Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by LillithN, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    // A post would appear on the Nexus that would be sponsored by the Zecyrian State, advertising a new tourist district for citizens all over the galaxy to visit. [ Re-uploading to due to website fix deleting old post. ] //


    Welcome to the Zecyrian State!​

    The Zecyrian Government along with the Peoples Military Forces have decided to open a new micro district in the city to improve relations with the citizens of the Fringe, give both Zecyrians and tourists the opportunity to learn from each other and give tourists the opportunity to see the Zecyrialis Aurora, also known as the rainbow sky. Tourists are urged to equipped themselves with warm clothing as the city is currently coming out of one of the largest blizzards in its recorded history and temperatures fluctuate between -10 to 10 degrees Celsius with high winds and snow! If you wish to apply for a job or an apartment in the district, leave your comment below and our friendly AI ‘zhBOT’ will get to you with a speedy response!

    The Manaas District currently requires tourists with the following experience to help keep the district running which will soon have its very own currency implemented.

    · Hairdressers.
    · Arcade Game Operator.
    · Gym Owner.
    · Chefs & Cooks.
    · DJ & other musicians.
    · Medical Staff.
    · Real Estate Agent.
    · Cleaners.

    There are three important rules to follow in this district and they are the only rules present.

    · Aiding and abetting any infected individuals including smuggling them into the district will result in a death sentence as per Zecyrian law.
    · Conspiring against the Zecyrian State and using Manaas as a staging ground will result in a death sentence as per Zecyrian law.
    · Assault against a Zecyrian soldier or guard will result in a death sentence as per Zecyrian law.

    The Zecyrian State takes no responsibility for tourists injured or killed by other tourists, or tourists injured or killed by the military in the event of the breakout of an infection. If there is a large-scale breakout of infection, or if another nation decides to send in troops, the entire district will be leveled and rebuilt.

    This district was built just for you, tourists. So take care of it.

    The Zecyrian State welcomes you.

    // There would be a public comments section for queries & concerns. //
  2. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    OOC notes regarding IC.

    · If there is no IC guard at the entry, you are free to enter even if you are infected.
    · Infected characters have no consent shield whatsoever and they come to Zecyria at their own risk.
    · Guards can be swayed to turn a blind eye and may even accept bribes. How can one do this? Trial and error, find out through IC actions.
    · Pushing the red buttons around the hub will alert the guards, but that doesn’t mean they will come to assist. They may be busy gambling in the barracks or watching TV.

    OOC notes regarding the hub & its future.

    · This hub will be continuously maintained and optimized for both aesthetics and performance. Aesthetics will come first however.
    · I am currently optimizing the hub for better performance and less lag. I was hoping it would run better on the server, but I was wrong.
    · Every single sign is being redone in a way that will hopefully reduce lag further and all of them will be redone to suit the style of Starbound. Any of the signs can be changed free of installation and labor fees. All you must do is send me the sprite or give me an idea of what you want and It will be added into the next update which will be monthly depending on the availability of staff.
    · All unnecessary moving objects, wiring, lights and other items will be removed to further reduce lag.

    If anyone has any suggestions, drop an OOCly comment below or hit me up on discord. Always open to them.
  3. inactive account

    inactive account Inactive Account Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // Castille District's own famous DJ, Adrian 'Signal' Wildner would leave a message. //

    "I'd love to DJ for the Manaas district! I've been meaning to branch out."