Selani Inperra

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Roren, May 12, 2019.

  1. Roren

    Roren Galactic Citizen

    Jul 13, 2018
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    Generrrrrrrrrral Information

    First name:
    Surname: Inperra
    Aliases: Duchess Jane, Lady Doe, Madame Cetera (The list goes on.)
    Age: 103
    Date of birth: 4/6/3183
    Race: Thaniifarri
    Gender: of them. At least one of them. At any given time.
    Sexuality: Very homo.
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Relationship status: Unknown.
    Social status: Friend (?) of Senator Inperra.
    Financial standing: Upper Class.

    Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraits of Voice

    Accent: Moderate Thaniik Drawl
    Language spoken: Thaniik, Common
    Other languages known: N/A
    Style of speaking: Clear common, with rolled r's.
    Volume of voice: Light, with feminine tones.

    Physical Appearrrrrrance

    Height: 5 ft.
    Weight: 175 lb.
    Eye color: Light Green.
    Skin color: Light pink.
    Shape of face: Long and thin.
    Distinguishing features: His eye sigils fade out towards the edges, giving them a distinct eye shadow pattern. He has dark purple tattoos all around his arms, legs, and body. He hides his tail most of the time.
    Build of body: Thin, and average strength.
    Hair color: Dark pink, with violet tinges.
    Hair style: Long, straight, and smooth, usually draped over shoulders, occasionally covers an eye.
    Complexion: Clean. Very clean.
    Posture: Straight, holds self in high regard.
    Typical clothing: Varies, but usually seen wearing darker clothings in colors such as purple, black, or grey. Most common attire is a long purple leather jacket, with slim grey pants and long boots, or a dark purple dress.


    Likes: Sex and parties, not in that order, among other things.
    Dislikes: Find out IC.
    Education: Somewhat high, above average at best.
    Fears: Find out IC.
    Personal goals: Find out IC.
    General attitude: Friendly, but also vain.
    Religious values: Thaniik.
    General intelligence: High.
    General sociability: High.


    Sleeping habits: "Like a baby, Everrry night."
    Energy level: Moderate.
    Eating habits: Low. Should eat more.
    Memory: "I rrrememberr everrry detail, of everrry man, orrr woman, that I meet. Nothing slips my mind."
    Any unhealthy habits: Mild germophobe, will NOT touch a visibly dirt hand. Or claw. Or anything.


    Youth: "When I was young, I rrreveled in the vices I was able to get my hands on."
    Teens: "As I got olderrr, though, my life took an unexpected turrrn. I was brought into a life I was not happy with."
    Adult: "Life has had it's ups and downs forrr me especially. I have decided that I hhhhate most of what life has to offerr, but the few things I do enjoy: frrriends,, I keep those close to my hearrt. I rrrefuse to let them go."


    Parents: "I doubt they'rrre still arrround."
    Siblings: "Maybe. Possibly."
    Any enemies (and why): "A lady doesn't kiss and tell."
    Children: "No."
    Friends: "All of you...until you prrrove that you don't deserrrve my company."
    Best friend(s): "I considerrrr Telrrroth a close frrriend."
    Love interest: "...Ehe, heh."


    Peaceful or violent: "Please, don't get me starrted, you may not like what comes next."
    Weapon: The Two-Finger Salute, a form of small thrusting weapon created by fusing the middle and index fingers together. Quick, precise, surgical thrusts. In and out. Fitting.
    Style of fighting: Fast combat heavily relying on dodging and the speed of the target, as well as stealth.
    Physical Strengths: Natural Remnant abilities. Fast.
    Physical Weaknesses: Natural Remnant disabilities.
    Psychological Strengths: Found through combat.
    Psychological Weaknesses: Found through combat.


    Occupation: "I like to keep business and pleasurrre seperrate. Next topic, please."
    Current home: Unknown.
    Favorite types of food: "I don't eat much."
    Favorite types of drink: "Perrrrhaps something light, and sweet...or bubbly."
    Hobbies/past times: When not out on the town, meeting new people, Selani tends to keep to himself. He has been found reading on occasion, though further inspection usually leads to the books themselves being about saucy romance or sexual encounters. There are the rarer occasions and exceptions, though...
    Guilty pleasures: "I enjoy brrrraiding the hairrr of otherrrs...only afterrr a bath, though. Please, clean yourrrrrselves."
    Pet peeves: "I am not an animal perrrrson. The lot of them disgust me, though, I have found one that I like parrticularrly. Take that as you will, you hounds."
    Favorite colors: "Purrrrrrrrple. It has the rrright mix of hostility and beautiful serrrrenity. Like me."
    Favorite type of music: "I do not have a favorrrite, but I do have a least favorrrite. Countrrry. Oh, Rrrap is also therre. Despise them both. Eugh."
    Last edited: May 18, 2019