The Chirtera

Discussion in 'Inactive' started by krowski_nall, Aug 10, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Originally posted by Dean

    (Chiro Sapius)

    Chirtera (Chiar-terah): Plural for Chirteran/a group of Chirtera
    Chirteran (Chiar-terahn): Single member of the race
    Chirop (Chi-rope): The name of the Chirtera homeworld

    (Pictured above: The Chirtera homeworld, Chirop.)
    1: Biology
    2: Culture/Lifestyle
    3: History
    4: Tech
    5: General strengths/weaknesses
    6: What to do when making a battyman[/font]

    REMINDER!: This is a custom race for the starbound RP server Galaxy Citizen. Galaxy Citizen belongs to Haydee, Starbound belongs to Chucklefish, and the race app belongs to me, Dean! Permission to use this race outside of GC must be obtained from me.

    1: Biology
    Physical appearance:

    At first glance, the Chirtera look rather similar to humans, with the exception of bat like features. These features include large ears, slightly longer than human's arms, fangs, strong three digit hands/feet, fur covering the limbs and occasionally their torso and face, incredibly pale skin as well as flaps of skin on the arms used as wings. These wing flaps however, are unable to properly support the average Chirteran's weight. Because of this, the Chirtera are only able to glide with said flaps. The wing flaps are also extremely sensitive and fragile, and removal of the flaps is considered an act of humiliation amongst the race. Cave dweller Chirtera are known to have red/white eyes, and black/white fur and hair. All Cave dweller Chirtera are diagnosed with Albinism, hence the red eyes and pale skin.
    Arial, sans-serif]The Sun walker breed of Chirtera have some slight changes to their physical appearance, making them look more human-like than Cave dweller Chirtera. For instance, shorter arms, a more human like nose, golden/white coloured eyes, slightly tanned skin, and golden/white hair and fur. Fur on the torso and face is more uncommon than on Cave dweller Chirtera.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Anatomy: [/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The anatomy of the Chirtera race is almost exactly the same as the human race, the two races sharing several physical and mental traits. Chirtea, like regular bats, have poor eyesight due to generations of living underground. Being unable to see three feet away from their faces, the race's superior hearing due to their large ears, however, gives them the usage of echolocation. When in areas with little to no sound, a Chirteran can usually be heard making a short, screeching sound to utilize their echolocation. However, A Chirteran's auditory system can be easily overloaded via certain high pitched sound frequencies, causing a temporary loss of hearing (resulting in a loss of echolocation) or death. Cave dweller Chirtera have albinism, and as a result, their skin is incredibly sensitive to sunlight, causing immense pain from exposure to it, especially to their sensitive wing flaps. Cave dwellers have been known to wear cloaks and shalls known as "Sunsuits” to protect their bodies from sunlight. The only downsides to the Sunsuits is the prevention of using the race's wing flaps, though this may be intended, as the wings are the most sensitive parts of a Chirteran's body.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]It should be noted that Sun walker Chirtera have marginally better eyesight than the regular Cave dweller Chirtera, though their eyesight is about as good as a human with short sighted vision problems. Sun walker Chirtera, as their names suggest, have developed a natural resistance to sunlight. This resistance has lead to the belief that the Sun walkers as a breed are far superior to Cave dwellers, and is a common cause for dispute between the two breeds.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
    2: Culture:[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Chirop is a planet that consists of a single supercontinent called Terramalia, taking up about 49% of the planet's mass. The planet is also known for having several large interconnecting cave systems. The continent and the floating cities above it (commonly referred to as keeps) are ruled by a large dictatorship consisting of at least 16 members. This dictatorship is in charge of pretty much every major decision that the race makes, from laws, to city expansions, to approving new technologies. The dictatorship today are known diplomats, preferring to resolve any conflict through words and peace, but will take action when necessary. The government are also big on innovation, spending no time hesitating when it comes to research and new technologies.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Before the great revolution, however, the government consisted of nothing but Sun walkers. The old government treated the Cave dwellers as mere peasants and workers, believing that they were far inferior due to their albinism and poor eyesight. This concept of superiority amongst the Sun walkers, though having diminished after the revolution, is still evident today in rare cases. I.E, slavery. Chirtera, before the revolt, would only produce offspring with members of the same breed, due to the Sun walkers' fear that their children could lose their sun resistance, and become inferior like the Cave dwellers.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]General Sun walker attire usually consists of revealing clothing, such as sleeveless vests, short pants/skirts, and occasionally very fancy hats. The choice in attire is a sort of tradition among Sun dwellers, showing off their sun resistant bodies. Cave dweller attire is mostly the opposite of this, wearing long coats, dresses, cowls, and shawls to protect their skin from the sunlight. [/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]In terms of religion, the Chirtera don't really have a proper one, having reached a point where the general concept of a god seems unlikely due to studies and research. However, general values and morals are still evident in Chirtera society, particularly, progression, innovation, and recently after the revolution, equality. The idea of these values is to generally promote good feelings and the benefit of progression, while the value of equality was established after the revolt to spread the message that Cave dwellers and Sun walkers were equal, and to purge the general Chirtera concept of superiority. Though religion is not exactly evident among the Chirtera culture, most members agree that the universe was created by a buildup in a sort spiritual energy representing a sort of "god.”[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Chirtera lifestyle in the keeps and on the surface consists of productivity, most members having jobs such as farming, technology design, and more commonly in the keeps, steam jockeys. Steam jockeys are entrusted to make sure that the steam power grid in the keeps are properly maintained and functional, for if it's not? Well, there's a chance that the keep will lose power and fall out of the sky. You can tell why these guys are important.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Down in the caves, lifestyles are a bit different. Before the revolution, Cave dwellers would slave away in worker camps, mining for coal and other minerals. Slave labour was quite common back then, and even children as young as 6 would be known to mine away. Factories for textiles and fabrics were also constructed by Sun walkers in the caves, where the Cave dwellers would work and maintain the machines. Cave dwellers commonly had no choice but to work, as Sun walkers had control over most surface resources, and were generally more powerful because of it. As a result, crime in the caves was quite frequent due to low amounts of food and other resources underground. Now, however, Cave dweller lifestyle has drastically improved to a point where one would refer to it as "suburban." Though they are still limited due to albinism, most Cave dwellers have been given Sunsuits and moved up to live on the surface or at the keeps.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

    3: History[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Pre modernization:[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]When the Chirtera first became a proper species, only the Cave dweller breed existed at the time. Eventually, as Chirtera migrated to the higher up caves, they were able to reach the surface. However, due to their albinism, they were only able to make limited trips to the surface at night. These trips had enabled the race to obtain surface resources such as wood, and allowed for the progression of tools, leading the race into a sort of tribal stage.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]As generations passed, some Chirtera produced offspring which had adapted light resistance and better eyesight. Through selective breeding and evolution, these special offspring later became a second breed of Chirtera, and migrated to the surface, where their tech levels continued to expand increasingly quickly. However, the Sun walker Chirtera later realized their superiority compared to their abino cousins, and later established their government, making the Cave dwellers work down in the caves for them in exchange for surface resources.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
    Pre revolution:[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Thanks to innovation in Sun walker technology, and slavery of the Cave dwellers, the Chirtera were able to achieve a sort of industrial revolution early on in their history. This revolution later enabled the race access to steam and wind power, which the race continued to expand upon. Eventually, this lead to the creation of airships, and later, the flying cities known as keeps. Sun walkers later moved up to the keeps to live away from the surface and fights between the two breeds. What the Sun walkers call an act of "progression and peace keeping,” the Cave dwellers call a "dick move.” Generations later, with the race progressing to 1920 earth technology, the Cave dwellers were starting to grow restless. For generations, their biology has been exploited by their sun resistant cousins, all for gathering resources for THEM, and increasing the quality of life for THEM. They were at their breaking point, and started to plot a revolt against the Sun walkers. It started with late night raids on surface factories, leading to the obtaining of Sunsuits and weapons. Later, the Cave dwellers took action. They started to storm the forts of the Sun walkers, quickly working their way up from slave camps, to surface factories, to airships. With the Sun walkers resources and territory being stolen by the Cave dwellers, they were able to take the fight to the keeps themselves. For about 5 years, this "Great revolution” continued, both sides at each other's necks, fighting for dominance and resources.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
    Post revolution:[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Eventually, the Sun walkers had no other choice but to call upon a truce to prevent any further bloodshed. The government agreed to allow the Cave dwellers to live amongst them, and be treated a equals, having access to all resources, homes in the keeps and on airships, and to have the quality of life down in the caves increased. Eventually, the concept of equality became a very moral amongst the race, albeit not exactly followed by ALL Chirtera. For instance, evidence of Cave dweller slaves are still evident in some shadier areas of the keeps and caves. Though the truce was indeed in place, the Government were unsure how long it would last. Both the Cave dwellers and Sun walkers were still recovering from the revolution, and for all both breeds knew, they were both just getting ready for round two. What they needed was a better way to expand their empire and collect resources without causing any further conflict. It then became apparent that the answer was not on Chirop, but rather, in the stars. In just a few short years they were able to achieve fully functioning FTL drives, and were able to achieve contact with the Hylotl race. The Hylotl admired the Chirtera government's dictatorship, and were more than happy to inform them of exactly what they were looking for. The fringe. A mostly uncharted sector of the galaxy filled with uninhabited planets teeming with life and resources sounded perfect for the Chirtera. Eventually, the Government agreed on sending a small fleet of Sun walkers and Cave dwellers to the fringe, to scout ahead for the perfect new planet to colonize and expand their race.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
    4: Tech[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The Chirtera pride themselves in productivity, and when they have ideas that the Government completely agrees on, they usually continue to expand and improve upon said ideas. For instance, the race mainly uses special electricity generating methods via steam and wind power. In fact, the Chirtera generally found the idea of steam power quite reliable, and based most of their technology off of it. Utilizing said steam power, they were able to achieve the creation of airships via propeller and balloon technology, and later expanded the general idea to cities, leading to the creation of the keeps. Common Chirtera weaponry usually consists of regular guns, using gunpowder bullets, and the like. One recent creation were "sonic cannons,” which utilize wind and steam to create a sort of wind chime effect and create a special frequency of sound. This sound frequency, despite being completely harmless, can easily overload a Chirteran's auditory system, which as noted before, can cause intense pain, loss of hearing, or death.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

    5: Strengths:[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Strong hands and feet allow the Chirtera to easily climb and hang from most surfaces.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Wing flaps enable Chirtera to glide, albeit they are not the most aerodynamic.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Enhanced hearing enables the Chirtera to use echolocation.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Enhanced hearing makes them vulnerable to certain sound frequencies.[/font]
    [font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Cave dweller Chirtera suffer from albinism, making them vulnerable to sunlight.[/font]
    Chirtera generally have poorer eyesight than most races.

    6: Race creation (or what to do when making a battyman)

    If you would like to play as a Chirteran for GC, please keep these in mind.
    If you choose to play as a Cave dweller, your character is VERY weak to sunlight, and will have to wear thick clothing/robes to protect his/her body from sunlight.

    You will have to use either a Avian or Human template for the race, and you will need to edit the "mask” item so that it won't change hair, and that the mask part of it is invisible. It only needs the ears. You will also need the paper wings item for the wing flaps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2019