
Discussion in 'Approved' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Wispers are small, soccer-ball sized organisms that glow a faint hue (most typically cyan); they are entirely made of phase matter and have small orbs of eyes that are darkened areas of less light; they also have trailing 'spikes' of wispy material and they float in the air. To the touch, one's hand would nearly completely pass them save for a slight touch and the strong tingling sensation of its static charge.

    In the distance, often in the cold fog of their homes, they simply appear as a faint glowing orb of light, lone in the darkness; often times they lead explorers astray, leaving them lost in the darkness with nothing but themselves and the elements; Wispers do not intend this, it is simply an effect of their tendency to wander and collect the static electricity they need to survive.

    Their name derives from the mysterious 'whispering' noise that sounds as a result of their movement, sounding like faint, unintelligible whispering that can indicate the presence of a wisper. Either that, or you have an actual threat at hand.

    = During the day, Wispers are silent and hidden, shunting themselves into soft piles of snow as they rest without a whisper. When the sun falls, however, these unique creatures will float from their snow in a beautiful glow of light, wandering aimlessly around the night collecting ambient static electricity, often-times being attracted in places where lightning storms have struck; as thus, after a storm, it is not an uncommon sight to see even hundreds of Wispers floating through the night, in a beautiful array of mesmerizing light.

    When threatened, the first instinct a Wisper has is to push itself into any nearby solid object by phasing, using its static electricity to power its own phase matter. Otherwise, their only defense mechanism is the ability to expel heat from itself and breathe out a faint shimmering orb of weak phase matter, chilled to near cryogenic temperatures that will frostbite any organic flesh it touches, and even passing the coldness through the target due to it being made of phase matter.

    When killed, the Wisper will cease to generate light for a few moments, its form shimmering and fading into small, wispy 'bands' of dimly glowing phase matter on the ground, wisp wrappings. But you wouldn't kill an innocent, defenseless wisp, would you?

    Yeah, I thought so.

    = Wispers are relatively docile creatures, simply 'going with the wind' to whatever they may feed off of. Given enough time to form a bond with someone, and a steady supply of free static electricity, a Wisper will have no issue being somebody's pet. Pet Wispers have been known to float in their owner's hair to gather their static electricity as well, and are fine with most environments.

    =Where Wispers are Found
    = Wispers are naturally born in cold planets, where 'Wisp Nests' have the cold temperatures needed to form and give birth to the Wispers. Wispers are typically fine with most other environments as well, as long as they are not extremely hot such as the inside of a volcano.

    = Wispers are relatively uncommon in appearance, especially as they only appear during night and are solitary wanders. If one wanted to find an abundance of wispers, they may seek a Wisp Nest or look around right after a thunderstorm, where they conglomerate for the static energy they feed off of.

    =Obtaining Energy
    = Wispers gain energy simply as passive organisms, floating around and gently pushing across surfaces to obtain static electricity; they can also sense static changes in the environment around them, allowing them to go to these sources for more food. Therefor, a smart Wisp capturer may set out systems to generate static electricity, and owners of pet Wispers may even have a weak Van de Graaff generator to feed their cute and ghostly pets.

    =Products and Uses
    = Wispers upon their death turn all of their matter into inactive phase matter in the form of wrappings that dimly glow whatever color the wisper was; in addition, Wispers naturally generate a small amount of phase matter which they normally store within themselves to use as their cold attack projectiles; these can be collected from a Wisper by gently giving it a loving pet, where it will give a soft whispering hum to display its content. And then drool out the near-cryogenic phase matter to the ground.

    As for the more inhumane uses, Wispers can provide a very reliant source of light if trapped inside a jar; if one is too lazy and caring enough to train it to follow, with affection and electricity.

    =Reproduction= Wispers are asexual, and naturally generate rarely from areas known as 'Wisp Nests', blobs of inactive phase matter that are chilled to cold temperatures, coating the walls of icy caves and such. Sometimes, after a lightning storm or other static disturbance, it can animate the phase matter which causes it to bubble off into a Wisperling, like a typical Wisper but condensed to the size of a fist and without any distinguishing features; simply a wispy ball of glowing phase matter that lives.

    =Size= Fist to basketball, depending on their age.

    =Weight= Wispers do not weigh much at all, due to their composition of phase matter; their entire body weight is only 4 pounds!

    =Lifespan= Wispers can live a surprisingly long time of nearly 200 years, after which they simply dimmen and die at their maximum size. Their wisp wrappings then over a course of a few years condense, perhaps turning into a Wisp Nest and sparking the births of more Wisperlings.

    Can force themselves inside solid objects to sleep or to escape.
    Are very light, both in weight and in brightness.
    Can breathe out an orb of cryogenic phase matter that frostbites its target.


    Their icy orbs move slowly, and have a cooldown of 10 seconds before one can be breathed again. Can only make around 15 before they pass out from energy loss.

    Does not favor hot environments, nor heat attacks; fire can cause it to weaken and dimmen, while ablative heat such of that of a well-placed laser can completely burn it away, leaving no wrappings behind.

    Other: Cute!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2022