= UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST SYSTEMS ==========================='Brotherhood and Unity, Through Trying Times' = THE UNION =The Union of Soviet Socialist Systems consists of the remnants and survivors of New Moscow, now taking refuge in the Fringe after the destruction of their home planet. The USSS seeks to establish colonies, factories, and create a new home for itself within the Fringe, and to restore itself to it's former glory. = RED ARMY = (( LEADER - CLICKY )) The Red Army is the national army of the USSS. Under direct command of the Prem'yer, our numbers march victoriously, protecting those who cannot protect themselves. = RANKS =PRIVATEPRIVATE FIRST CLASSLANCE CORPORALCORPORALJUNIOR SERGEANTSERGEANTSTAFF SERGEANTMASTER SERGEANTFIRST SERGEANTPRAPORSHCHIKJUNIOR LIEUTENANTLIEUTENANTCAPTAINMAJORPOLKOVNIKGENERALPREM'YER = MEDICAL DIVISION =MEDICAL TECHNICIANASSISTANT SURGEONSURGEONSURGEON MAJORSURGEON GENERAL = CIVILIAN OCCUPATIONS =ENGINEERMECHANICCULINARYSANITATIONAGRICULTURE = SPETSIALNIYE OPERATSII = (( LEADER - GREG PETERS ))The SO (Special Operations) is the elite of the army, the best of the best reside here. Following the instructions of our commanding general, it's victory or death. Our ranks are based sheerly on dedication and skill. = RANKS =PRIVATEPRIVATE FIRST CLASSLANCE CORPORALCORPORALJUNIOR SERGEANTSERGEANTSTAFF SERGEANTMASTER SERGEANTFIRST SERGEANTPRAPORSHCHIKJUNIOR LIEUTENANTLIEUTENANTCAPTAINMAJORPOLKOVNIKGENERAL = PEOPLE'S COMMISSARIAT FOR INTERNAL AFFAIRS = (( LEADER - PARTISAN ))The NKVD (Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del) is the USSS' leading secret police-esque organisation. We specialise in espionage, surveillance and protection of our sacred nation. With the guidance of our benevolent director, we shall prosper a safe haven for our people. = RANKS =OPERATORSERGEANTOFFICERDIRECTOR = APPLICATION =To join the Union on it's journey to re-establish itself as a Fringe power, and to restore it's great nation to it's former glory, fill out the application below. Name: Age: Sex:Species:Skills & Occupation:Desired Divison:Experience in non-Union Employment: (( Applications should be registered only in the USSS Discord, #applications channel. https://discord.gg/TJpm5Z8 )) (( OOC ROSTER ))Prem'yer Raisa Novosi - ClickyDirector Katya Romanova - PartisanGeneral Sasha Lukashenko - Greg PetersSurgeon General Anka Romanova - AerieCommissar Basil Gavrilov - MonoCommissar Alla - SkidPolkovnik Snezhana - DiaskyCaptain Roman Prokhorov - OnyxJr. Lieutenant Kristina Smirnov - Pinkbat5Praporshchik Mikhail Bilanov - MarshmallowerMaster Sergeant Snezhana Chichikova - HeidrekrStaff Sergeant Ukiani - Robotic PotatoLance Corporal - YzLance Corporal Madelene - KioOperator Rashid Efremov - GunPrivate Akio Deadlock - Silent Akio Operator Marcellus - GodDinoGodKillGodManKill Sergeant Alexsandr Senaviev - Skulldoh