Zarta Hodunk

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Khaos, Mar 23, 2021.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    First name: Zarta
    Surname: Hodunk
    Age: 29
    Race: Shifter (formerly Deadbeat)
    Gender: Identifies Female
    Relationship status: It's complicated. Single.
    Financial standing: From pay check to pay check.

    Accent (if any): Havenite, though it slips into Schelorian at times.
    Language spoken: Common
    Other languages known: Trashtalk
    Style of speaking: She has a crass and rude tone at times in casual conversation, but she's capable of speaking calmly and sweetly. When she is particularly excited or frustrated, her mannerisms can slip into Trashtalk.
    Volume of voice: Medium-High

    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: 230lbs, around there.
    Eye color: Orange, yellow sclera.
    Skin color: Sickly blue, lacking blemishes.
    Shape of face: Somewhere between triangular and square.
    Distinguishing features: Zarta's horns are pretty short for a deadbeat's, and her hair is very long and prone to poofing out wildly. She's pretty tall, and muscular. Her skin is a pale-blue that's a lighter shade than as is usual.
    Build of body: Highly athletic. Mesomorphic.
    Hair color: Her hair is a shade of vibrant crimson.
    Hair style: Her hair is usually tied back into a ponytail, though she's opening up to other styles now that she has some products that make her hair easier to manage.
    Complexion: Blemishless and waxy-smooth.
    Posture: Stoic, relaxed.
    Tattoos: None.
    Piercings: None.
    Typical clothing: Either dressed like she's about to hit the town, or in her fireman-style armor.
    Is seen by others as: Based. A rowdy deadbeat. A good friend.

    In no particular order: Guns. Metalworking. Hugs. Rowdiness. Attention. Experimentation.
    In no particular order: Fire. Bigots. Loneliness.
    Education: Everything she's learned was from her clan. Otherwise self-taught.
    Fears: Fire. Havenites. Herself.
    Personal goals: Find out IC.
    General attitude: Casual, occasionally reclused.
    General intelligence: Average.
    General sociability: Average.

    Illnesses (if any): She's a flesh monster.
    Sleeping habits: Regular, though she sometimes has sleepless, insomniac nights.
    Energy level: Moderate-High.
    Eating habits: Mostly carnivoric. Likes olives and real spicy food.
    Memory: Pretty average.
    Any unhealthy habits: Self Loathing.

    Peaceful or violent: Murderous when prompted to act.
    Weapon (if applicable): What nature gave her, and her various guns.
    Style of fighting: Shoot it to death.

    Occupation: Metalworker, amateur gunsmith(?)
    Favorite types of drink: Booze. Lots of it.
    Hobbies/past times: Tinkering with shifting, drinking, crafting. A few other things.
    Pets: None.
    Talents: Good at brawling and shooting. Who knew deadbeats were good at that.
    Favorite type of music: Metal. Rap. A few other things.

    - Family -
    ???: I miss you every day.

    I swore on my life to protect you. I did that at least, I think, even if I couldn't be the mother I ought to have been for you.

    ???: Bitch.

    - People -
    Kaiko: Some things do work out.

    Cedric Kaya
    Got me out of a pretty sore spot, an' is too generous for his own good. They deserve to be happy, and I don't want them t'go through what I did. He's like, one of my best friends. Maybe the best, after Kaiko. He's had my back, I'll cover his.

    Kera'tiv: Horrifying to look at, but they're very knowledgeable, an' kind, and well meanin'. I can probably go to Kera about most of my issues and come out of it for the better. They're a reliable friend. That look though, still fuckin' nightmarish, but I can look past that.
    Guh, I can't believe that I drank that thing.

    Scared me a lot at first even if we did got along, given that he'd probably have toasted me if he knew what I was. Then... man, that's a lot of irony. At least we're still on pretty good terms. Should talk with 'em more.

    Ry Fael: I don't know the full story but ho boy she has had it rough. And on top of being put in a shit position, as an eighteen-year-old, she took the fall in place of some shitty folk. I'm at least glad Kera is good to her, and she's friends with Ceddles. Whatever, I think she's nice. Really shy and quiet, but, who wouldn't be in her position?
    I really wish there was something I could do to help her with the problems she's going through, but fuck. It's not like I got a good track record. I mean, I got a history of not really being there for people hurtin', means I can't fuck up and make it worse.

    Dave: I always wondered what he was up to, being up in office. Cushy job and all that. I think we're still pals but, we don't really talk. Best I not touch politicians anyways, I think.

    Ki'a: I don't know what the deal is with his health, or what he's going through, but he seems like a real nice fella. Shy and nervous for sure, but I don't down he's reason to act that way. Wish 'em the best, even if I don't particularly know 'em that well.

    Gossa: Too much talk, not enough thought.

    Dox: Seems okay? Idk I need to get a feel for them.

    Rehi: Renaize wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for her. I guess I don't explicitly hate her or nothin', she's stuck by Renaize and chose it over vampire land. I just, I don't fuckin' know. She's been good t'me whenever we cross paths.

    Alex: Another one, and so little. Hope all goes well fer the fella.

    Sam: Finally met 'er. Seems cool, but don't know much else. Considerin' gettin' a tattoo from 'er.

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    Last edited: Sep 15, 2021
    Cheffy, MaskedHero, crumchy and 3 others like this.
  2. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Oops. Added a gallery.
  3. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    ok now put her in your signature
  4. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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  5. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    - Relationship stuff. More remains to be added
    Exon likes this.
  6. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    - Cleaned up a bit
    - Updated Kaiko
    Exon likes this.
  7. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Updoot boogaloo
    - Updated some relationships.
    - Added emojis.
    Exon likes this.