Awarded Medals
Awarded: Jul 27, 2021
Happily Married
Is it too late for a prenup? (Marry another character to unlock this achievement. Proof of the wedding must be provided.)
Awarded: Feb 1, 2021
Or How I Learned to Love Ship Combat. (Start an interstellar/multi-faction war within the server to unlock this achievement. Must be RPed properly as it is a significant event. )
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Death is Real
The story of your character has ended. With them gone forever, how will their comrades react? (Have one of your characters permanently killed. Be it by your own hand or by another. )
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Join the Fight! (This achievement is awarded to Galactic Citizens who devote themselves to a faction.)
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Self-published. (Have your lore or application passed by the staff team.)
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Helping Hand
“A helping hand put a little love in your heart." (Help out a fellow member in need!)
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Server Saint
The @everyone emperor. (Vote at least twenty-five days of a month for Galaxy Citizen on the server lister, accompanied with the Voter rank on Discord.)
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Server Supporter
The @everyone electorate. (Vote at least 10 times in a month for Galaxy Citizen on the server lister.)
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Bury Me With My Computer
Everything is tinted neon-green. (Play Starbound for more than 1500 hours and provide proof.)
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Click Click Clack
Carpal tunnel ahoy. (Be active on the Galaxy Citizen Discord’s text channels. Confirmed with a vouch.)
Awarded: Nov 30, 2018
Is this thing on? (Be active in the Galaxy Citizen Discord’s voice-chat channels. Confirmed with a vouch.)
Awarded: Sep 12, 2018
Teaching Spirit
Those who can, teach. (Awarded to anyone who creates helpful guide worth pinning on the forums by a staff member.)
Awarded: Jul 29, 2018
Galactic Citizenship
The first step... (Citizens who have joined our online community and started a discussion will be awarded citizenship.)