Melee Armaments Caster Swords

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Khaos, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Plasma Caster Sword, Hiroko Sword, Hylonime Bullshit, that Hiyodam sword that bisected that one actress

    A Caster Sword appears much like any plasma sword, though usually with a straight beam in place of a plasma blade, with a greater thickness. They are also a little heavier than their counterparts.

    • When swung, a caster blade sends an arc of plasma in that direction. The entire arc travels in the direction at the peak of the swing, meaning that the arc tends to not expand and instead remains consistent up until its max range of 20 meters.
    • For purposes of knowing how much damage this does to someone, receiving the majority of an arc is equivalent to being shot by a plasma caster weapon, and being clipped by the edge of it is akin to being shot with a plasma rifle.
    Conditional Abilities (Optional): N/A


    • As the sword needs to complete its arc before the plasma releases and flies towards a target, the attack is telegraphed.
    • The arc of plasma is slower than typical plasma projectiles, which is responsible for its relatively short range. It is possible for those who see it coming to get out of the way of an arc, given its telegraphed nature.
    • Unlike a plasma sword that maintains and holds onto its plasma reservoir, this sword consumes the plasma it 'throws' using a standard cartridge found in rifles/ranged casters. Ones that can fit comfortably into the hilt of the sword can store enough plasma to fire 8 arcs before needing to be replaced.
    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    • Not recommended for use in actual melee range, as the plasma generated by each swing does not fully cohere mid-swing, and the 'blade' itself is blunt and prone to shattering if colliding with an object. In this way it works like a very hot cudgel... if only just one time.
    • As one expects, a caster sword is vulnerable to an EMP and will cease operations if exposed. It is naught but a fragile cudgel until repaired.
    How does it work:
    The sword on a fundamental level is very similar to a plasma blade. Instead of using plasma to enhance the cutting edge of a ferozium blade, it uses a larger and more complex series of emitters and magnetic fields in the length of the 'blade'.

    More like a plasma rifle, caster, or other ranged plasma armaments, the blade generates a projectile of plasma contained with a magnetic field before accelerating it towards a target. Unlike those weapons though, the projectile is spread into a wide arc, making it an incredibly deadly weapon in the right hands.

    Flavor text:
    Not invented for the purposes of war, the Caster Sword was actually invented by Hiroko Studios, a live action arts and movie studio within Axolotian Space. The movie series these blades are renowned for, Hiyodam, interestingly was known to pull stunts to be as realistic as physically possible. To this end, they use real weapons in their stunts, with contractual agreements in which actors actually are killed (and then promptly cloned) during these aforementioned stunts. Now that the studio is facing a lot of flak for the dubious ethics of their casting, the blueprints for these weapons have been mysteriously appearing on dark-nex forums and in the hands of fans and fringe psychopaths alike.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional): Plasma Blades

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Melee Armaments
    Teldrassil and Ryanatorx like this.
  2. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Khaos likes this.
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second Pass!