The Tricaria System

Discussion in 'Notable Fringe Worlds' started by Nalani, May 27, 2020.

  1. Nalani

    Nalani New Arrival

    May 21, 2020
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    Solar system name: TRICARIA
    Star type: F


    Open - anyone with a ship can access any of these planets or moons, but only OURILIA is habitable.
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  2. Nalani

    Nalani New Arrival

    May 21, 2020
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    Planet Name: XEIRUS
    This planet's proximity to the sun has rendered it uninhabitable due to volcanic fissures, frequent meteor showers, and day-time temperatures reaching up to 540 degrees Celsius. This planet has little to no notable aspects, besides a small serious of lava rivers near the equator.
    Resources: The only known resources of the planet are heat and lava.
    Population Size: 0
    Settlements: NA
    Backstory Permissions: Uninhabited
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  3. Nalani

    Nalani New Arrival

    May 21, 2020
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    Planet Name: OURILIA

    This planet is lush with flora and fauna. It boasts a rich collection of vegetation including; wheat, corn, carrot, cotton, tomato, pearl peas, and trees very similar to Earth's oak. It has close to 10 different living species, mostly docile, but not good for meat as they are strong and sinewy. The weather can consist of long sunny periods followed by longer heavy rainy periods, and typically bounces between the two, with the only exception being a one-month long snowfall period each rotation of the sun. The planet is very habitable and welcoming, and many micro-biotic species benefit from this.
    Resources: The meats typically found on the planet are gamey and chewy, leaving most of it's inhabitants vegetarian or vegan. Its vegetal abundance makes it a planet fit for farming. Little is known of the resources underground as the communities that live amongst the surface don't often delve into the depths of the planet, and if they do it's for other reasons. The main resource of the planet is it's rich history. It holds many ruins of a glitch (?) civilization, some even older ruins in the shallow depths of the ground, and beautiful, traditional floran culture.
    Population Size: Approx. 100.
    Settlements: There is a small, native floran community that keeps to themselves. They are not hostile, but offer no pleasantries to those who take up residence on the planet. Besides them, is an archaeological team consisting of 3 families, totalling about 15 people. The culture is friendly, making it feel like a 15 person family, and the economy typically consists of trades between these families, each residing in their own homes with several kilometres of space in between each. The races of these three families are 1 human, and 2 hylotl.
    Backstory Permissions: Open
    Notes: It's moons (smallest to largest) are ALRORA and LOUBOS.
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  4. Nalani

    Nalani New Arrival

    May 21, 2020
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    Planet Name: SEMOPHONE

    This planet is a gas giant consisting of mostly gaseous and liquid metal hydrogen, with an abundance of phosphorus to give it it's pink glow. It features frequent lead storms with a thick atmosphere.
    Resources: Hydrogen and phosphorous (if you can safely get within it's atmosphere).
    Population Size: 0
    Settlements: NA
    Backstory Permissions: Uninhabited
    Notes: It's moons (smallest to largest) are UITHEA, MOMIA 0XJ, DOAYTIS, and YALARA.
    Pinkbat5 likes this.
  5. Nalani

    Nalani New Arrival

    May 21, 2020
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    Planet Name: DISTRAEPHUS

    Environment: This planet is also a gas giant consisting entirely of gaseous and liquid metal hydrogen, with occasional lead showers and a notably large sea of lead. The atmosphere is slightly thinner, but still thicker than what would be allowable for a ship to enter.
    Resources: Hydrogen and lead.
    Population Size: 0
    Settlements: NA
    Backstory Permissions: Uninhabited
    Notes: It's moons (smallest to largest) are BEZERTH and ZOMOLEA.
    Pinkbat5 likes this.