Mir, the Kentucky Fried Cyborg

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Mir, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    General Information

    Name: Mir Tahiti
    Age: 30
    Date of Birth: Feb 3rd, 3258
    Sexuality: Bi (Likes guys more though)
    Nationality: Avosi by birth (Not that he'd ever return)
    Religion: None, but he likes going to Azeelist sermons for stress relief
    Citizenship Status: Triple Citizenship to New Liberia, Haven, and Atlas (In order of acquisition)
    Occupation: Prosthetics at Horizon, part time work at Luo Apothecary
    Skills: Robotics, Mechanics, Ambidextrous,
    Languages: Galactic Common
    Voice Ref: Shaggy from the Live-Action Scoobert Doobert movie
    Personality: INTP
    Phobias: Explosions, Feral Florans, Eyeguards, Clowns, Doppelgangers, Television Cameras, Rollercoasters, Minecarts
    Likes: Mir likes when things are nice and calm. He does enjoy being in a fight, but not if It's a surprise attack.
    Dislikes: Being attacked, having his neck touched.
    Intelligence: Extremely. Mir is the smartest character in the setting.

    Physical Appearance

    Physical Description: Mir is a wine red avian, with dark grey fluff and a greyish beak. He's almost always wearing the scarf that got crocheted for him while he was still in the hospital recovering from his brain surgery.
    Tech and Augments used: Mir's left arm is a purple grav-fist, covered in a diamondback pattern of chitin and feathers. He also has an implant in the base of his neck, known as Velzee's Skin.
    Height: 6' 0"
    Race: Avian
    Species: Avian
    Gender: Male

    Backstory and More

    Mir So Far:


    Mir is a Grounded avian who was born on Avos, who felt like he needed to go out and see more than just his home world. After "acquiring" a small ship, and quickly starting an escape, he decided that he needed to find a place to actually go. Having heard a few people talking here and there about this "uncivilized sector" known as the fringe, Mir thought that would be the perfect place to start. No one would question where he got the ship, and he could possibly try to make a name for himself. Upon reaching the fringe, Mir found that it's rumors of being uncivilized were true, for some part. After being victim of numerous assaults (and even needing to be cloned once), he decided that he needed training. And what better way to train than the military. He joined up with the Purgatory military, and later the Junta of New Liberia after purgatory was split in three.

    - The Nameless Saga -

    Mir was a man without a name. Er, well, without a last name anyways. See, when he got cloned, it was using some really old, crappy technology, so he wound up forgetting a bunch of things.

    Return to Life:

    After finally deciding to leave Purgatory for once to try and make new friends again, Mir happened upon a place called Garlen. Garlen was… an interesting place for him to be. They had some delicious drinks, and he made a bunch of great friends, but things went, well, poorly for him there. The first thing to go wrong was his encounter with the Beast of Garlen Woods, a shifter named Kuishinbo. He was lured into the forest by a pair of walking pants, his first of many run-ins with the Denim Delinquents. Shortly afterwards, he was mugged by a man known as Crimes. Crimes Johnson, a man who would appear again and again, and who would make Mir’s life hell. After being paid off by a certain Avalice for the first time they mugged him, Crimes decided to make attempt number two, and took something more valuable than money. He stole Mir’s left arm, making it a perfect match for his right one. He was bleeding to death on the ground, when a man in a red scarf made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Literally, refusing it would have been his death. His life, for his arms. Mir accepted, not knowing what would happen.

    Distractions and Diversions:

    Having a second chance at life, Mir decided to find something he wanted to do. Something that would be fun, that’d be meaningful, that’d let him make his mark on the fringe. At first, he decided to try entering Prisilite Prix, thinking that he could be a racer. However, racing had too high of a fatality rate for his liking, so he entered Comet League Boxing instead. And as a boxer, he was pretty good, even earning the respect of some of the heaviest hitters around, including Testament. He hadn’t had the chance to prove himself in a real tourney yet, but he believed in himself. He even tried to leave a mark on a more personal level, trying to help a student at Gaia University reclaim part of his research after their test subjects had escaped. Despite being woefully unqualified, he still managed to help somewhat, being able to use the experimental prototype vacuum to capture the last of the escaped experiments, with the help of friends of course. Eventually though, he found a real calling. Something that had meaning to him, that he believed in, that he could truly get behind and enjoy. He joined Horizon as an engineer, having been suggested for the position by one of his best friends, the CEO of the company himself, Gary Noose. Er, well, Gary Jelioviasi now. Gary even helped him get out of his deal with the devil, so now he was a free man, whose arms were his own.

    For Better and For Worse:

    Things have a funny way of working out. That monster that was haunting Mir’s nightmares for the longest time, Kuishinbo, it showed up again. But this time, Mir was ready. With the help of the other people who Kuishinbo was assaulting, they managed to slay the beast once and for all, the plasma tank in it’s gullet bursting it into a fiery mound of ash and bone. But the pants… The pants returned, and this time they were threatening him. It wasn’t long after that a close friend of his went missing, and he knew there was only one thing he could do. He put it all on the line to try and help find her, working together with another friend, and a man who before then he’d never met. Their search led them to destroy a cult, travel to the edges of the known galaxy, fight pirates, and even destroy a black hole. In the process, Mir lost both his legs, but he didn’t have time to get them cloned. The recovery would take too long, so for now he was stuck with prosthetic replacements. But after all that searching, they eventually discovered that she was close to home. Purgatory. Or namely, underneath it. The vast expanse of caves and death that is the Undercrypt, was where she was held. Six entered, but at the end of it all, Seven left. Along the way, they were all forced to confront their pasts, and Mir lost multiple pieces of his own in the process. But it was all worth it, because in the end, they managed to rescue a friend from a fate worse than death.

    Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places:

    So, with Mir’s friend rescued, and both his legs missing, another of Mir’s friends thought it was high time he got out onto the dating scene. After bribing him with some fresh, cloned legs, he was convinced to sign up for a dating show called Destined Hearts. Yes, that Destined Hearts. It was no dating show at all, but a ploy for Galadrian and Aixar, hosts of the two events Mir had joined previously, to get people to torture. Literally, torturing them on live television. Mir was locked in a room for two days without food, and when he thought he could finally leave the walls closed in on him. He couldn’t find the key in time, so it was only by the grace of the hosts that he managed to survive at all, but his legs were critically damaged in the incident. After a short mock-date, Mir was thrust into Baldr’s, where the forlorn held him in captivity for longer until Gary was able to negotiate his release.

    No Legs to Stand On:

    After his release, Lillian made good on her promise and got him a nice pair of new, fleshy legs. During his recovery, he also opted to get an implant at the base of his neck, at the suggestion of his good ‘ol friend Gary. However, because the gods ordained that there were now too many legs in the universe, he was assaulted by a mugger while still on crutches to pay for his hubris. And rather than getting mugged, he obliterated one of the mugger’s legs and left. The power of Gravity fists, baby. However, the leg-themed torment didn’t end there, because the Pants were Back. This time though, Mir was able to divine where they came from, and mounted an expedition to stop them once and for all, for the first time.

    <Insert Joke Here>:

    New Dildo. The pants were in New Dildo. Yes. Laugh Now. Anyways, Mir launched an attack on the Just Jeans factory in New Dildo, Canada, where he and his friends were assaulted by wave after wave of walking, fighting pants. The final boss of their Denim Delve was a house-sized mech, which Mir managed to take down by exploiting it’s obvious weak point, aka the large red button that said “Off Switch”. Yeah, he was fighting that kind of villain. Afterwards, they all got coupons for free jeans, and a bunch of blueberry muffins.

    - The Killfucker Saga -

    When Mir became a senator, it came to his realization that literally every other senator had a last name, he was the only one without one. Needing a last name, he went to his only senator friend for advice, Dave. Dave had... interesting suggestions, suggestions that Mir jokingly said he would use if Dave could beat him in a boxing match. Well, The match took place right after The Artist stole his arm, so he wasn't in tip top fighting condition. Nonetheless, he went through with his bet, and lost. He earned the last name Killfucker, which he has been doing his best to conceal from others.

    Politics Suck. AKA Kidnapping 2, Electric Boogaloo:

    Mir, at the behest of his friend Dave, decided to run for senate. And he… actually got in? Despite having never been a politician before, he was now helping run one of the largest nations in the fringe. And then he immediately got kidnapped by a baby, who forced him to sponsor a bill that would legalize evil. The bill was never passed, thankfully. Shortly afterwards, his left arm was stolen by a Floran artist with a visitant symbiote. Mir then had to track down the artist, to keep them from hurting anyone else. After luring them from hiding, and a climactic showdown that involved Mir rocketing through the air to tackle someone into a fire escape, the artist was apprehended. And then everything in his office got stolen, because you know being a senator didn’t suck enough yet. A harlequin stole everything he owned in his office, before painting the whole thing like a mirror. Because his name was Mir. What an expensive pun…

    You’re a Wizard, Harry:

    For anyone else, things would have started calming down. But for Mir, the weirdness only continued getting more and more extreme. His former boxing partner, Arjun Kapur, approached him with some… interesting news. News he didn’t know how to take, not in the slightest. At first, Mir refused to believe him, to think that these things could be happening to him. However, after being dragged out into the middle of nowhere, and forced to stare into the rain until his face was dry, he believed him. On the topic of Boxing, that was how he was coping with all the stress that senatorship was causing him, to mixed results. He lost his first televised match alongside Arbiter Orange, and with that he was out of the season. Until he was invited back, and lost a second time. Yeah, once he was on stage, he wasn’t as good as when the lights weren’t on him.

    ***, *****, and Rock and Roll

    Mir’s sanity was draining away from all the stress of being a senator, and boxing wasn’t enough to take his mind off of it. He needed to find a form of escapism, and he found that in drugs. A quick trip to a local shop on Haven that had recently re-opened welcomed him to the wonderful world of drugs, and he forgot about his stress for awhile. More importantly however, it was that trip to the shop that introduced him to the person he would eventually fall in love with, an anoloa named Radi. A bit after they started dating, Mir decided to resign from senate, because he wasn’t even getting the things done that he had wanted to get done, and was too busy just trying not to get assassinated.

    One Bad Week:

    It all started on Sunday, when he met two people, who would both go on to impact him negatively. First was a clone of his boss and friend, Gary Jelioviasi. This clone caused Mir to go into a mental breakdown, because as it turned out they were one of thousands of clones of Gary. Gary, apparently, had no clue about this. The other person, was an android. One who lived for the sake of revenge, and would eventually lead to Mir going to therapy. Still, this was not the end of Sunday. Sunday ended with a bang, or perhaps many, many bangs would be better to describe it. A massive shoot out broke out in the club Mir was in, ending in the death of a legionnaire. This legionnaire was someone Mir was afraid of, but he still thought that all the violence in the club was a horrible thing.

    Manic Monday:

    Next was Monday, and a new day brought new trials and tribulations. The day started out rather well, with Mir trying out a new invention he had been working on. A mouthpiece that'd let someone filter oxygen from the water, enabling them to stay underwater as long as the battery lasted. This test went swimmingly, with him being able to stay on the ocean floor for a bit and acquire some seashells. But good things cannot last, especially not during One Bad Week. Upon exiting the ocean, he was met with a new threat, a doom lord, or as they called themselves a doom lady, named Spinneryst. They appeared to be a walking tree, but with a mean streak a mile long. After Mir refused their demand that he vandalize public property, he was forced to flee as they broke a lantern against his leg. After swimming the full length of the dock to avoid retribution, he managed to get help from a few of his friends, namely Xex and Seru. They helped patch his leg up and get him to a hospital.

    Terrible Tuesday:

    The third day was Tuesday, which faced him less with physical distress and more with the mental variety. He had been invited to a Feast, a feast on La'Megoth. And it was an invitation he couldn't refuse. Mir knew what to expect, but the horrors of the feast still took their toll on him. As a survivor of Xenophagey, watching these people tear into a human corpse with reckless abandon, going so far as to eat the fingers like they were wings... It was horrific. And the heinous debauchery of that night culminated in a live fight mere feet from the dining table, ending in both participants horrifically wounded. That was... enough to make him consider a serious change of lifestyle. This night would eventually end with him deciding to become a vegetarian, as he couldn't eat anymore without thinking to the sights he had seen then.

    Woeful Wednesday:

    Having not eaten anything since Monday, Mir's first order of business was to try and get some food, maybe talk to some friends while he ate. His friends were in a cafe, so he figured maybe getting some pastries would be good. He hadn't had a good scone in awhile, after all. But on his way to the table, a goblin, an actual real goblin, snuck up on him and absconded with all his confections. While this wasn't necessarily that bad, Mir was already in a sour mood from his last three days, and this wasn't helping at all.


    Thursday was perhaps the least unpleasant day he had that week. And he literally got drowned on thursday. Like literally, someone forced him underwater for a solid fifteen minutes, trying their hardest to drown him. And the strangest thing was, they were doing that for his own good. They literally asked if he was okay with being drowned first.

    Frenetic Friday:

    Thursday may have been the least unpleasant, but Friday was the most pleasant day. Mir was working his first day at his new part time job! He was working retail at the apothecary in Haven. And it was... certainly an interesting day. He managed to secure a massive sale for the apothecary, however he got shot trying to stop a robbery. Someone was stealing 30 pixels worth of honey. And when he asked them to pay, instead of saying no they just shot him. Like, with a crossbow. Straight through his arm. After laying on the ground screaming for awhile, more employees finally showed up. But the robbery was already over, and the damage had been done. On the bright side, Mir's arm was prosthetic, so he didn't bleed on his uniform. Would just be a quick mend. Afterwards, was something Mir expected even less than being shot. When the rest of the apothecary staff showed up, Radi off-handedly asked if Mir wanted to get married. In the moment, Mir was too panicked to respond, but after taking time to collect his thought he said yes! After that, there was a constant stream of people wanting to buy things. Mir was already tired after being shot, he could barely keep up with them all. But it helped familiarize him with all the cool things for sale, such as the crystal infused swords, which could channel various elements through them. One could electrify itself, one could ignite it's blade, they were rather cool. So yeah, the most pleasant day, but not the least unpleasant.

    Sorrowful Saturday:

    Saturday was another day that wore on Mir more Mentally than Physically. He had wanted to go and share a meal with some of his friends, however he was constantly accosted in his attempts. First by Septimus Tran, who he actually had a pretty pleasant conversation with, and then by Endy Klein. Endy had seemingly made it her mission to dig on every mental scar Mir had, all at once. His extreme dislike of cannibals, his past as a test subject, even The Show that he was on. By the time all was said and done, he was on the verge of becoming a wreck. However, the conversation ended with the both of them resolving to get therapy, both for their own reasons.

    S-two-pid Sunday:

    This day was the culmination off the week, the coup de grace. Moneybags. He was the second person Evil Incorporated had sent after him, but this was the first time he was successful in fighting them off. But at what cost? He was not attacked by Moneybags, but rather by the man's robot. Luckily, Mir had his cane with him because he still had a bit of a limp from Monday. Good thing too, because his cane doubled as a plasma rifle, albeit with fewer shots than your standard one. After destroying the robot, he was held up by a pink haired Nas'knif, who insisted that he pay her a ludicrous amount of money in exchange for simply being thrown off the bridge. She had a hold on his arms, so he couldn't escape without her help. After submitting to their demands, he managed to hide at the bottom of the river until trouble was over. But unfortunately, a friend of his was captured in the fight. A pirate captain named Endy Klein, who rushed to his aid the second things started to go down. Yes, the same Endy Klein who the day prior had dug up every single old wound he had.

    - The Tahiti Saga -

    Unbeknownst to Mir, the only reason Radi proposed to him was because he figured it’d help Mir get out of his bet, and let him change his last name. And change his last name he did, with the two of them coming up with “Tahiti” together. Had nice ring to it.

    Ashes, Ashes, We all Fall Down:

    People... died. People he knew, they just... *died*. That'd never happened before, he didn't know what to think of it all... First was Endy, whose death he found out about over the nexus. That... hit him hard, it was the first time a friend had died. Then, there was Xander and Robin, both of whom he wasn't as close to, but to still lose two other people like that, he hadn't been through a thing like that before... And oddly enough, they all came back. But none of them cloned, they all... came back in such... bizarre ways. He didn't know what to think about it anymore. To lose three people, then have them all return.

    Slipping Away:

    Mir memory issues started getting worse and worse, with him not knowing why. Eventually it got so bad that everyone in the chatroom he was in forced him to go to the hospital, thinking he might actually have brain damage. And then, well, it turned out that he had brain damage. He was in there for a long time after his surgery, recovering. A few friends visited, including Tart, who gave him a nice scarf. He started wearing it instead of his hat, which was good for him, because he started realizing that his hat was… talking to him. Sending him subliminal messages, trying to tell him to do bad things. Not like terrible things, but still bad ones. Some sort of chaotic-neutral ghost who just wanted to spread chaos, he thought. Didn’t occur to him that someone installed speakers in the thing.

    <Insert Joke Here> 2, Electric Boogalo. The Pants Return:

    Pants... You think you've seen them for the last time, but they keep coming back. Denim cannot be kept down, not forever. It'll always find a way back into your life. Sometimes, in the most unexpected forms. Denim had gained Flesh, had become Human. Er, well, Avian. A perfect copy, made entirely of Denim, save some mechanical internals. They came into Mir's life like a blur, and decided to make it hell. After beating him to within an inch of his life, this denim doppelganger was forced to run away when Mir self-destructed his arm right in the bot's torso, in a last ditch effort. Afterwords, he was forced to Reconvene the pants crusaders. This time, the crew had two new members, but had lost one from years past. Mir, along with Seru, Naokii, and Zelis, as well as two Newcomers in Saui and Kristina, returned to New Dildo to set some wrongs right. But the stakes, the stakes were far higher. A whole planet hung in the balance, as Denimir threatened to be a force that would take over all of Canada, if not stopped in their tracks.

    As the stakes rose, old rivalries were set aside, for the good of all. Dr. Trousers Timothy Pants himself joined in on the efforts, supplying the intrepid crew with GARGUANITUS PANTINATOR 2, a pants-shaped mech with plasma cannons, buzzsaw arms, and even a pants cannon. After fighting a giant amorphous blob of denim, thousands upon thousands of pairs of jeans combined together, they made their way to the Factory, which Denimir had taken over, retooling the machines for their own nefarious purposes. But what would await our heroes inside?

    What awaited our heroes inside, was... A turbulent fight. Denim Mir had upgraded himself into Ballistic Fibre Mir, and built four additional Ballistic Fibre Fiends. Ballistic Zelis, Ballistic Laura, Ballistic Seru, and Ballistic Naokii. Our heroes valiantly fought off the hoard until backup could arrive in the form of Susan O. Dunwittit, Dr. Pants's secretary. But the relief was short lived, as Ballistic Mir, being the last Denimbot left, upgraded himself once again, retooling himself with metal plating to become Metal Mir. Metal Mir took Susan hostage, and our intrepid heroes were on their last legs, when Dr. Trousers Timothy Pants showed up at the 11th hour with the override key. Or rather, what *looked* like the override key, because once Metal Mir snatched it up in his hands, it was revealed to actually be a kill code! The victory came at a heavy cost though, as Dr. Pants was nearly killed in the altercation.

    Love and Marriage:

    On January 27th, 3288, Mir and Radi got married on the beach in Rendera. After months of planning, the big day had finally arrived. There was a small celebration, with some House Luo members and some of Mir’s friends as well, and all in all it was a very happy day. Half a month later, on valentine’s day, they had their honeymoon. A fishing trip in the Renderan sea, despite neither of them knowing anything about fishing. Or driving a boat. The day was one misstep after another, starting with both of their phones being destroyed, before their boat ran out of power, and eventually Mir was tackled to the ground by a giant fish that wanted to eat him. Luckily, Radi decided to bring a gun on their honeymoon, otherwise Mir might’ve been fish food. As night fell, the coral reef of Haven started to come to life, letting out a luminous glow that made them forget all the missteps of the day. After all, the bad things don’t matter as much when you’ve got plenty that’s good.

    A Return to Red:

    Eventually, Mir contracted Vampyrism. What would have been obvious to anyone with a few more brain cells was a mystery to Mir, because he didn’t realize what was causing his sudden change in feather color. After all, his feathers used to be red at one point, so maybe they were just changing back. The uh… Eye thing was something else. Mir quickly found that he couldn’t really stand lights of any type anymore, they were all too bright to him. Eventually, at the heeding of his friend and doctor Adela Jirill, he decided to go to the hospital and get tested. Yep, that’s Vampyrism alright. Mir went through with a procedure that halted the mutations, because he was afraid of the prospect of his beak falling off. A second time.

    Unlicensed Therapy:

    Mir was still having issues with his stress and second guess himself, even all this time after leaving senate. He could hardly make a single decision without spending the next however long wondering if he made the right choice or not. Radi, hoping to try and help him with this, tried convincing Mir to try things he might not’ve otherwise, hoping that it’d help him with his second guessing himself. As a result of this, Mir decided to enter Real Durasteel, a mech fighting contest. Mir, a mech fighter? He’d never even seen a mech in person before, let alone piloted one. But hey, why second guess yourself, it sounds fun?

    I Hate Television:
    I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television I Hate Television

    After going on a roller coaster ride of death, with the only options being to fight or to die, Mir looked deep inside himself, and made a realization. Violence is the only thing the bastards out here will listen to, If you gotta kill to keep yourself alive then do it.

    Fight Night:
    Mir entered a fighting contest being sponsored by a close friend of his, hoping he'd get the chance to get into some fun fights. He uh... lost immediately. Like, the shortest match of any one of them. Kinda just got btfo'd, honestly. He's many things, but a swordsman is most assuredly not one of them. Certainly not a good one, anyhow. But regardless, it wasn't all a waste of time, after all he made a new friend in Dyz, having gotten to know them through their pre-tournament spars together. Well, spars is one way to put it. It was definately far more one-sided than your average spar. Just like his match was far more one-sided than the average match.


    Reference Images



    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
  2. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Character Opinions (No particular order):

    Radi: I love him more than anyone else in the galaxy, he makes me feel like everything the fringe has put me through has been worth it

    Gary: One of my closest friends, and also my boss. I'd probably be dead without his help, honestly.

    Adela: I'd trust her with anything, she's a really good friend. I'm really glad things've been going better for you since you got back.

    Tahi: Cool guy, but we don't really talk much. He and Adela are good for eachother.

    Tart: I'm glad things didn't get awkward between us, but... could you maybe stop messaging me after every date you go on. I mean I'm glad you're having fun, at least.

    Kaiko: I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't given me that advice, so... Thanks. Feels like you really saved me there. Maybe uh... ease up on the jokes though, just a little please.

    Belle: I wish we could get to talk more, you're really cool. I'm uh... sorry for that time I tried to beat a guy to death on the stairs.

    Chalk: Cool dude, wish we could talk more. Art's pretty cool too.

    Theodora: I'll always be here for you, okay? I'd appreciate if you uh... stopped trying to strangle me though.

    Saoi: Our first date was pretty fun! I hope we get to go on a second one soon.

    Thalass: I'm... sorry that I kinda get nervous when you're around. It's not your fault, it's just that necklace...

    Arjun: Your plans may be, less than the most well thought out. Most of the time they're pretty bad. But at least you keep me in the loop on them so I can try and steer them in a better direction.

    Seru: Thanks for always helping me when I need it, especially when pants are involved. And uh... Thanks for standing up for me. Know I have trouble doing it myself. Hope you enjoy the house.

    Dave: One of the first friends I made after I decided to re-enter the fringe at large. I... feel like we've drifted apart a bit, and I'm sorry for that. I'm just really afraid of your boyfriend. Just... always been afraid of merc's, y'know? Can never really tell if you can trust 'em or not.

    Kathy: I'm so, so sorry for what happened to you... I'm happy we were at least able to go our separate ways.

    Crimes Johnson: One of these days, I'll pay you back for what you did... Just you wait...

    Rose: If I were the only one you'd wronged, I may have forgiven you. But you've wronged so many, and you've wronged them so terribly.

    Dyz: Bit of a kindred spirit, I suppose. Both got out here about the same way, for about the same reason. Hope the future treats her better than the past has, she deserves as much.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
    MaskedHero and ThatCabbage like this.
  3. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I... I haven't updated this in awhile, Damn. You know what that means, time for the BEEG UPDATE
  4. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    I literally just updated it, but I forgot something very important. Mir's Bet. The Last Name Saga.
    ThatCabbage and SilverGallium like this.
  5. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Update: Some updates cover everything that happened over the course of months, however sometimes you have a really eventful couple of days. Sometimes, you have One Bad Week.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  6. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Update: Decided to add some more events that have happened, just realized I haven't been keeping this updated.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  7. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Update: Denim Saga Redux has concluded, and the remainder of what happened has been added.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  8. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Update: Mir just remembered he's ***thirty years old***, in addition to other things. Other things happened as well.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  9. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Update: Made some changes that I hope make it significantly easier to read, damn that was a nightmare
    ThatCabbage and SilverGallium like this.
  10. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Update: Added his opinion on some characters as well, might add more later I dunno
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  11. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Updated in light of recent events
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  12. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Updated with a recent event and also a voice reference. Because I realized it's fitting. And also funny. And also fitting.