The Arachan Limb-Eater

Discussion in 'Approved' started by syntheticdeity, Sep 4, 2021.

  1. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Arachan Limb-Eater
    Haementeria occumbo

    “Drop-worm” “Killer-worm” “Man-eater”

    A Limb-Eater is a leech-like creature that varies in color, generally being anywhere from light browns and tans to dark reds or in some cases, black. They get their name from both the planet they originated from, and their impressive size. A limb-eater can be anywhere from 35 cm (almost 14 in) to 92 cm (just over 36 in). They have powerful jaws, capable of breaking bone, alongside two hollow fangs that inject a paralytic toxin.
    They have two forms of locomotion. One is the way that many earthworms and leeches propel themselves, by contracting and lengthening parts of their body to drag themselves along the ground. The second is by using either end of their bodies as suctions and moving like an inch-worm. The second form of locomotion is used to scale vertical surfaces and ceilings so that they may position themselves to ambush their prey.

    The Arachan Limb-Eater in its original environment would attach itself to the limbs of trees, cliff faces, and the ceilings of caves, generally over a source of food for an herbivore. They still exhibit this behavior in alien environments, and are frequently found on the ceilings of buildings and ships that they have infested. Once positioned, a Limb-Eater will sit and wait for prey to position themselves beneath it where it will then drop and attach itself to whatever animal was unfortunate to fall into its ambush with four barbed teeth positioned behind its jaw. As soon as a Limb-Eater attaches, it injects a paralytic toxin into its prey, before beginning to try and consume whatever it caught. It’s a very distressing experience, as even if a creature manages to remove a Limb-Eater, the wound that is created will still bleed for several minutes to hours as a Limb-Eaters’ saliva contains an anticoagulant.
    Limb-Eaters can go several weeks between meals, and often do, using this time to move to a different spot to set up another ambush.

    While Limb-Eaters cannot be tamed, some pirates will use them as brutal traps to their hideouts. Positioning them near entrances or in dark hallways.

    Where is it found?:
    Originally found in dense forests and dark, damp, caves. Now, they can be found attached to any tall surface in an environment they’re introduced to.

    Limb-Eaters are generally uncommon in places they’re introduced, as they spread far apart from each other naturally to find prey.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy:
    Limb-Eaters are carnivores.

    Products?: Anti-coagulants, Paralytic Toxins.

    Limb-Eaters, like leeches, are hermaphrodites and reproduce sexually.

    Anywhere from just over a foot (35 cm (just under 14 inches)), to three feet (About 92 cm or 36 inches). Generally, they’re big enough around to fit a grown person’s arm.

    Anywhere between 7 kg (Almost 15.5 lbs) to 23 kg (About 50.7 lbs).

    Anywhere from 2 to 9 years.

    Has a very high field of vision due to it’s four eyes, however these eyes are more for picking up movement below it then picking out a lot of details.

    Limb-Eaters are very slow, so once they’re removed they’re extremely easy to get away from or kill.
  2. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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