
Discussion in 'Archive' started by Dekerrex, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Dekerrex

    Dekerrex Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    "New Life"


    Veviit is located on the mainland of the frozen wastes spanning the top of shallow mountain with a sheer cliff. Many of the mountains on the planet are formed like this; the intense windstorms eroding away at a single side akin to the formation of sand dunes.Where there are not mountains there are vast open areas of tundra protected by nothing and face the wrath of the storms. The only flora commonly found are pocket forests that call the cliff sides of the mountains home, protected by the storms and feeding off the eroded nutrients that fall over.
    Layout of Veviit
    Being so far away from its sun, farthest in the system in fact, sunlight is minimal, as is its heat. Orbit and rotation create conditions where the night is nearly three times the length of day, and the daylight itself barely improving light conditions with the sun a light blotch in the thick clouds no larger than a coin in perspective.
    The massive storms that the planet suffers is caused by hot-spots created by the small area the sun’s light concentrates on. The temperature difference creates a storm system like that of a hurricane. Being a relatively small planet, a large enough storm on one side of the planet could be felt on the opposite.
    Fauna and flora are specialized for living in these conditions. Photosynthesis is not an option for the plant life, instead they've taken on chemosynthesis, using the inorganic minerals from erosion to power their bodies and the atmosphere. Animal life is heavily built and low lying as to not be caught in the winds. They all also have adaptations that either enhance their night vision or make vision obsolete altogether. The ancestral adaptation of “The Mind’s Eye” In Neothaniiforms allow any introduced species to the planet to have a good grasp in the ecosystem. Their swifter forms however have created an eco-disaster of invasive species as they can outcompete the slower native life.

    Following Starlight (2900)
    Year three thousand ninety six, four families, all alike in dignity, flee the oncoming Armageddon of their home world, Undas’Hiith, and find themselves washed ashore on what would become Veviit. These families were Alhost, Kaviir, Nomendraal, and Erkuur, and brought with them their serving staff and all of their slaves, which numbered one hundred and thirty seven total individuals. After the firing of those staff they could no longer afford to keep, a meager settlement was set up in the tundra they found themselves in.

    New Dawn and Darkness (2907-3000)

    As this settlement built up, it came to be very clear they needed a way to govern themselves. As they knew nothing else, they instituted a council of the clan heads, four members in total from each noble family. Initially, it worked. But over time one began to establish dominance: Alhost, veteran Nekruulian general of the war of the schism. As this man watched over their slave-back built colony, and as time passed he began to grow crueler, harsher, going as far as to abuse the others of the council. He then moved onto the people themselves, giving the poor, homeless, and slaves especially the same treatment as they laid the brickwork for his marvel of a city.

    The King of Blood (3112)

    The Alhost grew ever tyrannical, and began to test the true limits of his own power. Given the absolution he wielded, what was even the point of having the lesser members if they bid to his will? Following this logic, he demanded the others swear fealty to him. Kaviir and Erkuur did as Alhost commanded, but Nomendraal refused, and was cast off the council. Nomendrall, his house, and anyone who stood to oppose Alhost found themselves put to trial by flame in The Great Oven. Through this action he cast off the title of Council Member, and birthed himself anew as the Vallan’Miia, the King of Blood.
    The King of Blood

    The Reign of Blood (3112-3151)

    Decades of unending suffering ensue as those who have wronged the Villan’Miia labor tirelessly by whip, starvation, torture, so on so forth. Strength and obedience is all that is cared for, and those who do not show either are worse than the dirt below thine lord’s feet. The plans to create a blossoming city in the land speculated for Veviit were altered Under the rule of the King, creating a looming nigh impenetrable fortress. As time goes on, civil unrest becomes increasingly prominent. Smaller revolts against the king were put to rest like that of those before: In the Great Oven deep in the dungeons of The Spire, the king’s dwelling.
    A high amount of taxes going directly into his crimson majesty, the nobles who had maintained a good relationship with the tyrant were slowly losing their wealth and servants with that. While the working class was slowly becoming more and more indebted, slave counts had risen as both classes fell beyond any sort of dignity.

    New World Order (3151-3200)

    The tyrant did have his supporters. These Miian’Fai, Blood-Kin, were fond of his iron grip only because it kept them united, and those with strength and favor thrived. The Miian’Fai were in constant desperation to grow in strength and ferocity as to demonstrate to his majesty their worthiness of his blessing. The consequences caused Fear to fester among the classes who had not gold nor legacy to their name.
    Atrocities were committed by the Miian’Fai, who had begun a counter culture in which those who could not best them did not deserve life. None were spared if they were not proven in honorable -often dishonorable by the most despicable- battle. One’s worth was determined by their prowess and what they have accomplished.
    The population not among the Miian’Fai or in the back pocket of his majesty had no choice but to bend to the new laws of the land. The breaking point was near

    The Shot Heard ‘round The World (3222)

    On the Hundred and tenth year of his majesty’s seemingly endless reign, the unthinkable happened: A flaming spear was thrown at a royal guard. This notion shocked the foundation of Veviit, such attack was seemingly unprovoked but very deliberate. The Miian’Faii reacted in horror, knowing that this might spark a war as the very same actions had in the past. The champions of the Miian’Fai joined the ranks of the royal guard as knights in preparation for the worst. Months went on with this tension.
    Then the spark hit the powder. During what was a standard patrol through Veviit, a group of rebels started shouting obscenities and threats at their king. Unwilling to be abused in public, he sent a guard to execute this group. The next event was not very well documented, what is known is that the royal guard was lit to flame and killed. Some say that one of the rebels was Hanan’Agne, a psion of fire and had lit him ablaze with a simple glance, others say it was as simple as a mixture of alcohol and a small match. These rebels were shortly executed by a barrage of knights and royal guard. Their bodies left on display as a message to anyone else with similar ideas.

    War of the Maskless (3245-3268)

    Standing up to the needless killing of these rebels who, in reality, were just defending themselves from the King’s orders, came three notable figures. The first was a high cleric of Vit’san, Dijarren. The second was the champion of Iirden, Vekliinor. And the third was former archmage of Somari, Nakiivur. Each bore a personalized prisilite mask as to show their high status in the hierarchy of old, but as a rallying cry they each threw their masks at The Spire, shattering them. Each rebel ally was given a shard of the masks as to symbolize that they were all the people and all important. The rally was the greatest of success, inspiring the citizens who were even beyond hopelessness. Under these great leaders, the rebels rallied and fought desperately for their freedom. Many lives were lost, enemies made, and friendships garnered. Rebels using terrorist tactics to cripple the Miian’Fai, and an increasing number of assassination attempts on the Vallan’Miia himself.
    The civil war raged like this for just over twenty years, ending with Dijarren, Vekliinor, and Nakiivur and a force of guerrilla fighters storming The Spire. Faced with certain death, the king stood and fought like a cornered animal, with every bit of ferocity and fear. He was powerful both in psionics and strength. The rebels found it an uphill battle, outclassed by the monster behind the crown. After hours of death and struggle, the three leaders removed the mask from the exhausted aging lord’s face, and dragged him into the central square outside the Spire’s gates. They held the king down as more rebels ripped The Great Oven from its room in the dungeon and brought it out for all to see. The king begged for forgiveness and prayed to the gods for mercy, but his prayers went unanswered as the oven was lit, and the king thrown inside it. The metal resonating his screams into a haunting cry that echoed across all of Veviit. The mixture of ashes and sigma were used to paint the armour of all the survivors of the conflict, a mark of their triumph.

    Tribunal (3268-3284)

    Once the war was settled, reconstruction of all that was burned and broken had begun. The Dungeon of the Spire was torn down, and it’s great hall transformed into a church. After which, the question became who would continue rule. They had certainly wanted nothing to do with a single monarch, and the six council members of Undas’Hiith had sparked their Armageddon in the first place.
    The decision came to uplift the rebel commanders into new leaders, as they had ushered in this new age. Many months passed in which these three planned out a government that would have none of the faults of the ones that came before, and began a Tribunal system with a representative senate. Perhaps the most democratic a Remnant society has been as of yet. Noble houses were given back their property and taxes levied temporarily to get the economy functional once again. Classes were restored. Those slaves who had fought with the rebels were lifted from their binds and became part of the working classes. A brighter future for Veviit shines in the eyes of the many.
    The Miian’Fai had not disappeared with the king. Many who survived the war lingered, either in the shadows of Veviit’s walls or not even in the city at all. In the pocket forests neighboring every mountain one may stumble upon a village lurking within the dark wood that continues their barbarian way of life.
    Recently, Veviit was raided by a small pack of Miian’Fai. The royal guards, of which there now are many, found some difficulty in defending Nekiivur rushed to aid in the battle to push them out, but was slain in combat. His wards did not protect against sharpened Steel. The Tribunal was already under stress despite just establishing as now they were down one key member. Vekliinor and Dijarren then established the system in which to replace the tribunal members should they depart. An heir to this vacant throne has yet to be decided.

    Outlanders (3284)

    What awaits in the future of Veviit? Only the Gods know for certain.

    The people of Veviit follow a traditional culture passed down from the peoples Undas’Hiith that has stood relatively unchanged over time. Religion is still very prominent in society, if not ruling over it, and the people bend will to the caste system. Refer to the remnant document’s culture section for more detail.
    Veviit alters from tradition in a few ways however thanks to their crimson clad history. The failings of every ruling system to establish since the last clergy has left them rather traumatized by the idea of absolute power belonging to anyone. This fear has lead to a growing enlightenment that so far has reached politics, but may yet reach the rest of the culture as time and story continues for the Veviitians.

    Entertainment in the form of theatre, festivals, and arena battle has also become a significant part of the culture of Veviit, earning its very own entertainment and commerce district built below the inner walls of the upper class area known commonly as “An’Undasuul” The Underbelly.
    Scholars in their twilight years frequent the work of scribes, creating legends following paths mirroring that of The Hero’s Journey with great epics of adventure and mythology. The upperclassmen have a sweet spot for tragedy however. These works make up a vast proportion of the library within the towers of the Mage Academy.
    Those who have not learned how to read or can't afford someone to read to them may find more interest in the violent sports that forge champions from slaves: The Arena. Shows of great physical strength agility and cunning of the mind bring forth great audiences of every caste. These arena shows often come in the form of duels in which the audience bets on a champion, or someone wishing to prove their metal facing fierce creatures.
    When neither option is available, it is also commonplace to see local spectacles such as bards performing streetside. Music is a very large part of Veviitian culture as music is believed to be the words of the soul in its purest form. Singers and instrument players have a unique caste outside the usual system in that if they are capable of performing they are hireable by any and all who choose to as opposed to following the strict hierarchy.

    “An’Slahk” The Bowels
    The Bowels is a region further beneath The Underbelly where entertainment of the less-than-legal variety transpires. Arenas of a different kind host battles of trained ferocious beasts to be gambled upon, forced fights between slaves to win honor and gold for their master. The Bowels is also home to Veviit’s largest trafficking organizations, kidnapping and auctioning off citizens as slaves and whores of any variety and of any age and caste, much to the disgust of the topsiders. These “dark dealers” as they've come to be known are responsible for much contraband being found in the houses of topsiders, they are however hard to track down and stop as all attempts to rid The Bowels of its scum have ended in many a dead Guard.

    Youthful Hedonists
    In recent ages with the removal of The King of Blood from power and an arguably more democratic way of governing, the youth generation, known colloquially as hedonists, see fit that the centuries of tradition are reaching its end, and it’s time to change the status quo. Hedonists typically see the caste system and spit on it. They purposefully enact sinful behaviors just to annoy the elders. Whatever rule they can break, whatever idea they can get into the heads of those with influence, they shall perform. The Hedonists in a way could be compared to the term “teen angst”

    Outside City Walls
    Along with the traditional culture comes the culture of the Miian’Fai mentioned in the history. Unlike the Veviitians, tribes of Miian’Fai are best put a culture of hunters and warriors. Life is short and honor is among the most important aspects of one’s identity. Honor is established through victory and all problems can be solved with violence. They are seen as savage barbarians by even the Veviitians who may seem barbaric to modern civilizations in an ironic twist of fate.

    Most recently was the discovery that the remnants of Veviit are not in fact alone in this universe. History told of only one prior interaction with creatures of the void and with the fear of the traditional political system came the fear of the effects outside forces can have again. Uncertain the intentions of the many shapes colours and creeds of these outlanders as came to be known in addition to this has created extreme xenophobia inside the majority population. This xenophobia lead to a new normality within the culture to show prejudice against the outlanders. Racism runs rampant as consequence. The cast system reflects this by giving outlanders equal stature with the lower class. It is not as harsh however if it is a fellow remnant simply from another planet, though they will still have lower stature than most regardless of where they stand off-planet.

    The Tribunal and Senate
    The Tribunal is a system functioning like the traditional Clergy of Undas’Hiith, with the exception of each individual having less power than a councilman of old. While united they form the leading class that makes decisions for the city-state as a whole, though any one tribunal member can be overruled by the other two, making sure no single member can create laws or make decrees unlawful to the others.
    To further protect the masses, a senate was formed from the patrons of the Noble Houses. They are to represent their house and the people of Veviit in political discussion, as well as to overrule the tribunal in the event of an unlawful ⅔ decision but only in such case. If the tribunal agrees on something deemed unlawful to the senate they may veto the tribunal’s decree but only if the decision is unanimous.
    In the event one of the Tribunal members retires or dies, the role will be filled by whomever is most capable in a system matching that of the old council. Those who aspire to join the Tribunal one day will undergo tests of merit to determine fairness, intelligence, logical thought, and other aspects believed to make one a great leader. The senators do not undergo the same process, instead they are chosen by heredity. Whomever becomes next clan patron will become Senator

    Those individuals who have passed the merit tests to become tribunal with highest of scores are placed in a waiting list. The first few in said list become justiciars in the petty courts that deal with minor cases including criminal offenses, personal disputes, and so on. Cases that involve Veviit as a whole, question the law, or are deemed of utmost importance are dealt with by the tribunal themselves, who shall make judgement on the matter with the senate as jury.

    Theocratic Law
    The code of laws of Veviit have little differences between it and the code of laws given in The Book of the Divines* with amendments made to fit with the history and current societal views.

    Code of laws (Religious)

      • There are no other gods but the Six
      • Filial piety is tolerated, but worship of others spirits is to be forbidden
      • Rites and sacraments are to be followed
      • Monasteries are to be kept clean and holy
      • Each of the faith are to be treated with fairness and kindness
      • If you have been wronged, it is justified to commit an equal wrong to your wrongdoer.
      • Do not murder without justification
      • Do not steal without justification
      • Adulterers are to be shamed for dishonoring their family
      • Owners of property are responsible for all that goes on on their property
      • Sinners are to be punished accordingly
      • The caste of Priest are to have as much power as the other noble classes due to their holy duty.
    Code of laws (Political)

      • Recompense to the nation in exchange for civility and protection is to be given in the form of taxes
      • Treason against the nation and her rulers are to be punished accordingly
      • The lower classes are to respect their superiors
      • The upper classes are not to abuse those below them
      • Slaves are not a people, but a property, and are exempt from rights unless they climb in stature
      • Individual castes can be changed if they can afford to do so or have been granted a new one by the ruling body
      • Laws may change, be removed, or be added by decree of the Tribunal and the Senate
    Rights of the Individual

      • All are allowed proper trial in the eyes of the Gods
      • All are innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the Gods or the Justiciars
      • All are allowed to speak their mind with the exception of any aforementioned law
      • All are allowed to be armed for the purpose of defense or the events of a duel exclusively
      • In the event of a duel or arranged settling of quarrels, each party must consent to an agreement made between the parties in question. Unfair duels are to be considered as crimes
      • Individuals are not to squander the rights of others
      • Any individual may own property if they can afford to
    *unfinished document. Refer to here for the laws

    The economy of Veviit runs off a guild system formed by the caste of the population and the exchange of metal coin much like that of classic Thaniik establishment
    Guilds are formed from the collective in a specific working class. Smiths train with smiths, weavers with weavers, tinkerers with tinkerers and so on. Guilds run on apprenticeship, guild masters training apprentices their art and expanding on the knowledge with the generation to create true masters of said art. These guilds create strong social bonds between like-class individuals as well.

    Coins & Worth
    Gold Pieces: Its weight in gold (5 grams per coin)
    Silver Pieces: ¼ gold pieces
    Copper Pieces: ¼ silver pieces, 1/16 gold pieces

    Exchange rates
    1 Gold piece = 1.5 pixels

    Credits & Cosigners
    History written by zecon125 & edited by Dekerrex
    Cosigners: Dekerrex. zecon125, TriReef, ThatCabbage, Dorfus, Iamnotanumber2000
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2019