Name: Neuro-Synchronization Matrix, The Twisted Pairing Description: A mesh of diodes and neural-stimulation devices, similar to that in tech...
Character Name: Skylar Lucibello Motivation: Establish a secure base of operations for a Mercenary/Contract company and bar Race: Human Equipment:...
Name: Hyper-Urchins, Space-Sheafs Description: A Hyper-Urchin, or Sheaf, appears as a shimmering, green bulb drifting in space. These bulbs...
Name: Plasma Caster Sword, Hiroko Sword, Hylonime Bullshit, that Hiyodam sword that bisected that one actress Description: A Caster Sword...
Specifically when striking an object. It does not occur with a simple touch or light bump, and needs to be hit with a decent amount of force. That...
Name: Zero-Point Displacement Field Weaponry, Cryo-Arms, Ice Hammers Description: While the designs of ZPDF weapons may vary, they all...
Let's see I'll try and do this alphabetically: Adela - Yes, in virtue of wishing to sleep at night. She however also believes free will can be...
I can't decide if I fucking hate you, or love you.
Name Jaime Northwood Profession Botanist Nexus Tag JayJay
Name: Trinitroto-Gastro Glands aka Nitro-Breath, or Pyromaniac's Tongue Description: This augment appears as a set of glands, two primary ones of...
Talked with pink about making some changes and here's a footnote for it: - Simplified the way its nexus works. - Included the fact it has a DE...
Name: Bloodhound, Scout, Detective's Eye Description: The bloodhound is a small, spherical drone that appears to be a panoramic camera of sorts...
Giving this a second pass! Disgusting!
Alrighty! Giving this a First Pass.
Alrighty. Just ensure that these details are written in there, and then afterward I'll give this a pass.
I think I just have a couple of questions for you real quick. Given the microscopic nature of these molecular radios within the user's brain, are...
Awesome, I love eliminating the Olympian bird population with organic ordinance! Giving this a pass.
Second pass.
I'll slap an initial pass on this, seems fine to me and makes for a great flavortext for post-mortem cloning.