her opponent, if possible, through brute, physical force. Normally though, she will try to diffuse the situation or will run away and hide. She only uses force as a last resort measurment. If she has to fight, she will make ample use of her ability.


    Lithui can, at will, generate and transmit an electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves are actively broadcasted through her backsail into the surrounding area. There, they bounce off any living beings, or objects, and are then picked up by her antlers, acting as organic receivers. This field has an active, spherical radius of around 5 metres. Lithui can detect potential danger or hidden movement through this method. A side effect of this ability is that electronic devices inside of the field experience minor glitches. With sufficiently powerful enough electromagnetic devices, one might disrupt this ability or even disorientate or incapacitate Lithui herself.

    The energy for this field is generated by an unknown amount of specialized organs located in the sides of Lithui's lower stomach area. They act as generators for the needed electromagnetism and require immense amounts of organic energy to enable a stable and ongoing production of said electromagnetism. Lithui's backsail, in turn, acts as an transformer and a broadcasting 'device'. It converts the raw electromagnetism into waves suitable for emission and broadcasts them, at which point they are, after bouncing off nearby surroundings, picked up by her antlers. The shape of Lithui's antlers allows for optimal absorption of emitted waves. Once absorbed the waves are given over to the brain, where they are subconsciously analyzed and constructed into a coherent, continuous image for Lithui to access and use.

    Lithui's Music
    Lithui believes, inspired by the books she reads, which are mainly ones from an old author of earth, J. R. R. Tolkien, that every person has one or several pieces of music inside of them, which describe their feelings and thoughts and, in a certain way, define their character. Currently she has four pieces of music describing her:

    I Sit Beside the Fire and Think
    A poem of the late J. R. R. Tolkien, transcribe into a song by an old choir from earth. A large part of Lithui's personality is that of exploring the many worlds of The Fringe. Being, in a sense, a child of the forest and nature herself, she has a special connection to nature and so to its wonders as well. The time she doesn't spend exploring she often fills with the thought of doing so, as she remembers all the places she has already been to, the many more she has yet to find and the ones she might never see. This poem, turned song, perfectly describes these thoughts.

    The Revenant's Theme
    The theme of an old earth movie, created in the 21st century. It describes an emotional cycle of Lithui, which begins as the music picks up. As it picks up, increasing in volume and pitch, Lithui's emotional state is that of happiness. She is happy to have friends, a family through her sister, Indigo, and a life without much pain and struggle. However, as the music begins to fade and decrease in volume and pitch, Lithui begins to feel a certain sadness, hidden deep inside her little soul. She remembers her never ending search for her origins, falls into a sudden depression and decides to retreat into nature, where the music stops. Only the wind remains, accompanying Lithui on her lonely, often times sad journey and search through and of the worlds for her origins. Only when she gives up this search does the music return, again rising in volume and pitch, as does her happiness, because she returns to the friends and family she has. The theme repeats this cycle forever, as Lithui's cycle of happiness, sadness and search does.

    Coffey on The Mile
    Yet again the theme of an old, human film from earth, this one shows the inside of Lithui's head, better said, a part of her mental state. Silent and wandering in the darkness still, she tries to find reason in grusome, past events, which are, for her, unexplainable in nature. Like a child in an unforgiving world she wanders this mental plane, a flute surrounded by violins, trumpets, drums, pianos, not strong enough to speak and ask for its place and purpose, only in brief moments of silence, or through screaming with great effort for short moments. Often overtaken by this overwhelming presence of solitude, seemingly without escape, she tries her best to continue fighting and searching for answers and reason in a world devoit of these exact things. This theme encapsulates this feeling.

    Composed for the film adaption of a three part book from earth, Lord of the Rings, written by the late british author J.R.R. Tolkien in the 20th century of earth, Evenstar tells, in short words, that the end may not always be the end, but sometimes the beginning of something new, created through diffrent things, like hope or love. Lithui embodies this, as she was condemned to wander alone and eventually perish, but through luck, but also hope and, most importantly, love, managed to find a new beginning in a seemingly unsavable future, which, for some, only showed demise and terminality.

    "This is not the end... It is the beginning. You cannot falter now. If you trust nothing else, trust this. Trust love."


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
  2. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Given that I've played Lithui for over a year now, I thought it would be time to overhaul her character sheet a little. I removed some redundancies, reworked some descriptions and phrases and changed the relationship category, so others and I could keep a better overview of her friends and family. This category will probably change in the future, seeing how Lithui will most likely continue to meet people. I also changed the combat category and made it smaller, because I don't really created Lithui to fight others.
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
  3. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    (Yes, again already)
    I had some more thoughts over the night and day and, after reading over some other character sheets, I got inspired to put some more stuff into the sheet and again overwork other things, I, for example, added a more detailled description of Lithui's antlers, back sail and additional digits and fleshed out certain descriptions, for example what Lithui likes, some more. I also made a little section for music, where I put in two pieces of music and tried to explain why they might fit Lithui's character.
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
    Quazwerty456 and ThatCabbage like this.
  4. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Another Update
    I completly forgot to add a little history to Lithui. I wanted to do it with the last update but forgot it, so I made one now. Feel free to hint on any mistakes and such, so I might work those out.
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    Quazwerty456 and ThatCabbage like this.
  5. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Next Update:
    I found the friends, family and enemies section of this sheet a little lackluster and decided to rework it a little. Each important person Lithui knows now gets a little text where she describes them. I know that there are a lot characters still missing, forgive me, I will try to remember and add a description for them as soon as possible. You can also message me if you think I forgot one or more characters.
    Additionaly I added a new segment to the history section, talking about recent events, and another song to the music section, which I feel fits Lithui's character.
    Last but not least I gave the sheet as a whole a more interesting name, thanks to MaskedHero for the idea!
  6. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Next Update:
    I added Joren to the "Good Friends" category and gave him a little description that I hope fits him.
    Ki'a has been moved up into the "Family" section, he had and has an significant impact in Lithui's life on a constant level and is more than deserving to be called family.
    Indigo's description has been fleshed out a little.
    Additionally, I added a new category to the "Relationship" section, that being the (normal) "Friends" section, to which I added Yushiko, Morgan Snip and Eri, who all received a little description aswell.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
  7. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    I added Endiie's and MaskedHero's drawings, so they might help visualize Lithui better (Thank you both so much again!). As said on the page itself, there is no "perfectly accurate" depiction of Lithui. She is subject to change and, as a fictional character, can be roughly imagined however one wishes.
    Riley has been added to the "Friends" category, they are a new friend of Lithui's, who has already been very nice to them.
    The History section has been re-written at points, and a new chapter has been added (I would be happy for criticism regarding my writing, I'm still new to writing texts like these).

    Lithui's height and weight have now been (because reasons, IDK TBH) segmented into two sections.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
  8. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    I added Pinkbat5's drawing of Lithui (Thank you so much again!).
  9. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Next Update:
    I added Hugh and Kodey and moved Riley to the "Good Friends" category, and added Frosthand to the "People she's scared of or dislikes" category. I also shifted the order in which people are represented a little.
    Quazwerty456 and ThatCabbage like this.
  10. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    I added Cauchemar's depiction of Lithui, thank you very much again!
    Quazwerty456 and Athena like this.
  11. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    Some minor changes and additions were made in the "Personality" section. Most notably, the "Education" category received a complete rework.

    Additionally, Lithui's relation to Indigo has been retconned, they were never lovers, they were and are sisters and family to each other. Because of this, some descriptions and texts in the "Relationship" and "History" section, aswell as in the "Relationship status" and "Current residence" have been re-written.
    ThatCabbage and MaskedHero like this.
  12. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    I added Precascer's depiction of Lithui to the page, that you very much again!

    I also added a new member to the "Friends" category of the "Relationships" section, that being Copra (I have no clue if they exist outside of the Nexus or not). They have been very nice to Lithui and helped them gain her symbol ( ✵ ) for her Nexus profile, which is enough for them to be featured on Lithui's sheet.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2021
    Quazwerty456 and Deleted Account like this.
  13. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    This update brings small corrections and additions to certain sections, but also larger additions to others.

    The "Traits of Voice" section has a new category, that being "Sound of voice", where I describe the sound of Lithui's voice in a few sentences. Additionally, some descriptions have been reworked a little.
    I added the "Style of walking" category to the "Physical Appearance" section, where.. well, her style of walking is described. Furthermore, I added a very short description of her ears, and fleshed the description of her clothing out slightly. To the "Relationships" section I've re-written some characters comments, because Lithui does not speak like a child anymore, so she doesn't describe them like a child would anymore. The "Occupation" category now also says that she goes to school.
    "History" has a new segment, like always telling of recent events, and Lithui has a fourth song now, I thought it'd fit with past events.
    Quazwerty456 likes this.
  14. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    I added Manny Ads to the list of Lithui's friends. He's been very nice to her and, for example, helped to bring her to the hospital.
  15. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    It's been a while, so I decided to check the page and work out any mistakes and kinks and I moved / reworked some of the info contained in it.

    As an example, I added some info to some of Lithui's friends and I shifted two of them up the ladder of friendship.

    I also reorganized some info, I, for example, shifted the food Lithui enjoys from the resistance category to the eating habits category.
  16. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    I added Dust and Echoes drawing of Indigo and Lithui to the page, thank you so much for the nice piece once more!
    Also, I removed the page where young Lithui is described. I felt it looked dated and especially redundant and unnecessary, so it's gone now.
  17. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    Lithui got herself a cat recently, and I decided that it would be worth to give it a small section on the sheet. Additionally, I shifted Constance Welton and Frosthand into the neutral section of Lithui's relationships. It's been some time since either of them interacted with Lithui directly, and she is definitely not someone who enjoys hating / disliking people for long.
    ThatCabbage and Pinkbat5 like this.
  18. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    It's been three months since the last update, so I decided to tweak the relationships section.
    Lithui hasn't had much interaction with either Mir nor Eri, so I moved them both from "Good Friends" to "Friends", although this doesn't mean she likes them less, just that she hadn't had much interaction with them recently.

    Icarus "SkiesAbove" has been added to "Friends".
    Zeeya has been added to "Friends".

    Lorch "Cinnabum" Tigren has been added to "Good Friends".
    "Archived" has been introduced. I will use it for characters who's players are currently inactive. I won't shift these characters between categories, they can be seen as sort of frozen in time, until their players become active again (or not, in which case I might re-arrange them in a different way entirely).
    Again, if I missed any character deserving to be on this sheet, please tell me.
    The next update will be a rework of the section "History" and I will try to add the section "Biology" to the sheet.
  19. DieEuleFranz

    DieEuleFranz Galactic Commoner

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Next Update:
    "Sun Upon Soil" has been added to the relationship category, in the section "Disappointed", which has also been newly created. This section will be used for people in relation to Lithui, who have, in some way or another, hurt her, and she has yet to forgive them.
    schizothotep likes this.
  20. D&K

    D&K Nicotine Mogul Bronze Donator

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Ryanatorx and Nemo like this.