Yz Staff app: 2022 edition

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Yz2, Aug 25, 2022.

  1. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Forum name: Yz

    Age: 22

    Country/Timezone: GM
    T +8

    Why do you want to be Staff?:

    I’m pretty interested in doing stuff like helping out with grading and backlog. I was on the fence about applying for a few days, but realized that I really enjoy being back in the community again, and would like to take initiative to help out in tangible ways. I also have way more free time nowadays, and I felt inspired to do something useful during it.

    What skills can you bring to the staff team?:

    I consider myself a pretty alright writer. I’ve been around long enough to be familiar with the overall setting, and I’ve graded enough sheets/lore to have a good feel for the right questions to ask. I also consider myself to be good at mediating and serving as a middleman between multiple parties, for the sake of things like resolving disputes.

    What area(s) would you be most interested in helping assist with (if you have more than one preference, list in order of highest preference to lowest)?":

    Grading and looking through all the apps to do stuff like reorganization. Particularly, I was looking through apps and saw a decent number that have broken formatting and images, which were a leftover from the ancient forum host change. I don’t mind doing menial legwork throughout the day, and was pretty interested in taking the time to edit and fix all of those.

    Have you had prior experience moderating/staffing an online community?: Yes! Plenty, in the time since I last applied.

    If so, where? What were your responsibilities?:

    A ton of different things. I’ve done general mod stuff and approved character sheets on rp servers, managed small communities and kept them clean and welcoming, written lore, etc. No other responsibilities at the moment.

    As staff, it is crucial to be visible to the public; on the Forums, through the Discord, and on the Server. Though it is not mandatory to be on these three all the time, do you agree to be as active as possible through these means?: Yep

    For better interaction with our users on the Galaxy Citizen Discord server and to take full part in any voice meetings we may have in the Staff Discord, it is recommended that you use a good microphone. Do you possess a microphone (If you do not have a microphone, it will NOT affect your chances for being on Staff)?: Yep, will hopefully be better at attending meetings this time since my schedule is freer.

    What do you like about this community?:

    The sheer depth and scope of this virtual world that’s evolved over the last 9 years. Gc is the place I always end up coming back to, time after time, because nowhere else is as consistent and fitting to me. I’ve met large amounts of my online friends here, had tons of good memories, and I want to see it grow and flourish alongside the people I treasure.

    What areas would you like to receive help in should you become staff?

    I missed a decent amount of time, so I probably need some reacclimatizing to recent changes and stuff like background lore that should be common IC and OOC knowledge. Also, my knowledge on psionics and such is pretty low, so I’ll need more coaching in regards to handling anything to do with it.

    What are your weaknesses?

    Nowhere near being as much of a problem as it was when I was younger, but I do get worked up sometimes— especially if it’s a situation that makes me feel sense of indignation. Most egregious example is the last time I left GC, which I sorely regret, and I’ve resolved to improve from. Been a lot better at dealing with it in recent years, though, especially in terms of holding back from lashing out in any major ways. I also get carried away with bits sometimes, and tend to always have a joking air, which is inappropriate at times.

    Galaxy Citizen Character name(s): The View, Canon, Cuil Man, Straga, Arbiter Rainbow
    Ryanatorx and schizothotep like this.