Nanotechnology Neuro Imprinter

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Khaos, Dec 23, 2020.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Neuro Imprinter

    The neuro imprinter consists of two different devices.
    Firstly, the implant. This implant is designed to be built into the back of the skull of organic individuals, where it has access to the brain and the brain stem. This implant, given its delicate nature, is almost always EMP shielded, with all ports/slots on it protected with cerulium covers.
    Second are the chips. Neuro imprinter chips are designed to be inserted into the implant, in a specific port designed for it.

    • Allows a user to learn a skill, be that practical or formal, by purchasing and inserting special chips into their implant. The scale of time in which the implant imprints knowledge versus the average time to learn the skill formally is 1 month versus 1 year.
    • EMP Proofed. Without this feature, any EMP would either be a death sentence in the form of a coma, or a one way trip to the looney bin. This does come at a cost of having no remote access to the device, though that may be a blessing given how invasive it is to one's most vital organ.

    • DRM. Chips use advanced serial-code like features in order to uniquely identify themselves, and once a chip has been used and removed from the implant, its contents are fried for good.
    • Chips must be created by subjecting a 'donor' individual with the desired skill to invasive examination, often involving long hours accessing their memory with live brainscans and other technologies related to the viewing and retrieval of memories. This takes up to 21 days, assuming the donor is available for at least 8 hours each day.
    • Legitimate chips tend to be pretty expensive. Not just because of the long task of working with a donor that both has excellent knowledge and capability in the desired skill and stable mind, but because the donor tends to take a decent cut of earnings from their own line of chips.
    • Just because someone used a neuro imprinter to learn advanced physics does not mean they have a PHD.
    • The neuro imprinter is additionally limited in the user's 'legibility', or capacity to apply learned information. Learning rocket science doesn't mean jack if a user is horrible at math, for example.
    • Knowledge gained from neuro imprinters stands to be forgotten more easily than regular memory, unless the user actively works in a field related to this knowledge, or directly applies it in some form or another in their life in order to mix the memory of that knowledge with new memories.
    • Donors these chips are based on must have an organic, carbon-based brain.
    • It cannot transfer abnormal brain functions (such as psionic abilities), nor can it transfer muscle memory on its own. Muscle memory can develop quickly, but only in the application of whatever skill the imprinter trains.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • Damage to the implant while a chip is in the process of imprinting can have dangerous results. Damage may result in migraines, minor memory loss, loss of coordination, dizziness, blurred vision, and other symptoms related to brain damage.
    • Destruction of the implant while a chip is in the process of imprinting results in more severe harm. Comas, total paralysis, seizures, and even complete brain death are attributed. That said, to destroy a mostly internal implant located in the head in this manner, the user probably has bigger problems (Such as a bullet that passed through their noggin).
    • Faulty/black market chips may cause symptoms similar to implant damage, or imprint undesired information from a donor's psyche, all the while potentially without any of the benefits.
    • If used with the O.R.T. Chip, the user will experience a host of issues. In the best case scenario, the user will experience severe migraines among other symptoms of imprinter damage. The most common cases however, involve seizures, comas, and even severe disorders such as dementia and psychosis.
    How does it work:
    Neuro imprinters operate by taking a imprint from a donor's brain (in the form of chips), and using this information to modify existing tissue in the brain in order to recreate the connections and matter related to the desired skill of the donor.
    This grants the user knowledge, and sometimes even muscle-memory related to the field/subject of the gained skill.

    Flavor text:
    As the education process grew arduously longer for college students, as economies suffered, as militaries found themselves short on knowledgeable scientists, the concept of accelerated knowledge was a lucrative one.
    Neuro imprinters were designed as a high-class technology that allows user to gain knowledge and capability in a field in mere months rather than years. While they've not always been accepted everywhere as formal education, they've found use in and around the fringe for learning practical skills. Be it ship navigation, firearms knowledge, first aid, or any number of other skills both simpler and advanced, the neuro imprinter proves to save an individual's time- or at the very least provides them with an education they otherwise wouldn't be able to get.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): N/A

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: [Industrial]

    Category: Nanotechnology.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Issues talked over in private. Slapping on a first pass.
  3. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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