00 - The Haven Federation Codex

Discussion in 'Haven Federation' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Democratic Republic


    "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
    -Emma Lazarus


    What is any democracy without the values of justice, perseverance, and goodness to support it? Starting as the Fringe Protectorate, thirty years later, the Haven Federation is the result of a multitude of failed attempts to erect a nation that would, above all else, stand as a beacon of peace and unity in the Fringe. Now, that idealism of peace has shifted into one of justice, duty, and unity, forming a Federation that would eventually surpass the Protectorate in all ways thought possible in military might, political governance, and cultural idealism. Now, the Haven Federation opens itself to full outward influence upon the Fringe, jaunted into the galactic map following the death of its beloved leader, Grand Protector Mael Radec. Proudly boasting a democracy for the people, the Haven Federation has a High Senate led by the esteemed Grand Protector, every seat elected by its citizens. Its capital is the moon Haven, which orbits the fringe-famous gas giant Lapetus, surrounded by Haven, Atlas, Visitant, and several other factions that maintain diplomatic and business relations with the Federation.

    Table of Contents
    • Astrography
    • Geography
    • Territory / Haven City
      • The Capital District
      • The Rendera District
      • The Yggdrasil District
      • The Corrav Ruins / New Corrav
      • The Bastion District
      • Subterránea
    • Economy
    • Government
    • Subfactions
      • The Grand Fleet
      • The Haven Expeditionary Force
      • The Haven Guard
      • The Grand Army
      • The Gaia University
      • SOLUS Industries
      • Haven First
    • History

  2. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    ( Art by @Pinkbat5 )
    The Haven System (Binary Main Sequence)
    Ø Asteroid Belt [​IMG]
    III Clymene [​IMG][​IMG]
    Lapetus (Gas Giant)

    [​IMG] Calypso Station
    IV Haven [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    [​IMG]Corrav Memorial Spaceport
    Ø Nomeldros [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    I Vedoxis [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] (6.5k square km owned by Visitant empire)
    II Salacia [​IMG][​IMG]
    Ø Tertiara I [​IMG] (Niflheim Mining Outpost owned by SOLUS Industries.)
    Ø Tertiara II [​IMG]
    Ø Tertiara III
    Ø Exoplanet Haven-38(AB)b
    The Silentia System (Main Sequence)
    Ø Asteroid Belt [​IMG]
    Ø Exaris [​IMG] (A planet of frozen methane, ideal for rubium ore.)
    III Bastion [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] (A cold world occupied holding the Glitch kingdom of Bastion, formerly known as the Silent Bastion. It is now the Bastion district of the Haven Federation following its liberation by the Haven Expeditionary Force.)
    Ø Silais [​IMG] (A barren planet of rock, infested with erchius.)

    The star system of Haven A and Haven B is a binary star system, with Haven A being an A-class main sequence star of 1.2 solar masses and Haven B being a G-class main sequence star of .8 solar masses. Close in orbit to the stars is a large ring field of sun-ablated erchius and aegisalt asteroids, with the dwarf planet Ligara also in the field, a sun-scorched magma planet.
    The first planetary body in the system is the habitable world of Clymene, a roughly Venus-sized planet with an oxygen-rich atmosphere consisting of nearly 40% oxygen, followed mostly by nitrogen and neon, among other trace gases.
    After that sits the gas giant of Lapetus, a brown banded Jovian Gas Giant that is home to the moon of Haven, a fairly large satellite of Lapetus, as well as many other moons and countless asteroids. Other moons include the habitable moon Vedoxis, the volcanic Nomeldros, etc.
    The group of planets which follows Lapetus and its many moons is the trinary planetary system of Tertiara, three planets orbiting a common center of mass, one made of frozen dry ice with a carbon dioxide atmosphere, one being a dull crater-streaked surface rich of ore, and the final one being a dark, barren planet of graphite dust surface blanketed in an atmosphere of dense black gas.
    Finally, deep in the reaches of the Haven system is a small dwarf planet composed of weakly bound gas, dust, and ice, theorized to be an amalgamate of millions of collected comets. Beyond this dwarf world lies fields of other outer-system objects, including comets and other, smaller dwarf planets.
    In relation to the Milky Way, Haven is located in the Outer Perseus Arm of the galaxy, located at a position from the galactic center 120 degrees from Sol. The Haven System is located inside of the Crab Nebula, which has now expanded to approximately 1000 Ly in diameter since its formation in 1054, with Haven being approximately 50 Ly from the Crab Pulsar, one of the first Pulsars discovered by the Human species and the progenitor star of the supernova remnant. Within the Crab Nebula area are certain other objects of interest inside the Crab area of the Fringe.

    (Above: The Crab Nebula in 2017, taken from the Sol System. From the view of Haven, it is massive and bright in the unpolluted night sky, much like the milky way’s arms.)
  3. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Fate was smiling upon the settlers that founded the Haven colony. Against all odds, they discovered a planet with a very similar environment to Earth. Varying temperatures, plenty of fresh air, abundant flora and fauna, vast blue oceans of saltwater, and precious resources hidden deep under the rich soil. Haven sprung up in this Cradle of Life, blooming into a bright beacon of hope, bobbing on the frothy surface of the chaotic, turbulent universe.
    While just slightly too far from the star’s Goldilocks zone to support life on its own, life thrives on Haven due to the heat created on the moon as a result of the tidal forces of Lapetus shifting its mantle, similar to certain moons of Jupiter and other gas giant bodies. This combined with the sunlight of the twin stars provided the perfect conditions to evolve Haven into a class IV Gaia planet thriving with mass amounts of life.​


    Haven’s surface is split up into 5 continents; 3 main landmasses and two large ice-caps at both poles. The largest continent where Haven was established is referred to as Caelum, with Haven itself located along the east coast. The area around Haven is rich in natural resources; lush forests, freshwater rivers, mostly temperate climates, nutrient rich soil, and plenty of precious resources underground. To conserve the beautiful environment, they build upwards instead of constantly spreading outwards, resulting in the gargantuan skyscrapers we see today. The coast of Caelum is dotted with small islands and atolls, teeming with life. There’s evidence to suggest that these smaller landmasses were once part of the main continent, but have broken off of the mainland due to shifting tectonic plates. Caelum doesn’t extend below the equator, however the further south you go the drier and more arid it gets. South Caelum, which is still untouched by colonization, is mostly long rolling plains. This area doesn’t get much rain so the tall grass is quite dry. Rampant fires are common. One long mountain range runs along the west coast and up to the northern coast, simply referred to as the Caelum Ranges. To its right is a smaller landmass named Caelum minor. It is pretty much identical to Caelum in climate, resources, and environment so it was deemed to be a secondary part of the mainland. A wide strait separates these two, called the Radec Strait.

    Ji is sometimes referred to as Caelum’s “little sister”. Located just underneath Caelum in the south-western hemisphere, it shares its climate and resources with its metaphorical big sister. Northern Ji consists of large, arid plains similar to South Caelum. Fossil records show that Ji and Caelum may have shared a border some time ago. Ji extends southward, the plains slowly turning into tundra the further down you go. Most of the wildlife here is related to the wildlife on Caelum, adapted to the colder climate.

    Orbrige is located in the south-western hemisphere, and is the polar opposite of Caelum in almost every way. Orbrige is almost entirely rocky deserts. The center of Orbrige is called the Orbrige Outback, a reference to the Australian Outback on Earth. Not much can survive in this harsh desert, other than a handful of small rodent-like creatures that feed on sparse tufts of grass and burrow into small underground freshwater lakes, along with larger birds of prey that feed on these rodents. While there isn’t much else of note on the surface, underneath is a large cache of gold and tin. Most mining expeditions turn a pretty good profit. All across Orbrige are massive canyons depressed into the ground, as well as various plateaus.

    -Glac and Glets-
    Glac (North) and Glets (South) are the twin ice-caps of Haven. Both are large enough to be considered continents, however, the temperatures here get so low nothing can survive on the surface. Underneath the ice, however, large whale-like animals feed on bacteria and seafloor plantlife, breaching only every now and then for air.

    Bodies of Water

    This is the ocean located surrounding Caelum, divided into North (Above Caelum) and South (Below Caelum, above Ji and Orbrige). South Caelis is warm and tropical, home to many varieties of fish and coral.

    -Radec Strait-
    Dividing Caelum and Caelum Minor is a long, wide body of water called the ‘Radec Strait’. It’s called this because of how the water here flows slowly and peacefully, like Haven’s leader Mael Radec.
    -Kakao Ocean-
    Kakao is the largest ocean on Haven. Located north and east of Orbrige, the water here ranges from arctic to tropical. Many unique species of fish inhabit these waters.

    Natural Wonders

    -Arco Iris-
    The tropical waters around the equator of Haven are home to a magnificent array of different coral reefs, which all connect to form the largest known reef in the known galaxy, ‘Arco Iris’. Named after the Spanish word for ‘rainbow’, this reef displays a stunning variety of vibrant colors, covering the entire rainbow spectrum. Small glowing fish call these reefs home, and during their mating season they all light up, putting on a splendid bioluminescent show. Arco Iris is so large and colorful, it can be seen from space.
    The Yggdrasil district was built around a giant Life Tree, which through its roots connects to 30-40% of the plant life surrounding the Yggdrasil district, making it essentially a single giant superorganism which is often viewed by Havenites as a living allegory for the unity that binds all citizens of the Federation together. Named for the mythical tree that connects the nine worlds of Norse cosmology, Yggdrasil is a shining beacon of hope to all of Haven. Residents of the surrounding district do their best to keep the tree alive and thriving.
    Yggdrasil has been on Haven for millions of years, its true origins unknown. A Life Tree, its height is comparable to that of skyscrapers. A symbol of peace and unity, many residents of the Yggdrasil District consider it spiritually sacred. Since the destruction of Corrav, however, the Ascended Empire of the Shin’kali began to harvest the tree as a result of a cease-fire negotiation after the empire invaded the Corrav District. Since then, the tree is in a dismal state, many sections of it barren of leaves and with missing bark and tissue, much to the dismay and rage of the residents of the Yggdrasil District.​

    -Orbrige Canyon-
    Splitting the Orbrige Outback in two is a deep, dark crack in the ground known as the Orbrige Canyon. While only 211 km long and 6 km wide, this crevice is estimated to be over 15 kilometers deep, about 5 km deeper than the Marianas Trench on Earth. While research teams have attempted to send advanced drones down to scout out the bottom, all drones suddenly vanish at around 10 km into the canyon. We have yet to figure out why.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2018
  4. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Haven City / Territories

    Haven City is the beautiful icon of the Haven Federation, its capital, stretching high into the skies and across its planet. Its heart is in the Haven District, full of sleek white and gold buildings and clean skies and air, a high amount of rainfall, and sunshine when it isn’t raining or cloudy. Haven City holds a large population of seven million citizens across its districts, holding a fairly steady middle class across its population. The Haven District is home to most of the Haven Federation’s market and business output. All of the districts are connected by high-traffic airways and roads. In addition to Haven City, the district of Bastion is also an off-world territory of the Federation.

    -Capital District-
    The Capital District, also called the Haven District, is the most important of the four districts, being the largest, most urban, and the headquarters of the Haven Federal Government, as it contains the Senate building, federal courts and the guard HQ. The center of Haven’s economy, the Haven District is dotted with a deep urban infrastructure as white and gold skyscrapers rise through the skies, the lower portions of the city dense with sprawling activity and commerce. The Haven District is also the center of Haven’s other industries, primarily entertainment and technology, as the district is filled with holograms and places of interest advertising products or events. The Capital District also possesses the highest standard of living in the federation, thriving as the centerpiece of the Federation’s economy and prosperity. Other important buildings include the Haven Prison, the SOLUS Headquarters, the Haven Museum, the Gaia University, and more.

    -Rendera District-
    The Rendera District is the sunny, beautiful coastal district of Haven City. Marked by beautiful waters, coastal cabins, and sunny beaches, the Rendera District is the only district where offworlders may purchase property, typically vacation homes. It is a target for many citizens going on vacations, as its wonderful beaches provide sustainable recreation with its glistening sands and waters, making it quite a popular district to visit. Naturally, being a beach, it is home to a majority of Haven’s Hylotl, who have built up quite an infrastructure and culture in the Rendera District, who share a home with a diverse group of human, whose cultural background has been the source of the Italian and Portuguese architecture and culture that differentiates Rendera from any other place in the Fringe, if not the Milky Way as a whole.
    The Rendera District is largely split into two major regions, the poorer urban sector, which is built upon the coast and houses the majority of the Hylotl and Portuguese population, the brunt of the labor force for the District, and the upscale “Tuscan” sector, in the surrounding rolling hills that lie directly inland of the coast; it is here that some of the wealthiest people in the Federation live, including the aristocrats of Renderan society, such as the Guanciale family, who have historically been in the leadership of Rendera’s local government since the first colonists came to Haven. In these rolling hills, the Fringe has its greatest concentration of wineries and grape orchards, which have been producing vintages using the same specimens of grape that were used in the regions of the Italian peninsula on Earth for thousands of years, carefully maintained and brought to Haven before Earth met its fate forty years ago.
    The Rendera District is known for the unspoken secret of its crime culture, various mobs and mafias intertwined into the business and government of the region, having influence on its machinations and processes. The youth of Rendera look up to these mobster figures around them, similar to how the children in America’s past looked up to famous bandits and gunslingers from the old west, seeing them as portraits of masculinity and individuality to be emulated in style. This behavior is particularly common among the children of urban Rendera, who often face poverty and a difficult childhood, looking to the mobs around them as something that they can aspire towards in their own desires to have individual freedom and power.
    Conflict between the Italian mobs of upper-Rendera, which hold considerable power in industry and the government, and the Portuguese-Hylotl gangs of lower-Rendera, who hold influence with the worker’s unions on the docks and factories, is a common thing to see. It wouldn’t be unexpected for there to be several shootings in the course of a single night during a period of increased tension between these groups, and the people of the District have largely come to terms with the idea that this sort of violence will likely not be winding down any time soon, particularly with the advanced age of the Guanciale patriarch, Antonio de Guanciale, who is expected to begin handing down the leadership of the Guanciale Family Business to his son, Cirillo de Guanciale, soon, something that will surely create waves of tension and uncertainty in the region as the future of the most powerful Italian mob in Rendera lies unknown.

    -Yggdrasil District-
    The Yggdrasil District is Haven’s most natural district, getting its name from the Life Tree it is built around, called Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil's roots span across much of Haven City, encompassing over 80% of all of Haven’s plant life. Shrouded by green and gold lights and a beautiful view of the sky, the Yggdrasil District offers Haven City’s agricultural produce and is home to a majority of Haven’s Florans, Agarans, and other species. The buildings itself are much smaller in comparison to the skyscrapers of Haven City, instead primarily being made out of the hard Vitawood of Yggdrasil, with many buildings being built along the tree or in its branches or roots.
    Recently, the Yggdrasil tree suffered greatly following the exploitation of its tissues by the Ascended Empire of the Shin’kali after the Corrav Treaty. Because of this, much of the Yggdrasilian population has been displaced to the outer sections of the district, with many natives outraged from the desecration of their sacred tree.

    -Corrav Ruins/New Corrav-
    Long ago, the Corrav District was a gleaming vision of industry and progress for the Federation. It was the greatest region for employment of non-service sector workers on the moon of Haven, and it quickly built itself to being nearly as prosperous, if not even more, than the Capital District itself. Alas, this grand vision was naught to last. In the blind pursuit of growth and constant expansion, the business leaders of the area, growing ever more powerful until they themselves were influencing the local government in a sort of plutocracy, preventing local legislature from passing laws that could have negative outcomes on their forward expansion via their “persuasive” lobbyists.
    However, this lack of foresight would be the downfall of the District, as pollution kept ramping up, the environment of the region sat on the precipice of disaster, and eventually, disaster won. Dams burst, filled with the wastes of metal refineries that had been using them as a cheap dumping ground for decades, as suddenly the lower regions of the district were flooded by water filled with heavy metal and industrial contaminants. The damage was beyond comprehension, both to the industry and infrastructure of the region, and its ecology. Many attempts were made at salvaging what had been lost, but in the end only one thing could be done. The entire lower portions of Corrav were abandoned, Corrav became a city among the dense, smoggy clouds which had begun to cover its skies. Industry tried to continue marching on in the District after this tragedy, but with the combined public backlash for the poor business practices that had led to this, and the large scale destruction of inner-city infrastructure from the disaster, most corporations were forced to fold.
    What was a corrupt, but prosperous, District, home to industry and jobs aplenty, became a stale and decaying rust belt of the Federation, its local government slowly losing the battle with maintaining sovereignty against the rise of gangs that began to dominate the area. This slow burn was the state that Corrav existed in for many years, up until the start of this year, when the former hotspot of glory would face its greatest destruction at the hands of a foreign menace. The start of the infection in Corrav is still unknown to this day, but the damage that it has caused to the District and its people has been beyond measure. Four million lives were extinguished in the short span of a few months, many having succumbed to the Shifter virus which began setting up a foothold within the degrading towers and sewers of Corrav, and the rest having fallen to the betrayal of Saif Cassio, the Traitor Prince of Haven, who led a Shifter Hive’s ships towards the Federation in an action disguised as a promise of help. In the final hours of the District, the decision was made to save the lives of those who had been evacuated, and the Federation as a whole, through the sacrifice of those who had decided to remain behind. The Corrav District’s urban sector was destroyed in a series of orbital bombardment strikes.
    It succeeded in taking out the ships which had descended upon it, but in the process purged the decaying city from the face of Haven itself. Standing there now lies a maze of ruins, a mass graves of the lives that were lost on that day. Although the Senate has officially begun cleanup and reconstruction of the area, the loss from these events will always remain a scarred sore in the heart of any Havenite with passion and love for their home.
    ( Currently under construction, the Bronze City Tower, to be built in the ground zero of zones of Corrav that suffered the greatest damage from the infection and the subsequent bombardment. )​

    -Bastion District-
    Bastion is the newest District, formerly a Glitch Kingdom liberated from a hivemind state by the Haven Expeditionary Force. Bastion is located in the Silentia system, just a hyperlane away from the Haven system and the Cehmani system of the Iconian Collective. Bastion itself is a small city constructed of stone in the mountainous tundra, the city using purple and white as their colors. After it was liberated by the Haven Expeditionary Force, Bastion prospered into a city of higher culture and arts, the city bringing into fame many famous Glitch musicians, artists, writers, and more who showcase their best works in the Arcania Auditorium.
    Bastion is a city under constant snowfall, and sometimes even blizzards. It is a small city with a Glitch population as few as 20,000 native Glitch. The city itself is made of stone, and is constructed and planned upwards onto a hill, the center of the city being the Hushed Keep where the King once lived.
    The most famous landmark of Bastion is the Arcania Auditorium, named for the minstrel who died helping the Haven Expeditionary Force save Bastion. Many host plays, orchestras, poetry readings, and more in the auditorium, gathering a wide audience from across the city and even the entire Federation.
    Another famous landmark in the city is the Dreamwound Statue, a series of statues carved at the center of the Arcania Plaza where the auditorium building is. The statue depicts the members of the Haven Expeditionary Force that saved Bastion, with the Minstrel Arcania depicted largely in the center.
    The Glitch native to Bastion follow a type of new religion that deifies “The Minstrel”, believing her to live in all of their hearts to inspire them to create and wonder. This goddess is actually the Glitch Arcania who aided the Haven Expeditionary Force in freeing Bastion inside the dream simulation created by the mage Morpheus, dying from Morpheus’ shadows in the final stretch to the place that spelled freedom for the city. The Minstrel is depicted as a fair Glitch woman with a purple and white cloak and a wide-brimmed feathered hat, purple optics and a silver chassis.
    Bastion began long ago when the Glitch first arrived to the Silentia system as a hivemind kingdom, stagnant in medieval culture and technology. As time progressed on, the Silent Bastion has undergone many wars with other smaller Glitch cities on the planet, these cities utilizing various forms of higher technology as “magic” to empower Bastion, the largest city. Bastion then devised various forms of technology to counter this, creating an electromagnetic pulse weapon that acted as a form of anti-magic that protected them, allowing them to destroy the enemy cities.
    Long after any wars, the Black Empire began to take interest in Bastion after conquering Nova Australasia close by. A High Mage of the Black Empire, an enlightened Glitch from Bastion named Morpheus, was assigned to turn the kingdom to the side of the Black Empire. To do this, Morpheus placed all of the Silent Bastion into a deep sleep, a dream where he could attempt to sway Bastion to the side of the Umbral King.
    A month later, Senator Sinji Ekta of the Haven Federation assigned the Haven Expeditionary Force to Bastion to investigate its sudden silence. When they arrived, they encountered a planet encased in black, and a city of sleeping Glitch. They ventured deeper into the city until they found the Hushed Keep, where they met the Bastionite Glitch known as Arcania the Minstrel, who guided them into the dream where they, after a long journey, defeated Morpheus with the help of his sister, Arcania. While Arcania died during the journey, her name was never forgotten, immortalized forever in Bastion as a deified figure who above all else, values art and bonds. Now Bastion is a part of the Haven Federation, serving as a beacon and drawing point to the Glitch of the Fringe to engage themselves with their native culture away from the influence of the Black Empire.

    On March 21st, 3286, the worst befell the Bastion District. Following a handful of brief military exchanges between the Federation's fleet and several transient Ruin-masses attempting to intercept the system, an entire detachment of Ruin-mass craft, led by a great Battleship-size warship of unknown origin and class, seemingly piloted by a mass symbiote of Ruin flesh. Although the craft in its company were quickly dispatched without much difficulty or loss of Federation ships, the flagship of this group proved to be beyond the pale in terms of its capacity to wreak havoc and brutalize the united forces of the Atlas Empire and the Haven Federation. The hull of the ship, beyond all reason, seemed to be nearly impervious to all forms of penetration, merely gaining speed as it approached the world of Silent Bastion, charging a weapon mounted along the length of the hull all the while. Once within three lightseconds of the world, the HSS Sexy Beast, captained by the brave EBS-12, took up the assault, firing all they had at the ship to bring its advance to a halt.
    In an instant, the Dave Class Destroyer was torn asunder by a single firing of the ship's main cannon. A flash of light more intense than the burning glow of Haven A pierced across the darkness of space between them in an instant, and just like that, the ship was cut clean across its hull. Tachyonic communications brought to a halt within a great radius of the battleship as it loomed over the ruined craft. It was clear that this was not a battle that could be won. Even as the greatest flagship of the Atlas Empire fired all it could at the nightmare warship, it only left a tiny impact site in the starboard hull.
    The call to evacuate was made. Bastion, was lost.
    As the Battleship loomed over the surface of Silent Bastion, it sent down several Ruin pods to the most populated area of the world, quickly devastating the remains of the District. Although most civilians had been evacuated, on that night, 300 of Haven's finest Guards and Soldiers laid down their lives to ensure that the Federation would not lose this fight without battling to their last breaths.
    Hours later, the Haven Expeditionary Force, aided by the Haven Guard, arrived on the surface of Bastion through the last remaining active teleporter, quickly doing what they could to destroy all ruin mass they could find in the city-center, and rescue the unaccounted for Governor of the District.
    Aeris Webb was found on the far outskirts, clasping the the coffin of the Minstrel atop a ceremonial flying carpet, attempting to bring her to the teleporter, even despite his ruined arm and numerous injuries. The arrival of the HEF and the Guard gave a brief bit of hope to Bastion's leader, but this was short-lived, as soon after, a great Ruinling, dubbed 'Belial', rose from the sheets of ice and snow. All seemed lost in that moment, but beyond all expectations, the HEF and Guard succeeded in taking down the great demon, saving both Webb and the Minstrel in the process. Even if Bastion was lost for now, the Federation proved that they could persevere and show that the light of Haven could shine through even the darkest of moments to bring justice to those in need.
    The battle may have been lost, but the war shoves on.

    The moon of Haven contains a multitude of underground caverns and expanses that is collectively referred to as “Subterránea”. Haven’s caverns expand deep underground into large sections containing microclimates due to the influence of the Yggdrasil’s, giving rise to new ecosystems based entirely underground. In some locations, beautiful glowing groves of healing water dot with dense marshy grass, or large mushrooms rock gently from the fungal surface, glowing a serene blue. Some of these caverns have been populated with certain species choosing seclusion over living in the other districts with different cultures.
    The Ybza’nxgi’k, also known as “Nax” to outsiders, is a growing settlement underground of the outer reaches of the Haven District home to the Purgatorian Worms within the Haven Federation, migrating into the caves after the leaving of Grand Protector Von Quinn and his presumed death by suicide as per Worm custom, to birth his offspring from his corpse to begin a new generation. Worms make their daily lives in the chitin-lined huts and complexes lining the major dark chasms of this region of Subterránea, holding markets for any adventurer that may come to bargain for their exotic goods.
    The Bovilz Spire, sometimes known to Obsecrians as the Haven Node, is a small underground structure acting as an exit and relay node in the resource and personnel teleportation network used by Obsecrian gatherers. Officially speaking, it is an embassy established by Obsecrian gatherers for governmental interactions, but the layout of the supposedly official structure exemplifies the bizarrely casual nature of their initiative. It houses an 'orange bar'-- a bar that primarily serves orange juice, but still has some alcoholic beverages-- and the functional equipment required for it to act as a network component. Like all Obsecrian structures, the Bovilz Spire is a living structure that is capable of rearranging its inner organization on the whim of an Obsecrian housed inside and connected to the pilotsphere, the 'brain' of the structure. When official matters need to be attended to, the pilotsphere containment chamber can be rearranged into a sort of meeting room to match the size of the occasion. The Bovilz Spire rarely sees Obsecrian use after the rise of another economic initiative, but remains open to serve Obsecrian travelers and commoners alike.
    In the deep Subterránea directly under the Yggdrasil tree, beautiful and thriving ecosystems of natural growth make their mark, home to a multitude of naturalist species such as Florans or Agarans. In these caverns, massive underground groves of vivid green grass, animals, and flowing waters dot oases found underground, and other places such as glowing mushroom biomes and blue-grass groves can be found.
    Also dotted throughout Subterránea, buried deep by the test of time, are a multitude of Ancient precursor ruins that remain yet undiscovered, containing treasures and secrets in them by species long dead.

    Dorfus and LillithN like this.
  5. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Prior to the repeal of the Radec Isolation Act, Haven’s economy was in a deep depression due to a heavy lack of business and the fall of industry in the Corrav District. After the Radec Isolation Act was repealed and foreign people were allowed to immigrate into the Federation, Haven’s economy began to see a steep rise as entrepreneurs such as Ahsanullah al-Saqqaf, Sinji Ekta, ‘Lazuli’, Lloyd, Ryder Aryon, and more began to make their mark as the Senate engaged in trade with foreign nations as well as government spending, creating businesses and markets that would quickly carry Haven out of its economic depression. With a large middle class, aggregate expenditure is high, resulting in a rising GDP and productivity. Haven has numerous exports and other products, usually unique to its different districts.

    The Capital District of Haven is the center of the market, containing most of the headquarters of major businesses due to its metropolitan status. It is the center of the stock trade as well as technology manufacturing due to the major urban infrastructure. The Capital District also has the highest middle class and consumer spending, bolstering it as the center of Haven’s economy with transactions of electronics, vehicles, software, services, and more.
    The Rendera District of the Federation boasts a unique culture akin to the Mediterranean culture of old Earth, being the source of all things exquisite in the Federation. The Rendera District produces artisan goods such as fine foods, wines, fish, and more.
    The Yggdrasil district, lush with life and fertility, produces an abundance of raw crops, fruit, and certain exotic plants.
    The Bastion District produces finished goods such as toys and instruments, and works of art such as sculptures, music, books, etc. Blacksmiths there also sell certain Glitch items such as weapons or armor, but the market is fairly small due to Bastion’s population, dealing with high-quality craft goods rather than things that are mass produced.

    Haven contains a high abundance of solarium ore, one of the highest known abundances in the West Fringe. SOLUS Industries is the leading company extracting and refining the ore, as well as engineering reactors and other things that utilize solarium stars. As such, Haven has an abundance of energy generation available to its citizens. Another company that extracts solarium from Haven is Horizon, also possessing multiple stores in Haven or the sale of cybernetics and other augments. Haven also includes many storefronts from the Atlas Corporation, selling weapons, armors, robotics, and more; Atlas also does many engineering projects on contract basis, paid by the Haven Senate. The medical company LILIUM manages the Ren Ikeda Hospital and provides healthcare services and cloning. The Haven-based company Machination Vehicular engineers vehicles such as ships, crafts, and drones.

  6. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Legislature

    -The Haven Senate-
    The Federal legislative body of the Haven Federation, the Senate has a wide variety of responsibilities. Primarily, they draft and see out the process by which new bills become the new law of the land for the Federation. The Haven Senate acts dually as both the regional representatives of the Capital District, and the Federal Representatives of Haven City. As with most federal systems, any law passed by the Senate acts as the supreme law of the land, second only to the Constitution of the Haven Federation.
    Alongside their duties in legislation, the Senate acts as the Supreme Judiciary body in all governmental matters, including appointment, impeachment, and oversight hearings. In most circumstances, Senators also act as the main diplomatic officials for the Federation, though there are cases in which other diplomats will be appointed to act in their stead. The Senate’s size depends upon the population of the Federation as a whole, with one Senate seat made available for every million people.

    -Regional Senates-
    Each of the Districts of the Federation have their own Senatorial bodies, enumerated with powers outlined by the District’s constitution, though generally these powers match those of the Haven Senate’s, but with less reach. Laws written by the Regional Senates are supreme within their own District, but Federal Law has supremacy. This has led to interesting quirks of law regarding the prohibition of certain substances, such as laws within the Yggdrasil District that allow the consumption of hallucinogenic substances due to their religious importance to the locals of the District, even though on a Federal level the possession, trade, production, and consumption of such substances is made illegal.

    The Judiciary

    -The High Council-
    The Supreme Judiciary of the Federation, the High Council is enumerated with the powers of review, assuring that any law passed within the Federation by any Senate is in line with the Haven Constitution, and striking them from the books if they are found to be in conflict with it. The High Council also sees a limited amount of cases per year that fall under their jurisdiction, most typically only those of bearing to the constitutional validity of the law itself that said person might have been prosecuted under. Councilors are seated for life, though they may be impeached as with any other official, but said processes are highly regulated to ensure the proper balance of powers. There are Five Seats to the Council, though this can be amended by the act of the Senate, but only to increase. The High Council also acts as the Supreme Judiciary of the Capital District.

    -Federal Courts-
    Below the High Council sits a series of Federal Courts. These judges are largely elected by act of the Grand Protector, and reviewed by the Senate for their positions, just as with those in the High Council. This includes all Federal Circuit and Appellate Courts.

    -Regional Courts-
    Each District also has its own hierarchy of Judiciaries, starting with the lowest common courts, who’s judges are elected by the populace with fixed terms, and leading to the District’s Supreme Judiciary. Their duties similarly mirror those of the Federal Judiciary, but centered on the District they are appointed to serve. For example, each Supreme Judiciary reviews local laws to ensure that they are in order with the District’s own Constitution.

    The Executive

    -The Grand Protector-
    The Head Executive of the Federation, the Grand Protector’s roles are numerous, serving as both the Head of State and the Head of Government, they truly act as the greatest representative of the Federation’s people and their will. The Protector is also a directly elected position, put in place by the people of the Federation’s votes. This makes the position of the Protector a highly symbolic position, something which has existed in every incarnation of the many governments that have led Haven’s people over the years. The Federation acts in a Semi-Presidential System, which puts the Protector in a rather unique position, acting as both the Head Executive power and a powerful member of the Haven Senate, though traditionally during times of peace and tranquility, the Grand Protector will merely act as a mediator for the actions of the Senate, keeping a sort of unspoken balance between the powers of the Senate and the Protector.
    As with most nations, the Protector, as the Head of State and Government, also acts as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, acting as the supreme decider of military actions, though they are supplemented and aided in this role by the appointment of the High Admiral of the Grand Navy and the High Commander of the Grand Army. the Grand Protector also acts as the Governor of the Capital District.

    -The Governors-
    Heads of the Districts, the Governors could be considered the Protectors of their appointed Districts, with similar roles and powers given to them by their constitutions. The culture surrounding the Governors and their positions within society is highly dependent on the District in question.
    For example, the Governor of the Yggdrasil District is often seen as a spiritual leader, although this is not officially the case, they often meet with appointed religious leaders to speak with them on matters of importance. The Governor of Corrav has often been seen as a corrupt and lazy person, and many who have entered the position to attempt to break the corruption in the district have failed, either succumbing to the disease around them, or being broken by the system they tried to fight against. Some have even died under mysterious circumstances, though Corravians all know the truth behind these deaths of chance.
    The Governor of Rendera has been the Head of the Guanciale Family every year since Rendera’s founding, creating an almost dynastic entity within the land. When asked why this is, a Renderan will often just respond by saying that is just the way of Rendera without question. The Governor of Bastion, elected following their induction into the Federation, has yet to form any expectations and societal cues for what is expected of a Governor for the Bastionite people, but surely their first Governor, Aeris Webb, will be influential in shaping the cultural significance of the Role.

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  7. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Grand Navy
    The Grand Navy is the Haven Federation’s ship navy consisting of the famous Grand Fleet. The Navy protects Haven within its controlled territories, and battles for Haven outside of its own territory. The Navy uses an extremely organized fleet and command structure that allows it to operate at full efficiency, led by a High Admiral that commands lower officers who command ship squadrons.

    (Above: The uniform of an officer of the Grand Navy.)

    The Haven Expeditionary Force

    The Haven Expeditionary Force was created in August of 3284 by Senator Sinji Ekta, as a front for Haven’s expansionary efforts. It was created with three initial crews, the Guardian Angels led by Captain Nelox, a former military officer of the Avosi military. Nuevo Prospekt, led by a Floran clone, Captain Capsaici Caspan. Finally, the Sundrifters, led by the native Havenite “Surge”. Shortly after creation, the Haven Expeditionary Force investigated the Glitch kingdom of Bastion, liberating it and allowing it to become a part of the Federation.

    The Haven Guard
    Codex found here.

    The Grand Army

    The Grand Army is the infantry forces of the Haven Federation, led by a High Commander. The Grand Army are the ground forces, often deployed by crafts of the Navy with the intent of defending or invading certain areas. The Grand Army was established during the establishment of the Federation by Grand Protector Leda Portia, who recognized the importance of a ground infantry after the Protectorate capital of Grand Hope was glassed by the Black Empire in the First Galactic War. Leda Portia installed Mitchell Barnes as the first High Commander, a human who organized the Grand Army until his death from the result of a bloody duel with his political rival, Aaron Oriah, a Senator at the time. After his death, Grand Protector Leda Portia made Aurus Fidem the High Commander, a general defected from the Black Empire. He served for nearly ten years before resigning, having gained a new pacifist outlook on the world, allowing High Admiral Centam Halcard to enter the post. A Glitch of stalwart honor, Halcard killed himself after a military accident destroyed a large section of the northern forest, resulting in the death of a single civilian.

    The Gaia University

    Considered one of the most important relics of the old Protectorate, the Gaia University is the largest higher education establishment of the Haven Federation and its primary research university. With a massive complex as old as the Fringe Protectorate itself, the Gaia University boasts one of the finest education systems in the Fringe, led by the Headmistress Liliana Bright, the granddaughter of the education-enthusiast Grand Protector Esther Bright of the Fringe Protectorate. The Gaia University owns the famed Haven Museum of Natural History and Culture, the Headmistress being an avid collector of historical artifacts.

    SOLUS Industries

    A Havenite-founded corporation, SOLUS Industries began with Haven-immigrant Sinji Ekta’s capitalist ambitions to gain riches. What started as a mere company grew to an important source of Haven’s energy, mining processing, and engineering company. With main headquarters in the Capital District, SOLUS Industries mines the abundant solarium deposits present on Haven, as well as other metals found throughout the Haven System. SOLUS refines the solarium into enriched stars used for fuel and energy generation, while also selling solarium reactors and acting as a private contractor in the energy business. After the mysterious assassination of Senator Ekta, SOLUS fell into a brief recession in activity before his secretary, Pauline Cooper, was suddenly and mysteriously appointed as director by post mortem will of the deceased Senator. Now, SOLUS is expanding to new heights, with a guiding figure watching from the shadows...

    Haven First

    One of Haven’s first true political parties, Haven First is a nationalistic party founded as a grassroots movement among citizens following events such as the betrayal of Saif Cassio and the fall of the Corrav District. These tragedies, among other issues which had recently cropped up within the Federation, were blamed upon the recent changes to immigration policy that took effect following the repeal of the Radec Isolation Act and the subsequent mass-immigration of foreigners from the greater Fringe.
    The most extreme voices of the party called for the immediate return of the RIA’s unilateral ban of immigration of any kind, but the more moderate opinion of the party as a whole called for reform to the immigration system to better prevent the entry of harmful migrants from antagonist states such as the Caliphate, and changes to the requirements for those trying to run for federal office. Following a surprise protest during the Haven Founding Festival, the Haven First party quickly entered the public conscious, where their general message of promoting the security and welfare of the Haven people resonated and found a place in many Havenites.
    However, there was criticism of some of their protesting tactics, such as the use of a megaphone by former High Guardian Avery Weiss to deafen former Senator Sinji Ekta. Notably, a few counter-protests were held at the Gaia University by members of the student body who opposed the nationalist, anti-open immigration platform of the party.
    Following the events of the Haven Founding Festival, a piece of legislation was rather quickly drafted by the Senate, sponsored by Senator Sinji Ekta, known as the Haven Border Act (Rumors state that a secretary to the Senate claims its original name was the Haven First Act). This bill was quickly passed with no opposition and only the abstinence of two Senators, resulting in major reforms to the immigration process for would-be citizens and the requirements for someone to run for federal office.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2020
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  8. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The history of the moon of Haven is a colorful one, painted by the stories of many people who have come together across decades in the name of peace and prosperity for the peoples of the Fringe. The glistening moon has not always been led by the Federation as one might think, rather, it has experienced a total of three different ruling bodies which have administered the citizens of the world over the years.

    Fringe Protectorate

    Established with the first colonists to arrive on the moon of Haven in 3221, the Fringe Protectorate was brought together by the brave 187,000 colonists of the deep-space craft Vigilance, Ouroboros, Scintillous, and Destiny. The Fringe Protectorate was established under the banner of no Civilian Space empire, but rather, as a group of people who would represent the free domain of the Fringe and the protection of the people’s who lived there. The prime mission of the Protectorate was to see out the demilitarization of the area and the cessation of conflicts and the First Galactic War as a whole. To this end, the construction of the original Haven City and the Gaia University was begun under the supervision of the first Grand Protector of Haven, Charles Wright.
    The Fringe Protectorate sat as a beacon of peace and prosperity within the Fringe during the years of the war, and following the calamity of the Earthfall, as a place of refugee to the countless Humans who had been deposed from their homes on Earth without a place to go to in the scrambling United Systems, who had little resources to allocate to the billions of humans who were able to escape. In the end, around a million of those who survived the fall of Earth came to settle in the Federation, such as the original colonists of the district of Rendera.
    The Protectorate remained resolute for many years, even lasting into the early days of the Fringe itself, providing guidance to many as the Fringe found its way and was able to show that it could stand independently of CivSpace without their direct aid. However, not all things were meant to last forever. The Protectorate fell at the hands of the Umbral King, Blackhelm. Having quickly amassed a following of Glitch Kingdoms in his legion, he set his first assault on the Fringe, a declaration that he would not be ignored. On December 9th, 3246, Blackhelm attacked Haven with his armies. His ships stormed the skies, and without warning, began releasing firebombs. From above, he started glassing the gleaming city.
    Mass evacuations had begun as soon as the ships were spotted within the Haven system, but in the end, over two hundred thousand lives were lost in the attacks, a devastating blow to it all. The saving grace of the falling Protectorate, however, was the brilliant mind of its Grand Protector Victor Luna, who had sought out the fortification of the Protectorate’s military capacity and securing powerful weapons of mass destruction. Although at the time it had been an extremely controversial decision, given the philosophy of the Protectorate, this wisdom ended up saving Haven from being burnt entirely to cinder. With a great counterattack, utilizing all the force that the world could throw back at Blackhelm, he finally was made to retreat, and the battered citizens of the fallen city could now gather together their will and what little remained of their home as they began to rebuild.

    The Council

    Established in 3246, The Council existed as the executive body of the newly established Haven City, which was still largely under construction at the time. The Council was seated by six Representatives, led by the Grand Protector. The first Grand Protector of the Council was Ermine Muller, who also went on to found the Haven Guard during her leadership. The era of the Council was largely one of progress and development, with many expansions made to the Gaia University during the construction of the new capital of Haven, aptly named Haven City. This era was also when most of the Districts which stand today were created. Although Rendera had long stood since the founding of the original Protectorate as a populated area of Haven, Corrav and Yggdrasil were truly built up during this time, becoming the places that they are now in the modern Federation. Much of Haven’s scientific advancement was also made at this time, and it can be well noted that many of those who sat at the Council were also involved within the Gaia University, sometimes considered the ‘Second Citadel’ of Haven by its citizens at the time. However, just as the Protectorate before it, it's time came to an end. The Council was known for progressive advancement and transformative change in Haven, but its era came to an end not long after its founding, coming to a close in 3249.

    Haven Federation

    Established under calls for greater individual representation for the more widely distributed population centers of Haven, each of which required more attention to their very specific needs and issues, the Council was put to an end with the Federalization of the world of Haven. The Council began transition, becoming the Senate of the Federation, and the ratification of the Haven Constitution which followed this change solidified the regional governments of each of the three outer districts. Although Subterranea made calls for representation, they failed to meet said requirements, and remained unofficial, rather considered to be a region which was part of all existing districts.
    With the Capital District of Haven largely finished in its construction and the industrial District of Corrav still in a gleaming era of industrialism, things looked rather well for Haven. With the passing of the first Grand Protector of the Federation, Leda Portia, however, one of the most popular political figures of Haven took his place in the Office. Mael Radec, who had previously sat as both a Senator and a Councilman for Haven, was well trusted among Havenites, and was elected by a large majority. For the first few terms of his leadership, he was known for bold decisions and sweeping change. However, this came to an end with a short war scare in the early days of the 3250s, where a war scare made many in Haven nervous at the idea of a resurgence of the cold days of the Galactic War, or even the possibility of another attack on their world.
    Memories of Blackhelm’s invasion were still fresh in many minds at the time, and calls for measure to protect the fledgling Federation were at an all time high. Mael Radec responded to these calls with his most signature legislation, the Radec Exclusion Act. Signed on February 12th, 3251, the Federation had officially entered isolation. Closing its doors to the Fringe as a whole, an action which would not be reversed for another 33 years.

    While the Council was known for progressive development, the isolation years of Haven were largely known for a slow stagnation. The economic collapse of Corrav had been a major loss for the industry of Haven, an without their major development center, Haven’s growth entered a major stall. Space stations were abandoned, the Naval fleets experienced sweeping cutbacks as entire divisions of ships were scrapped for parts. Even the University felt the pain of economic stalling. It seemed as the Federation shut itself off from the Fringe, it had frozen in time. However, the people of Haven did not lose their trust in Radec, perhaps a sign of how things truly had come to a standstill on the shining world.
    Things will always change, however, and on February 24th, 3284, Mael Radec successfully obtained the votes to reverse his bill. The gates to Haven were open once more, and in an instant, everything changed. Immigration soared, the Senate was filled with new faces, and the planet itself seemed to come to life again all over again. However, as it usually happens, tragedy ness will accompany miracles. Corrav was lost, the Federation experienced betrayals from its latest guardians, and the world itself seemed to be on the brink of destruction. But Haven has shown in the past that it can outlast even the greatest pain and loss, and it has begun to bounce back again once more. A new gleaming city of bronze rises in the west, the Federation is seeing an era of peace and prosperity which it has not had since the original days of the Protectorate, and the Senate is acting as a true guiding hand to the peoples of Haven, which itself has become a guiding light to the castaways of the Fringe. The Guardianship of Freedom is at its brightest, and can only get brighter from here.
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