Vago Cornelius Kepp

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by AD INFINITUM, Jun 28, 2017.


    AD INFINITUM Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Vago Cornelius Kepp
    Pronunciation: Vay-go Cor-neel-e-us Kep
    Title(s): Doctor, Lord, Sir, Prime
    Other Aliases: Sir Cornelius, Kepp, Doctor Kepp, Vee
    Age: 87
    Born: 10/6/3200
    Birthplace: New Johannesburg
    Race: Synthetic Life Form (Formerly Homo Sapiens)
    Gender: Male. Preferred to be referenced as Male.
    Andrakus Kepp- Father
    Latif Kepp- Mother
    Tukor Kepp- Brother
    Marcelle Kepp- Niece
    Tobias Kepp- Nephew
    Sauda Kepp- Niece
    Leonardo Kepp- Great Nephew
    Arkhana Kepp- Niece
    2-Cat (Katrina Vredektionalvik)- Former Spouse
    Atticus Kepp- Son
    Anais Kepp- Ex-Wife
    Mathilde Kepp- (Deceased) Daughter

    Former place of Residence:
    New Johannesburg, La colonie verdoyante, Le Chateau D'Kepp, Hyperia capitol building, Vitus System.


    D.R.O.N.E. Technologies- CEO & Overseer
    The Awoken/Hyperia- Second in Command & Temporary king
    C.P.F.S.- Industrial Leader & public speaker
    The Viti- second head of hivemind


    Vitius Caiet- Best Friend
    2-Cat- Former Lover
    Gamma- Close Friend
    Sarah- Friend
    Beta- Former Servant
    Shep Caspan- Friend/drinking buddy
    Vulcan- Former Friend, Former Master
    Kalekan- Former Servant
    Alma Minority- Friend, Former Servant
    Lane Anderson- Friend
    Calvin/Wallace Carminium- Close Friend(s)
    Jean Mondego- Arch nemesis
    Roxanne Mondego- Daughter of arch nemesis
    Lysander Kumashi- Close Friend
    Tukor Kepp- Best friend, brother
    Nycle- former personal Assassin

    Related Topics:

    Vulcan, The Viti, DTech, Hyperia, Vitius Caiet, The Coalition,

    Growing up in the Ghetto
    New Johannesburg is a human colony. It was founded in the year 3172 by the United Systems. The goal of the world was to be a simple sanctuary, though with corrupt and incompetent leaders the world became a mess. The world's politics had gone from democracy, to oligarchy, and finally to anarchy as said rulers were eventually overthrown. In the decades that followed, the world degraded continuously and exponentially into a world in ruin. By Vago's birth the world's cities looked like a post apocalyptic waste.

    Vago was an accident. His father Andrakus had been having a little too much fun with his mistress Latif, though despite Andrakus' efforts Latif wouldn't let him kill the child. Vago's birthname was Vee. Soon after Vago's birth, Latif was pregnant again with Tukor. Andrakus, Latif, and the other wives, began the bloodline of Kepp.

    The Kepp family lived in the junkyard, and they protected it with their lives. At age 15 Vago and Tukor were weaponsmiths, using the garbage to make and sell equipment to other clans that lurked the city-colony. Not many others were as skilled as they were, and soon their little homemade business gave the Kepps power and resources. An advantage was all Andrakus saw. The crimelord was power hungry and saw the potential. The kepps eventually had a monopoly on melee and some ranged weapons, and then suddenly the brothers stopped production. Weapons dulled, ammo ran out, and the Kepps sat happy in their junkyard.

    Soon the name Kepp was known for a whole new reason. Andrakus' small army of family members ransacked the surrounding city. Killed, kidnapped, coerced, groomed, so on and so forth. Andrakus came out on top of the bloodshed. The Kepp family reigned supreme over the city. Andrakus was never afraid to flaunt his power. Latif was killed during a raid, Tukor was wounded severely in a fire. His lungs were damaged terribly, and so Vago pieced together a respirator from the scrap to save his brother, as their father nor "siblings" seemed to care.

    Vago was not fond of this lifestyle, nor was Tukor. They seemed to have a stronger sense of morals compared to the rest of their family. Andrakus salvaged two ships from neighboring mob-ruled communities, and assigned Vago and Tukor to pilot them and monitor the borders, attacking anyone who dared try to break into or overthrow "the Kepp dynasty.” Rather than staying around and continuing to live this dreadful life, Vago took the ship, and left the system as a whole. He wanted something better.

    New Johannesburg is still ran to this day by the descendants of Andrakus who stayed.

    Looking for a new life
    Vago flew through space on his now personal ship, however he could not get far, and ended up on a French colony only a few systems away. He settled down there under a new identity. Rather than Just being known as Vee K, he was to be Vago Cornelius Kepp. He hid in society, and spent several years working and attending several schools. His primary goal was to make himself a better man than his predecessors. From age 18-33 he lived on the French colony. He lived a lonesome life in a lower class house, though he graduated through the school system and earned a degree in engineering. He spend another seven years attending off-planet schools to further his intelligence. At age 40 he met his first wife Anais. They married and moved into the suburbs, where Vago constructed ALCA university.

    ALCA University
    The University known as ALCA, or Advanced Learners Communal Academy, was an almost instant success, as it doubled not only as a school but as the colony's primary source of inventions, regardless of worth. And so it was praised as students enhanced the technological prowess of the colony and its people. Many people viewed this as radical progressivism and thus the university faced many protests from certain secular groups and was under great scrutiny from the public. Thrice the university was under audit and almost was taken down after alleged fraudulent credentials from some of the workers present. Regardless of every hardship, the university always got back on its feet eventually. Former students continued to work at ALCA's labs, having earned a sense of belonging. One of such graduates became Vago's close friend Lysander, who aided in the Gray Goo project.

    Rivalry & The Gray Goo incident of 3247[/b]

    Vago finally had a Daughter named Mathilde around the the same time as he began ALCA. She was a healthy little girl born in a better family than any Kepp prior. The family had acquired status and wealth as ALCA grew, making life easy for them for some time. At the age of five, Mathilde contracted Terminal Cancer, this was a heavy blow to the family. For the next few weeks, having no known method of curing, Vago worked tirelessly on an invention that may save his daughter before it is too late. This began the Gray Goo project as it was later called. The Gray Goo project was originally planned to be a pill of coordinated nanobots that work similarly to white blood cells but more accurately efficiently within the body. Their primary target was to destroy and recycle the cancer cells into nutrients, however before the project could enter testing stages, Mathilde died in her sleep. The Kepps were devastated.

    Letters to Lysander show that just days after the Death, Vago began experiencing odd thoughts and behaviors. One letter in particular holding this phrase: "The Nanobots, they talk to me on the inside. I listen to them every night. Their voices call to me in every moment of silence"

    ALCA's success had not gone unnoticed. An engineer by the name Jean Mondego had previously held a monopoly on devices in this region of civilized space. A manufactory was placed on La colonie verdoyante one city over from ALCA and instantly began competing for money from products invented patented and sold. Jean Mondego openly mocked Vago and his company. Going so far as to say "If his inventions can't save his own flesh and blood's life, how do you know they can help yours?” in reference to Vago's recent loss. During this time Vago was experiencing what can be described as "spouts of insanity” leading to the economic rivalry escalating far beyond that.

    Vago felt the need to protect himself and everyone else, and that meant the destruction of Jean Mondego. The fellow engineer had far overstepped his boundaries and it was enough to cause the final lapse into psychopathy. The Gray Goo project continued full swing, but the nanobots were innovated beyond being replacement immune systems. Soon They began self-replicating, controlled by programming and AI with the intelligence of infants. The nanobots were growing out of control and Lysander was growing worried. Vago did not listen to lysander, and rather shut down every other program in ALCA. Students left, and those loyal continued on the Gray Goo project. Vago thought nanobots to be the answer to whatever problems he was facing.

    A day came where ALCA was a shell of its former self, and the first attack started. Jean hired civilians to vandalize the university building in all ways possible. They broke into perhaps one of the worst labs however, as the hired thugs found themselves accidentally causing an explosion in the west wing of the university via volatile chemicals. Vago saw this as an act of war and retaliated quickly. The fruits of his labor finally erected itself in the form of The Spire.

    The Spire was a machine that created a storm around itself, but the precipitation was not water, but organic-polymer-consuming nanobots. For days it rained these monstrosities of metal, suffocating all life around it and Botics Co's territory. This was seen as an act of terror by the local government and the USCM as people too were being consumed by this ever growing nightmare of machines. Nothing remained in their wake but dead dry remains of dirt and sand. People were converted into more nanobots, as were plants and animals. Jean took it upon himself to test a prototype missile on the spire, which caused the destruction of ALCA University along with The Spire. The Nanobot rain stopped, but the wave of the gray goo marched onward.

    Vago was left with nothing as both Lysander and Anaiis left the madman to his own fate.

    The Fringe
    USCM and local constabulary began a manhunt for Vago, while organizations tried to clean up the disaster that was the nanobot rain and care for the injured and displaced. Vago saw that he most likely would be put to death for his wrongdoings and fled to the lawless safety of The Fringe. He was followed by Jean. The two of whom had a final battle in their vessels. Jean was more prepared and was defeating Vago. In a suicidal attempt, Vago rammed his ship into Jean's causing an explosion that nearly killed them both. What became of Jean is unknown. Vago's body floated limply in space near death as the vacuum all but consumed him.

    A space farer investigating the debris named Vitius found Vago's dying body and quickly took him on board where Vago was given a second chance. The nanobots deactivated. Flushed from his body and his mental state began to return to what it was prior. His wounds from both the impact and the vacuum slowly healed after constant medical attention from Vitius and a rogue medic. One wound did not heal however; His spinal cord was severed below his ribs, making his legs and lower body useless. He was to be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of his organic life. At this point in his life Vago had now reached the ripe old age of eighty. Being a long term house guest to a similarly aged apex (vitius) they grew to become great friends. They both shared a passion for technology and the future of science as a whole.

    D.R.O.N.E. Technologies & Rise to Power
    The new duo lived a life of a gentleman, or at least attempted to, being rather poor and constantly traveling from planet to planet for cheap scams and other business ventures that they could get away with in the area. Their days as con artists were only beginning however; Having stolen a shipment of materials from an interstellar supply line, they began working on a spy drone that they could use to scout out for danger or in place of themselves on any further ‘adventures'. The drone worked like a charm, and then the idea came to the men: They could sell these.

    Several more drones were built, each similar to each other but not quite factory quality. Sales were lacking at first, but it was enough to fund a small business. They began producing new drones for different purposes, redesigning old models, and building an empire. Drones from mere scouting to medical aid to military use were made in a single factory, which soon became several. With the auction of an experimental hovertank model, the small company DTech suddenly became a multi-million pixel business, creeping into the billions later on. DTech expanded its products into the practical field with gadgets of the future, some of which only civ space had access to prior

    The wealth had made the company larger than the men had ever dreamed, and Vago was its figurehead, a rising celebrity in the scene. His influence was growing heavily, and factions saw this. A temporary group of allied factions known as The Coalition hired Vago as the leader of their economic branch and sealed a production deal with all factions within the Coalition. Money continued to flow, rival companies continued to rise and fall. Some were consumed by Dtech to become branches, others were predatorily knocked out of the race entirely.

    At this time Vago began construction of his largest and finest creation yet, the Chateau D'Kepp. A castle of a house where he intended on inviting all his influential ‘friends' to a masquerade to further seal their fate. The masquerade unfortunately canceled due to complications. It was also around this time where Vitius and Vago began discussing what was to become their sinister legacy: Synthetic bodies. It began as Vitius realizing how efficient and beautiful robotics were becoming, that soon they may outcompete organic life in the game of evolution. Vitius began slowly turning himself more and more into a cyborg, embracing his new ideology. Vago also saw the advancements, but went with a completely different approach. With Grenbots on the rage as clunking slow moving tanks, Vago saw the trend as an opportunity to create a swifter, sleeker android. He debuted his design of the first Kepp Model android (Vagobots) on both the nexus and publicly, and then took the one leap Vitius could not do: Vago shed his organic body and imported his mind into a Vagobot. Slowly and systematically he began offering these full body conversions to other former organics, creating a small cult of vagobots in his image. DTech continued to blossom, and Vagobots becoming increasingly common on the fringe as a much more lifelike and modern alternative to robotics. As time progressed the Coalition was ended from its leader, "K” being discovered and assassinated. An attempt to salvage what remained of the coalition was made, but its true spiritual successor could be found among OFTO, which also was later dismantled due to public unrest. Regardless of these setbacks, DTech maintained its Monopoly.

    The pique of the Vagobot procreation was when the self-proclaimed deity Vulcan came to Vago with a powerful slave on his mind. At first Vago was hesitant, but Vulcan stooped to blackmail, and Vago was left with no choice. Vulcan assembled many of the new Synthetic organisms popping up with the Vagobot revolution, and began a larger cult of machines; The Awoken. The most powerful quantum computer was created through their combined efforts, which soon laid the plans for Hyperia. Hyperia was to be the second coming of the ancient world of Machines. At its core an advanced matrix-like digital world where programs could live, and on its exterior a world several decades in the future in terms of appearance and technology where the mechanical thrived. A new race of android, The Grand Hyperian, evolved from the shell of the Vagobots and inhabited the world. Vulcan was their god, Vago their prophet, Hyperia was a gem in an otherwise organic galaxy. Through a period of political instability a party rose to rival the Awoken: The Viti.

    The Viti
    Vitus had taken advantage of Vago's stature in Hyperia and in galactic matters to inject his own creations into Hyperia. While Vulcan saw an empire, Vitius saw one final step in the natural evolution. Each AI was its own person, which was what stopped progress. Personality must be erased if they were to reach the apex of the natural progression of life. The viti were a virus, a parasite on Hyperia. Individuals were taken over by a single mind: vitius's. His mind now a quantum computer itself, Vitius became what was to be known as "The Viti Prime” the queen of a colony of robots. Vulcan took exception to this treason, but it was too late. Vitius attempted to inject his Viti-Virus into Elysium, the digital world of Hyperia, and through Elysium into every mind of every living program and AI on Hyperia. The attack was quick and deadly. Millions were converted. Vulcan threw vitius into exile and salvaged a large portion of the populace from the disease, but those already affected were now one with the hive.

    The Viti hivemind left Hyperia behind as something to be conquered a later day. Vulcan had receded into the inner workings of Elysium to save his kingdom, while Vitius looked to his partner in crime for aid. The Viti kidnapped Vago and converted him into the hive. His brain now influenced by the hive, but also doubling as its second Prime. The Viti took the empire that DTech was and turned it into fuel for their bottomless desire for progress. Dtech fell into ruin and the riches it produced were quickly consumed as the Viti focused on procreation and safety of its own colony. It saw the fringe as an endless mine of resources and attempted assimilation under the guise of protection. This however failed miserably. The Viti were pushed out of the fringe, where they took up shelter on a number of systems along the rim of the galaxy, slowly converting them into their own twisted Hyperias as every resource was extracted and every location built up to produce at maximum efficiency. Contact between Viti and the rest of the galaxy dwindled until the events of The Last Swarm.

    The Resurrection
    After the events of the Last Swarm concluded, old friend and makeshift apprentice Lange Avalice ressurected the long dead Kepp. Being a year after his abduction in the Viti, Vago struggled to adapt to the new Fringe. [Present Day]

    Physical Appearance[​IMG]

    6' 6''
    Weight: 200 lbs
    Body-Type: fit
    Skin colour: Originally Mocha
    Eye Colour: Originally yellow, now Cyan
    Hair Colour: Black


    Vago was once a celebrity within the Fringe, known for his good manners, unending kindness, and determination for success. To business partners he is a cunning man who shouldn't be underestimated, To friend's he is a honorable smart man who will do anything in his power for them. To the average citizen today he is nothing more than a memory.

    Vago was always a man who embraced the extravagant. Every chance he got in his later years he would try to find some way to stand out from the crowd, appear unique but simultaneously stylish. When the money isn't flowing, this approach is limited.

    Vago is typically a calm collected individual with a decent sense of humor. He has lasting patience with most and rarely raises his voice beyond a boisterous laugh. When angered Vago will begin breaking from his typical facade and begin using more vulgar words and complex insults in an attempt to be both rude and appear more sophisticated. Beyond these more obvious displays, Vago is one to keep his emotions to himself, often trying to keep a pokerface unless the situation calls for a smile, a frown, or otherwise.

    • Theme (Provided by Short Factor/Lange)
    • The Chateau was burned down by Vago's Fiance in a fit of insanity, resulting in an end of their relationship
    • Vago had a temporary love affair with one of his maids
    • The idea behind Kepp Model Androids was that technology was the next evolution of organic life. Ironically the android's infrastructure was heavily based on organic morphology down to the synthetic muscles.[/font]
    • For a time, DTech's only competitor was Gromtech
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020

    AD INFINITUM Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Reserved for Update log:
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019
  3. Dorfus

    Dorfus Sword Fiend

    Jun 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    feels like I just learned a really important piece of GC lore from just reading this
  4. Horriblues

    Horriblues Galactic Commoner

    Jun 27, 2017
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    is it wishful thinking to expect Vago's return?

    AD INFINITUM Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Mayhaps mayhaps. Just wait a little bit and we'll see

    AD INFINITUM Watcher from The Void Ex-Staff Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Wishful think no more. The return has commenced.
  7. Horriblues

    Horriblues Galactic Commoner

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Aw frick yea

    Calvin and Wallace aren't far behind, I promise.
  8. TheRagnaRoek

    TheRagnaRoek New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    THAT is the dedication I love about GC. Amazing work, it was fun to read through this.