Nanotechnology W17

Discussion in 'Denied' started by 17, Mar 3, 2020.

  1. 17

    17 The Shining Wife Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: W17 (Widmo-17)
    Description: A device of size of cecum's end, located where the appendix usually is. It dispenses small aegisalt nanocells which cover the user's body and cloak them.

    How does it work: Upon activation the user's surface is layered with aegisalt nanocells - receptors (which consist of input and output), which send the information about the light to the device, which then sends the computed orders to the target receptor, finally cloaking the user. Depending on the mode, more kinds of nanocells may be used.

    It has two modes:
    • Cloaking - 6 seconds after activation the user becomes well-cloaked, yet not invisible. Significant movement is possible without severe ripples, at least against dim backgrounds. The power supply allows for approximately 17 minutes of continuous cloaking.
    • Chameleon - Uses additional 2 different kinds of nanocells (3 in total, over 3 layers). Upon activation, over the course of 6 seconds the user is coated in the receptor nanocells (the same used in Cloaking mode that collect the information) and 2 cloaking layers. The receptors collect the 'light' and then the additional 2 layers shift on top of the receptors, cloaking the user over the next 6 seconds. The topmost layer consists of nanocells coated in crystalline guanine, forming a dynamic lattice while the layer under it contains nanocells with pigments. Spacing between the nanocrystals can be manipulated, which in turn affects which wavelengths of light are reflected and which are absorbed. All this allows the user to become completely invisible to naked eye, granted they stay still. Any change requires the receptors to shift on top of the layer structure, get new data, then come back and allow the 'skin' to adapt, which takes 6 seconds. Lack of 'output' nanocells (replaced with pigments) significantly lowers the power usage. Assuming the user can afford not to move for so long, they can stay cloaked for 170 hours.

    Abilities: Actively cloaks the user, greatly (Cloaking mode) or completely (Chameleon mode) reducing their visibility to the naked eye when standing still.
    Conditional abilities (optional): Being made of aegisalt, the nanocells partially cloak the user's heat signature (only in Cloaking mode).

    Limitations: Long activation times when compared to other means of cloaking (especially Chameleon mode, which is whopping 12 seconds). The device itself is susceptible to EMPs. The hit nanocells will withdraw back into the device (which takes 6 seconds). Device affected by EMP will 'freeze' the nanocells in place for several minutes. Stronger EMPs will disable the device for good. It's obviously useless in direct combat.
    Conditional limitations (optional): The cloaking is not perfect (a 'ghostly' image of the user can be seen), especially against very bright and smooth backgrounds (Cloaking mode). The ripples (latency) will occur when moving at high speeds in Cloaking mode. In Chameleon mode any movement (except the obvious unavoidable slight movement) will make the user look like they were walking straight out of a painting. Temperatures above 600°C completely destroy the nanocells. 'Spraying' the person using Cloaking mode will not give much effect, as any small objects that stick to them will be quickly cloaked, although anything that drips/falls off of them will become instantly visible. In Chameleon mode they are going to be visible for at least 6 seconds. A possible counter may be nanocells that force themselves on top of the native cloaking nanocells and interrupt the cloaking process.

    Flavor text: Fascinated by an alien birds of certain species, which could blend into the landscape while resting, Misery decided to create a device which would use similar techniques, but mechanical. She used it mainly for observing wildlife and hunting. She attached the device to cecum, in appendix's place. It is controlled by tapping a specific place in her body with a finger. (I'd rather keep this secret if possible. I can elaborate on it more in DMs if needed)

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): Previous app
    Attainability: [Open]
    Tags: [Civilian]
    Category: Nanotechnology
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    There's numerous issues here. My biggest gripe, and why this is being given a failure instead of trying to work through the other issues, is it's usage of nanotechnology. Deploying nanomachines around the user to form a suit is, frankly speaking, too much. It creates all sorts of issues while also setting a bad precedent.

    That said, I've other issues with this application. Them being:
    - It's location. If the device is stored inside the body, then how do the ageisalt nanocells exit?
    - Again, it's location. If it is stored inside the body, how is it recharged?
    - The inability to fool or otherwise counteract the cloaking.
    - Attainability. Though you do not say it, it appears this is meant to be for Misery's exclusive use. We do not allow this. As stated on the tech application guidelines there should be some way for characters to obtain such an technology, whether it be through purchasing from a Nexus store, participation in an event, or from a species or faction. I would even argue that something like this should be open, as there's little reason someone else simply couldn't invent it.

    Finally, a technology like this does not feel particularly needed. You're on record saying that we should be a bit more conservative and strict with what we add to the server setting and GC already has three different applications that all fulfill similar purposes while still offering their own niches. W17 doesn't offer much different than the other three other than... simply being better.
  3. 17

    17 The Shining Wife Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    • Nanocells could exit through the skin. I did not specify this because I had no idea how big these are. I wanted to ask but I don't have access to GC Discord and staff remains largely unresponsive in DMs.
    • I assumed it's recharged wirelessly. If not, it could be recharged via the mentioned spot that controls it.
    • There are many ways to fool/counteract the cloaking: looking at the cloaked user through different parts of the spectrum, throwing/spraying the user with something, EMP, forcing them to move or even just shining bright light at them.
    • Changing the attainability to [Open]. When I wrote this, I had this specific device in mind, rather than the technology. Thus the mistake.
    • The location of the device cannot be changed, at least not retroactively. My character has used the device literally for years (after it was accepted and then some day denied out of the blue) and it has directly impacted my and other character stories. It could be moved out of the body, but as I said - not retroactively.
    • The purpose of this technology is to be a cloaking device that's worse (you pretty much cannot move unless it's really dim) than the applications you mentioned (Which I have seen. Also the last link you posted does not work), but always available (always with the user) - unlike the external cloaking devices.
    • I believe we should be more conservative and strict with what we add to the server setting. But my device is not ridiculous pseudoscience and thematically fits into the sci-fi setting without setting up any limits. This isn't somehow warping the light around my character nor summoning photons from hyperspace. It's just simple nanotechnology. I'm not making this tech application 'just for fun', but rather because it's required and I have already used the device in the past.
    • I'm willing to rewrite the nanotechnology aspect of it if that's required. I assumed that with the technological advancement we have in the setting (warping space around the star ships, controlling lightning with laser, conjuring literal rocks using energy, employing phase matter for scanning or shooting blood out of your eyes up to 3 meters without any significant consequences) a simple set of nanodrones that move and glow wouldn't be an issue.
    • "Deploying nanomachines around the user to form a suit is, frankly speaking, too much." Claytronic Mesh does with that, but even more.
  4. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Thank you for your response 17. I will not be changing my grade, but to respond to your points:

    - Nanomachines on GC are approximately the size of red blood cells, or about 6 to 8 micrometers. Regardless, they couldn't just magically pass through the skin.
    - I don't know why you thought electricity can be transferred wirelessly. Recharging it through the spot that controls it wouldn't work either unless there were a port on the exterior of Misery's body connecting to the device.
    - You stated in the application that spraying a person using cloaking mode would not work, as anything sticking to the exterior becomes cloaked as well. Additionally, if the suit cloaks the user's heat signature, which has issues of it's own, then infrared, probably the most effective way of finding an invisible individual typically, wouldn't work.
    - "Simple" and "nanodrones" do not go together. Nanotechnology isn't simple in the slightest. It's relatively rare in the Fringe and expensive to produce regardless. Regardless, anything dealing with nanomachines such as this has to be handled carefully. As you said, it's always with it's user. That can lead to a lot of issues in RP. Compared to a machine that creates peddles.
    - You seem to misunderstand what claytronic mesh is. It doesn't form a suit around it's user like W17 does but rather is an actual suit you have to put on and wear.

    Regardless, if I thought this application could be passable without a total reworking of the concept I would not have given it a failed. My grade has not changed.
  5. 17

    17 The Shining Wife Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    • By wirelessly I meant 'without a plug'. Also, the controlling spot I mentioned is not organic, but mechanic - it could definitely be connected with W17 and used to charge it. That spot could also be used to dispense the cloaking receptors instead of the skin.
    • Spraying someone would definitely work, but only for a brief moment (in Cloaking mode). Due to the nature of the device, it'd quickly 'cover up' the 'paint' particles. The larger the object (in terms of surface area), the longer it takes to cloak it. So small liquid particles wouldn't be an issue. Getting hit with tinten projectiles would be more effective. Touch someone cloaked and they will immediately appear, as the drones would fail to cover up two bodies. Spraying someone in Chameleon mode would make them visible for much longer.
    • Read my app again. I said that it partially hides the user from infrared. It simply lowers the 'heat' of their heat image, but does not hide them. It's human's heat, but lower. Not invisible. It also takes place in the Cloaking mode.
    • I used nanodrones because that's what I thought would fit. If there's any other way it could be done (like larger drones that aren't 'nano' but can still cover the body), let me know. I do not see how it can 'lead to a lot of issues in RP'. I have used it countless times and there was never a single issue; it is well balanced, people were able to counter it and it proved to be a very interesting RP mechanic. It's useless in direct combat, so you cannot abuse it that way.
    • It cannot be something you can put on. It must be something that runs over one's body and its controlling unit is located inside the body - that's how I RPed it and that's how other characters remember it as. Changing it would clash with what has already happened.
  6. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Seconding Skid’s fail grade for the reasons he listed above. You have three more chances to repost revised versions of this application as a separate thread, as per the application guidelines.
    In my personal opinion, a nanobot-based invisibility cloak is something you could definitely have passed, but the nanobots would need to be the appropriate size (6–8 μm or larger), have a sufficiently large hole in the body to exit through, lack immunity to paint sprays without a mechanism to clean itself, and produce a generally lower quality cloak than a claytronic mesh. In this case, the nanobots should be sacrificing cloak quality for ease of access. A suit you have to spend several minutes changing into is generally going to always produce a better invisibility cloak than a set of nanobots that you always have with you.
    Additionally, keep in mind the risks associated with having nanites that can creep into your body cavity at any time- you don’t want paint, dirt, mud, or bacteria clinging onto your nanites being wiped onto your organs. Maybe consider adding a cleaning mechanism to the app, or add that there’s a risk of illness if the nanites are soiled in any way.
    Locking and moving.