Wrigglewood Trees

Discussion in 'Approved' started by TrIpTiCuS, May 25, 2021.

  1. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Name: Wrigglewood trees

    Above: A picture of a matured wrigglewood tree.

    Wrigglewoods are lumpy, wiry trees, with a single thick trunk adorned with a canopy of between 4 and 8 massive leaves on top. Dangling from this canopy are a series of black, faceted “berries”, which are firmly attached to vines making them hard to pluck. Reaching for one of the berries causes it to pull back and contract into a small, hard shell up in the canopy, much like the eyes of a snail. This is because the berries are not actually berries, but rather simple eye-like structures. These are at most however able to perceive simple shapes, motion and light.

    Wrigglewood trunks are smooth to the touch, and the wood is almost rubbery in texture. This is due to the trees namesake, it’s ability to move. Adult trees usually remain relatively still, at most moving their trunk to reach around objects and to track the sun with their leaves, or to curl up in order to evade dangers such as intense weather. However all wrigglewood trees are able to uproot themselves and move (albeit slowly) across the land.

    Behavior: Young wrigglewood saplings are highly mobile, scurrying across the land in search of a suitable region to root. In contrast, the older and larger a wrigglewood tree is, the less likely it is to move, preferring instead to hunker down.

    A wrigglewoods roots are much like pseudopods, using water flowing to and from the root to extend and contract them. Special surfaces on the roots use van der waals forces in order to stick to solid surfaces, allowing the trees surprising climbing ability. These roots are also used to store water and nutrients for long journeys, allowing a wrigglewood to cross surprising distances without having to stop and root down. On especially long journeys, wrigglewoods have been known to shed their leaves in order to minimise water loss.

    Tamability: Impossible. Wrigglewood trees will do only as they please.

    Where is it found?: Indigenous to the planet of Tenoko, the trees are not necessarily common there, but are omnipresent and found most anywhere there is water and cool air.

    Rarity: Not common but not rare either, at least on Tenoko. In the rest of the galaxy they’re practically unheard of.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Much like any tree, they photosynthesise.

    Products?: The large leaves of the wrigglewood offer great shade, and its rubbery wood has niche uses in local industry and construction. The berries grown by the tree are technically edible, albeit unpleasant, as they are dry, crumple uncomfortably in the mouth and taste of ash. Its tuber-like roots are considered a local delicacy however.

    Reproduction: Wrigglewoods reproduce much like common trees, spreading pollen into the air. Mature wrigglewoods will produce small bundles of leaves on their trunk, which form the trunk around them into a small, lumpy growth. If these catch pollen they will continue growing, before eventually falling out and developing into a small sapling which will move away from its parent tree.

    Size: Wrigglewoods vary greatly in size, from saplings only around a foot tall, to fully grown trees which can grow as tall as 120 feet.

    Weight: Depends on its size.

    Lifespan: More than 200 years.

    • Mobile: Wrigglewoods are mobile, and capable of moving across great stretches of land, as well as climbing cliffs.
    • Sight: Wrigglewoods are capable of sight. Although simple, their ability to see allows them to respond to potential predators with relative ease.
    • Efficient: For whatever reason, wrigglewoods are incredibly energy efficient. How, or even why is unknown, but this allows them to cross great stretches of land with relatively little stored energy.

    • Susceptible: Though in spite of their abilities, wrigglewoods are quite incapable of handling any threat. Young wrigglewoods can quickly uproot and scurry away, however older trees can usually do no more than to try and lean away from whatever is attempting to eat them.
    TriReef and Cheffy like this.
  2. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Pass :)
    TrIpTiCuS likes this.