Sana’a Sana’a is a small, picturesque fishing village located on the edge of the Maladhi Sea in the Emirate of New Riyadh, placing it under the administrative jurisdiction of the current Emir, Saif Cassio. The nearest city is New Riyadh, and the nearest towns are Adeyyan and Al-Balibes. Its fisheries haul both Maladhi salmon, valued for their succulent and smokey flavor, and Quichei koi fish, named after the current ruling dynasty of caliphs and popular among upper classes, both as fancy meals and as pets. Brief History Sana’a was first settled during the reign of Dhakir al-Quiche, father of the current Caliph, in the year 3271, the location valued for both its natural beauty and the supply of various sea life fit for commercial use. Before the standardization of skiffs for transports, the port handled cargoes of Erchius, wood, stone, ores, silk, salt, pottery and heavy goods which were conveyed along its narrow streets, destined to end up at the foundries and market of nearby Riyadh. The village currently no longer sees as much transport as it did before, most goods being able to circumnavigate directly to their intended destination. The fishing industry continues to thrive, with 41 registered fishing vessels and three fish cellars still in operation. Due to its natural beauty, as well as the Classical Arabian style of the local architecture, various films and television shows aired in the Caliphate have been shot in Sana’a. Some include Omar and Hassan, The Ridwanis, and Gone to Makkah. The citizens of Sana’a have petitioned to allow foreigners to freely visit their village, the same way the city of Al-Dhaid did. Anwar al-Neman, the vali of Riyadh and by extension, Sana’a, took their plight to Cassio, and it was improved by the Emir with some deliberation. The hope is that an influx of foreigners, monitored as they are in Dhaid, will bolster local tourism and commerce, not that they are in a current lacking. Laws Like all locations in the Caliphate, the ruling law is Sharia Law, the adherence to the morals taught by the Holy Qur’an. Secular laws are allowed for Dhimmi communities, allowing some exceptions to the reigning Islamic law, though certain legal requirements must also be met. Non-citizens and visitors are expected to follow Sharia Law, which is upheld by the general and religious police of the Caliphate, the Mutaween. Non-citizens who are also non-muslim are not guaranteed protection by the law, though generally any public engagement that results in violence will be broken up to keep an atmosphere of peace. Some of the most notable laws for visitors are as follows. All women must remain covered by either a hijab or niqab, which are provided for free at entry in a large, marked, metal container. Machines with female personalities need not abide by this law, though if they have a female body, it will rest on the discretion of a mutaween if they are to cover themselves. Women and men are also expected to dress modestly with the rest of their attire. 2. Consuming and distribution of haram substances is punishable up to death, but Dhimmi may consume such substances if they are protected by their laws and not publicly advocating for consumption. 3. Theft is punishable up to amputation of the right hand. 4. Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death. Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death. Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death. Foreigners are expected to remain respectful of the customs and beliefs of both the Caliphate and its Dhimma. 5. A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam or attempts to is punishable by death. 6. A woman cannot drive a car nor sand-skiff, as it leads to fitnah (rebellion). They are allowed to operate and own self-driving vehicles. 7. A non-Muslim assaulting a Muslim is punishable by death. A non-citizen assaulting a Dhimmi is punishable by twenty lashes and deportation. 8. Being an adherent of a non-approved Dhimma faith is punishable by deportation and thirty lashes. This will not be punished on the first offense, due to the possibility of ignorance, and won’t be punished if said faith is currently being evaluated for approval by a Sharia Court. 9. Interfering with the Mutaween and their duties is punishable by seventy five lashes. Further disrespecting the Mutaween is punishable by two days in prison, along with twenty lashes. 10. Failure for a non-Muslim citizen to pay their Jizya fee will result in either a mandatory conversion or deportation. 11. No member of the Jewry is permitted in the Caliphate, it is punishable by death.