Ranged Armaments MiMES

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cheffy, Jul 1, 2023.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Micro-Missile Ejection System, MiMES, Mickeys, Magic Missiles

    A USCM MiME rifle.
    MiME weaponry has no set appearance, it varies from sleek and advanced, to bulky and primitive. No matter what though, MiME weaponry is identifiable by its oversized barrel, visible laser-guidance suite, and large magazine filled with micro-missiles.


    MiME ammunition come in three distinct sizes and vary on the damage they deal depending on the one in use. Small MiME projectiles create a blast radius with a diameter of 16 mm (roughly the size of a marble), medium MiME projectiles create a blast radius with a diameter of 44 mm (roughly the size of a golfball), large MiME projectiles create a blast radius with a diameter of 75 mm (roughly the size of a baseball).

    MiME weapons and ammunition have soft-tracking built-in, allowing projectiles to follow their target as long as the weapon remains aimed at them due to a laser-guidance system.

    Conditional Abilities:

    MiME ammunition has variable warheads, able to swap out their explosive payload for other types including but not limited to; plasma, acid, incendiary, chemical, tranquilizer. However electro-magnetic pulse warheads aren't viable due to the weakness of being downscaled to such a level.

    Some variants of MiME weaponry forgo the laser-guidance, and instead function utilizing a separate dart projectile which the missiles attempt to fly towards instead.


    MiME weaponry is twice as heavy as any standard counterpart, both due to several systems built in that are essential, and the weight of their ammunition. Forcing the use of exo-suits, stabilization arms, or being inherently strong to use MiME weapons that fire medium or large projectiles.

    MiME weaponry's tracking ability isn't able to curve around corners due to its reliance on laser-guidance. Cover will interfere entirely with this system.

    MiME projectiles have a limited range due to their internal propellant supply. At most being able to go around one hundred meters before falling to the ground.

    MiME ammunition is considerably slower compared to a bullet. While you can't outrun it, you can certainly react before it makes impact. This means that a target can potentially dive behind cover, or use DASH or LYNX technology to avoid the projectile completely. Or in the case of MiME variants, to tug out the tracking dart.

    Electro-Magnetic Pulses instantly disable the tracking ability of MiME ammunition, turning them into dumbfire projectiles. Meanwhile, MiME weaponry is shut down for three turns while the important electrical systems reboot.

    Conditional Limitations:

    Smoke grenades or visually distortion can potentially interfere with MiME weaponry's tracking, as the weapon MUST stay pointed at the target in order to make contact. This also applies to the above mention DASH and LYNX technologies, as both will allow you to move faster than someone utilizing MiME weaponry can follow with their aim.

    MiME weaponry is easily as expensive as highly advanced laser weaponry, with its own expensive maintenance cost alongside that initial price. Additionally, MiME ammunition is considerably more expensive than any other type of ammunition used by handheld weaponry.

    How does it work:
    MiMES function in two distinct parts. The weapon, and the projectile.

    MiME weaponry is considerably simpler than the ammunition it fires, most of the time essentially being a laser-guidance system alongside a rapid autoloader, a transmitter and batteries built into a vague, bulky gun-shaped object. When the trigger of a MiME weapon is pulled, the in-built transmitter tells the projectile currently loaded to ignite its propellant- followed by a second command when it leaves the barrel to begin following the laser-guidance. To handle the exhaust of rapid firing, several vents line the side of the weapon which allow dispersion of heat and air. If the tracking dart variant of MiMES is being used, an underbarreled attachment is usually installed over a secondary weapon for firing the projectile.

    MiME ammunition is, essentially, a scaled-down missile. It uses a gimballing thruster to propel itself forward combined with control surfaces to stabilize or even change its trajectory. Each MiME round houses a warhead that normally contains explosives, although companies have put poison, acid, incendiary, gas, and many more other types of payload into the rounds. At the very end of each projectile is a small visual sensor designed to track the laser from the weapon itself, with each projectile automatically adjusting their trajectory in an attempt to hit the laser. The dart variant however receives information from the dart itself to tell the projectile where to go, and as such doesn't necessarily need line of sight- but it still can't shoot around corners.

    Flavor text:
    MiME weaponry in one form or another has existed for centuries, albeit in more or less advanced forms. Miniknog smart rifles, deadbeat gyrojet cannons... the list goes on. But up until the year 3290, no mass-produced version had ever been brought into the Fringe for manufacturing purposes.

    Early in the year 3290 the company ViraNil Armaments made the bold move to begin selling their version- not a true smart rifle, but not a dumbfire weapon either- to the Fringe. But in a series of unfortunate events, their cargo vessels were lost in a large-scale pirate raid where thousands of firearms and their blueprints were seized.

    Now, seven months later, they've begun to spread far and wide throughout the untamed frontier of the Galaxy. Dozens of independant companies manufacturing their own 'unique' model to sell to the masses, along with several nations funding the development of such a technology for their armies.

    But to the disappointment to many, the Fringe simply doesn't have the tech-level for true smart weaponry... One day that may change, but for now? MiME firearms will take their place.

    Referenced Technologies:
    Lynx, Energy Dash




    Ranged Armaments

    This app exists to properly codify a form of technology that has existed for a long time IC, and also exists IRL. As well as providing a more balanced form of "smart" guns that can be used IC based on video game weaponry such as the Half-Life rocket launcher and the Hurricane from DRG.​
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2025 at 11:55 PM
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    After some badgering you in DMs about names, explosion sizes, and broken images; First pass!
    Cheffy likes this.
  3. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Second pass, moving to approved.
    Cheffy likes this.