Water Elementals

Discussion in 'Approved' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Water Elementals, Aqua incarnate

    Water Elementals are typical large beings composed entirely of water, moved with a copious amounts of controllable liquid nanomachines powered by nanomachines of zero-point energy generators along with clumps of nanomachines acting as magnetic field generators to guard against EMP attacks; a singular entity composed of a massive array of interconnected nanomachines, washing over terrain and having a natural affinity for fluid movement. Their waters can be of different compositions such as freshwater or saline water, depending most often on the environment, and they can actually change out their water as the Water Elemental itself is not the liquid, but rather the many nanomachines that allow the liquid to be controlled. This is why in places of much water, they can be extremely powerful, able to continuously draw from the power of water.

    One other powerful thing about Water Elementals is their ability to shapeshift and change at any given moment; many take a humanoid form as pictured above, though some may become worms or other things, and some may even disguise themselves into a puddle or other container, striking when an adventurer happens near. They can also morph themselves to seep through cracks and other tight spots, and use their ability to control water to attack their enemies; bashing poor people with waves of water, drowning people, or even freezing their arms into blades of ice that they stab with or freezing water below them to slip enemies.

    Behavior: Water Elementals are solitary beings, wandering around with little purpose. They are not as aggressive as their fiery counterparts, Fire Elementals, but are still quite the force to be reckoned with if one happened upon the waters they claim as their territories.

    : Water Elementals are typically untamable, unless one were to artifically create one by programming a vast amount of the nanomachines.

    Where is it found?: Most typically, Water Elementals can be found in the Boreas level of the Undercrypt, frigid caverns of water and ice. However, many times they can be found on other planets, typically ocean or icy, whether it be of relocation of their own volition, they were created there, or brought there by something.

    Rarity: Fairly uncommon

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Water Elementals are autotrophic, obtaining energy from their own zero-point generator nanomachines.

    Products?: If one were to somehow obtain the nanomachines, they could utilize them for their own purposes; small water elementals inside bottles are popular as pets as well.

    Reproduction: Water Elementals, being synthetic beings, do not reproduce.

    Size: Extremely variable; most water elementals are larger than humans at around 8' high, though nothing truly stops them from being as small as an insect, to as large as an ocean wave.

    Weight: Take the volume of the Water Elemental and take the weight of water for that volume, and multiply that by 1.2 to account for the nanomachines.

    Lifespan: Their zero-point energy generators only last so long, and they will die in 200 years unless replaced by an external force.


    Ability to control water to move, shapeshift, bash people, etc.
    Ability to freeze water into various things for creative uses.

    It only has minor protection from EMPs; EMPs will not instantly destroy it, but will disable it for three seconds into a puddle, and reduce its volume by a sixth.

    Weak against heat attacks; lasers can destroy their nanomachines and may vaporize their water if they do not have an external source.

    Their water can only be moved to a range of up to 10 feet away from their bodies; this also means that they are capable of splitting themselves.

    Other: These could probably be made into intelligent PCs if someone wanted, though it'd require an actual core with a processor. Probably. Also, 100 pounds of nanites = 36 gallons of water.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2022