Zerekriss Aid Crisis!

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Jestephos, Feb 18, 2024.

  1. Jestephos

    Jestephos Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Aid Needed!
    For the past 24 hours, the Asteroid Belt known as the "Tri-reef", composed of Zerekriss asteroid stations 1 through 31 has been in a comms blackout. These events followed a deadly battle between Pirate King Rajesh Souther formerly of the USCM, and Pirate Hunters sent to capture the Buccaneer.

    Prior to communications blackouts, life support and power outages were reported across most of the asteroid belt stations. There were also unverified reports of an impact of a vessel into Zerekriss-13, 11 and 6. Any capable Fringer with engineering, security or atmospheric expertise is implored by the Beta-Sector Aid Agency to make their way to Zerekriss and attempt to stabilize the situation long enough for Aid Agency ships to organize and begin rebuilding efforts.

    Exemplary individuals responsible for stabilizing the situation will be rewarded accordingly!

    It is advised that the people of Zerekriss are not welcoming to outsiders, let alone each other. Weaponry is likely needed in the event of a humanitarian catastrophy. Looting, violence, and gang warfare are to be expected. Evacuation of the civilian population and restoration of life support and power systems is a priority. Communication between Beta-Sector Aid Agency organizational officers in the area will be provided.

    OOC Stuff
    This little micro-event is taking place in the Milky Way Discord. I'm gonna have staff set up some channels for it. If you want to have a character come along and investigate aside from the Aid Agency feel free to. It's generally assumed your character will have a ship or access to transport. DM me @drcongo in the GC Discord.
    Pinkbat5, Yz2 and Ryanatorx like this.