The Ttangsai System

Discussion in 'Notable Fringe Worlds' started by zirconzz, Apr 6, 2021.

  1. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Solar System Name: Ttangsai
    Star type(s): K-type main-sequence star

  2. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Planet Name: Daeyung
    Environment: (Briefly describe the natural environment of the planet, such as its weather, habitability and any ecosystems living on it.) Daeyung is a Mars-sized planet, with two moons, one large, and one small (Hyeong and Saeng respectively). It has an axial tilt of 42 degrees, and though it does get cold at it's poles, the planet is generally rather warm, muggy, and humid. Large swathes of the planet are covered in dense, dark jungle and wetland, with it getting more arid and inhospitable as you near the poles. The planet is very rugged, with numerous mountain ranges splitting it's archipelago-like continents. Daeyung is covered in large but surprisingly shallow oceans. Small volcanic islands dot the seas.

    Resources: Daeyung is rich in metals and nuclear material, as well as petroleum and rubber. Also rather importantly, it's got tons of water.

    Population Size: ~26 million

    Settlements: The planet of Daeyung is governed by the Daeyung Unitary State, an isolationist but democratic federation made up of the constituent countries of Gidae, Sin-Ang, Inga, and Midoka. The capital and largest of the Daeyung Unitary State is Haean. Haean also has the largest spaceport on the planet, Meosjin Spaceport. Other large cities include Inshoteki, Eosan, Akka, and Jolyu. The majority of it's population is spread across large sprawling cities that take up large portions of coastlines, with a network of interconnected suburbs surrounding them-- large swathes of untamed jungle and swamp lie between the larger cities, only cut through by a robust transportation network that bores holes through mountains and hills as it goes. On occasion, small towns have been founded alongside their monorail lines. They are generally isolated and lack suburbs like the larger cities, and usually the majority of the population in these smaller towns commute to a larger city for work.

    Daeyung has a thriving economy, though it is unfortunately disparaging to the lower class. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Government corruption, particularly embezzlement and mismanagement of funds (such as using money to build large, unnecessary stadiums), has been a huge issue at both the federal level and the sub-federal level. The majority of their economy relies on raw resource extraction, manufacturing, and their IT industry.

    Daeyung is a patchwork of cultures and species, most of which are refugees from the various conflicts in CivSpace. The majority of it's original population arrived on the planet as refugees of the Galactic War, and later refugees from the Floran-Hylotl Wars arrived in waves. A large chunk of it's population is either Human, Floran, or Hylotl. A small amount of Shifters also reside on Daeyung. The ethnic tensions between the constituent countries of Inga and Midoka, predominantly Floran and Hylotl respectively, has been a major ongoing issue that has only recently (within the past decade) started to simmer down as a result of cross-cultural pollination. Despite this, a number of riots between the two species have still occurred between extremist groups. Korean, Floran, and Axolotian are the most commonly spoken first languages on the planet, though the vast majority of it's population learns Galactic Common as a second language (in fact it's mandated as part of their curriculum) and is completely fluent in it by the time they exit the schooling system. As such, Galactic Common serves as the planet's lingua franca. Most cities are essentially bilingual and signs will often display both Common and another language.

    In recent decades new refugees from the Stargazer Theocracy have arrived, seeing the Avian population swell significantly over the past few decades. The youngest Avians on the planet tend to be 3rd generation. The Avian population has unfortunately seen economic hardship, finding it difficult to establish careers on a planet entirely foreign to them and their culture. Many live in slums or otherwise poor living conditions. An unfortunate cultural assimilation process has started occurring in the youngest generation of Avians, where many are incapable of speaking even basic phrases of Avosi and/or lack any knowledge of Avian culture.

    Backstory Permissions:
    Daeyung is completely open for people to use if they'd like to.

    Daeyung is known to be home to a number of large, insectoid animals-- many of which are dangerous. So dangerous, in fact, that the Daeyung Unitary State specifically established a branch of the military to prevent them from causing damage to cities and civilians, the Daeyun Security Forces. The proper interior of cities are also often marked by large walls, with suburbs typically falling outside of these walls. Older and larger cities like Haean have multiple sets of walls, showing where the old suburbs used to be as they slowly expanded outwards.