// The Nas'Beru//

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Teldrassil, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer

    Mar 24, 2020
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    //User 'Euphoria' makes a post on several popular forums with a link that leads to one main post. In it, it gives details on who exactly the Nas'Beru are and provides brief descriptions of their various breeds. There is no section for comments on any of the posts.//

    The Nas'Beru are a race of people consisting of various breeds that reside on our homeworld of Nas. It's a luscious planet filled with dense jungles and is lead by the Nas'Beru Bloc - a monarchic system headed by the Queen Lyari of the Barkskins. We're a race entirely grown in vats by the geneweavers and distributed as infants via a lottery system.

    There are several breeds, which I will now detail

    Nas'Nif: Arrogant and self-obsessed. Spend so much time preening that it's a wonder they manage to drag themselves from the mirror and do anything productive. Physically they come in bright colours and have pointed ears, but mostly resemble humans.

    Nas'Dak: Cowardly creatures, all bark and no bite. They range from shades of green to grey and generally have pointed ears, rather small in frame and always hideously ugly. Peculiarly, they have an uncontrolled mutation that causes them to be larger (and uglier) and stronger - it also makes them too stupid to understand the concept of retreat in any form. Neither of them particularly like the sun.

    Nas'Dorf: Short, stout and absolutely fucking miserable. Take some hair from your shower drain and stick it on a burrowing rodent, congratulations, you now have a Nas'Dorf. Also hideous but less so than Nas'Dak. If one's pestering you, stick it in the sun and yell at it - it'll stop pestering you.

    Nas'Djinn: Not truly a breed but instead multiple minor breeds that have all rallied under one name. Appearance varies wildly and there's not really a set personality. Almost always animalistic.

    Nas'Djinn'ka: A variation on Nas'Djinn, the Nas'Djinn'ka are one of the few Nas'Beru that actually have the cunning, strength and drive to take power. You'll find the majority of them in high positions, be that owning a business or controlling one of the many states of Nas. The ones that aren't in a position of power will stop at no end to be in one and those that are will stop at no end to preserve that position. Don't trifle with a Nas'Djinn'ka, it will not end well for you. Physically they take on animalistic traits like the Nas'Djinn, but the features are generally limited to the head.

    Nas'Ura: Just kind of weird. Bat-like creatures, white-red skin and large sails on their back. Generally thin and short. They're not the best at spotting you, but they can hear you pretty well. You also won't catch one in a ship, but there are a few in Tartarus.

    Nas'Nat: A fully aquatic breed. Their skin is generally a shade of blue or purple and is covered in sleek scales. You'll find their faces, backs and limbs lined with large fins and on their cheeks are electroreceptors. Poor eyesight outside of water though and they need a respiratory device to assist in breathing.

    Nas'Kohl: Little insectoid things with hard shells and beady black eyes. There's a large population of them in the Undercrypt and they're renowned for being exemplary warriors, although sometimes they lose themselves in the heat of battle and fall as a result of it.

    Nas'Try: They generally dwell on the surface of Nas as they require their hair to be in sunlight for photosynthesis. Generally tall with bark-like skin and golden eyes. Nothing else really of note.

    Nas'Rok: With rough sand-like skin and burning oil for blood, the Nas'Rok are certainly an interesting oddity. Typically tall and bulky and their diet mainly consists of rocks, rocks and more rocks - with some fuel here and there. They're not fond of the cold.

    Nas'Pud: Nas'Pud are forced to live in air-tight suits due to a vulnerability to the air that causes their flesh to turn to liquid when exposed. They have black bulbous eyes and come in a variety of colours. If you shine a light on them, you can see their muscles and bones.
    ThatCabbage and TriReef like this.