Sylvester Stewart Sinclair.

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Zaboomafoo2, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. Zaboomafoo2

    Zaboomafoo2 New Arrival

    Aug 9, 2020
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    First Name: Sylvester

    Middle name: Stewart

    Last name: Sinclair

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Hight: 5’6

    Citizenship: None

    Ethnicity: Caucasian.

    Favourite colour: purple.


    Sinclair is a young adult human of short stature. He has basic knowledge of how to repair machinery after having spent the last year or two being taught to aboard a cargo ship.

    Physical Appearance

    Sinclair has brown hair, brown eyes, and a Caucasian competition. under almost all circumstances, they will be dressed in their yellow crewman jumpsuit. Being a crewman aboard a rust bucket ship, their pay doesn’t allow for the purchase of any tech.


    I 100%, N 63%, T 0%, J 56%

    Sinclair is somewhat shy, fearful, and non-confrontational, however he still believes in helping others, if only when it doesn’t involve confronting another. Sinclair usually has trouble talking to others, but when he does, he can go on for a long time all about ships and machines.

    Political Ideology:

    Sinclair generally believes that people should be left to their own, though this is mostly the result of him being to afraid to take action to stop injustice. Although his attitude is quite “live and let live”, he can may still choose to help others if it doesn’t require confrontation to do so.


    Having grown up aboard old ships navigating space through the Fringe, he has only recently gotten old enough to begin to work on the ships directly instead of stowing away. Years of hiding have made him somewhat shy. Recently, the crew of the ship on which he works has picked up an avian girl named Mozal, but he’s been to shy to talk to her so far.
    ThatCabbage and MaskedHero like this.