Species of the Fringe

Discussion in 'Resources' started by zecon125, Oct 23, 2019.

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  1. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    (Links coming soonTM)​
    1. Human
    2. Hylotl
    3. Avian
    4. Glitch
      1. Doom Lords
      2. Skeleton*(PrivateNomad)
      3. Vandamál
      4. Roman Glitch*(PrivateNomad)
      5. Greek Glitch*(zirconzz)
      6. Wood Glitch
    5. Apex
    6. Floran
    7. Novakid
      1. Anodynes*(Spir)
    8. Purgatorian Worm*(WowGain)
    9. Frogg*(zecon125)
    10. Eyeguard*(Jin the Blue)
    11. Deadbeat
    12. Nas’Beru / Subhumans
      1. Nas'Nif / Knifeear
      2. Nas'Dak/Greenskin (Ironhide)
      3. Nas'Dorf/Longbeard
      4. Nas'Djinn(‘ka)/Djinneer
      5. Nas'Ura/Leatherbacks
      6. Nas'Nat/Islandhopper
      7. Nas'Kohl/Hardshell (Trawler)
      8. Nas'Try/Barkskin
      9. Nas'Rok/Fireblood
      10. Nas'Pud/Sludgekin
      11. Nas'Farii/Rubberbones
    13. Grey
    14. Penguin
    15. Agaran
    16. Ehvin*(WowGain or AngelicLlama)
    17. Gnomid*(WowGain)
    18. Fenerox
    19. Mimix*(Nemo. Good luck.)
    20. Shin’Kali**
    21. Firstborn*(PrivateNomad)
      1. Dreamborn*(PrivateNomad)
    22. Ravir*(Adler)
    23. Reincarnation
      1. Ghost
      2. Poltergeist
    24. Metanoid
      1. Soar™️, from Avalon.*(Pinkbat5 or Trireef)
      2. Hybrids
      3. O.R.E.D.
    25. Synthetic
      1. Vagobots*(zecon125 or Dekerrex)
    26. Robots
      1. Vagobots*(zecon125 or Dekerrex)
      2. Viti*(zecon125)
      3. Brainbot*(ThatCabbage)
      4. Horizon Bot*(Spir)
      5. Purgatorian Shitbot*(Padlock)
      6. ATL*(Tylenol)
      7. ARCH.ANGEL Instance*(PrivateNomad)
      8. EBS*(PrivateNomad)
    27. Misc Engineered Lifeforms
      1. Diana Clone*(ThatCabbage)
    28. Obsecrians*(Credey)
      1. Spir*(Credey)
    29. Azran*(WowGain)
    30. Visitant*(pocl.v)
      1. Theta
      2. Alpha
        1. Omega Alpha
      3. Beta
      4. Gamma
      5. Delta
      6. Epsilon
      7. Zeta
    31. Igrian*(WowGain)
    32. Rantori*(Adler)
    33. Naians*(TrIpTiCuS)
    34. Thanifarri / Remnants*(Dekerrex)
      1. Alvenfarri / Purebred
      2. Aihkedifarri / Common
      3. Dyvenfarri / Havenite
      4. Undasefarri / Purgatorian
      5. Namisas’Dica / La’Megoth Primary
      6. Namisas’Agni / La’Megoth Secondary
      7. Wyr’Faii / Abominations
    35. Drakablod*(zecon125)
      1. Drakablod
      2. Midlenblod
      3. Unwelmikblod
      4. Cieleblod
      5. Eotenblod
      6. Umborblod
      7. Ratblod
      8. Tran
      9. Draephys
      10. Vaelys
      11. Herrichn
      12. Brasityier
      13. Tale
      14. Vampyr
      15. Lama
      16. Glutton
      17. Gallow
      18. Vampire
      19. Desmoin
      20. Phobane
      21. Caligo*(Cheffy)
      22. Morticius
      23. Niveousian
    36. Archon*(Jester)
    37. Chinaut*(Yz)
    38. Anoloa*(Majo)
      1. Viven
      2. Leoi
      3. Tenomi
    39. Xadari*(PrivateNomad)
    40. Quiescents*(PrivateNomad)
    41. Forlorn Legion*(Dust and Echoes)
      1. Imp
      2. Kobold
      3. Goblin
      4. Hobgoblin
      5. Illithid
      6. Shaman
      7. Warlock
      8. Oracle
      9. Ogre
      10. Gremlin
      11. Bandit
      12. Raider
      13. Chieftan
      14. Warg
    42. Araneids*(zecon125)
    43. Cepillo Inodoro*(krowski_nall)
    44. Neur’vitans**
    45. Dakkma*(Jester)
    46. Winged Ones**
    47. Eelicks
    48. Vruk'yeol
    49. Polypha
    50. Viriskon
      1. Conisk
      2. Conierisk
    *Must contact owner to play.
    **Must contact staff to play.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
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