Materials Rotsteel

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Cheffy, Mar 27, 2022.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Name: Rotsteel, Cryptsteel, Geneva Suggestion, Noxium, Edgeium, Torael's Kiss, Queen's Blessing.


    Rotsteel is a dark metal with flecks and dashes of red coloration strewn throughout its surface, aside from when it’s being forged it is always cool to the touch to non-organics- even in direct sunlight on a hot day. To organics it feels like pain.

    Metal ingot by @AD INFINITUM


    Rotsteel has the ability to instantly kill any living organic matter it comes in contact with up to an inch away from the contact point.

    Extended contact with Rotsteel (four seconds/one turn) will cause the necrosis to spread further, spreading another two inches every four seconds/turn.

    Conditional Abilities:

    Very useful for disposing of bodies.

    When Rotsteel is in contact with dead organic matter it causes it to decay faster- eventually causing it to fully decompose into dust.

    Glitch and Synthetics can make their chassis out of Rotsteel- if they can get enough of it.


    Organics can’t make armor out of it without taking incredibly annoying measures to prevent their quick death- and even then, what kind of idiot are you, trying to make armor out of this when you're made of flesh?

    Weapons made of Rotsteel also have this issue- if not handled with care it will hurt their wielder more than their enemy.

    Conditional Limitations:

    It’s incredibly hard to work with Rotsteel without certain precautions being taken if you’re not synthetic or Glitch. inorganic gloves, keeping it away from any kind of organic material and such are a must.

    How does it work:

    The first thing to cover is how Rotsteel forms. Rotsteel can only form on Anchorworlds with an ECF of at least three, which has transitional metals and most ideally, has experienced a mass extinction event- this is because the chance of massive amounts of decaying organic matter coming into contact with large iron deposits without this is incredibly low. The process for its creation takes place over an incredibly long span of time; the decaying matter is submerged in the earth and eventually comes into contact with iron deposits, where then the high anomaly in the area causes them to “fuse” into an anomalous “alloyed” ore. For reasons not yet fully understood, the formation of natural Rotsteel has an unexpected chemical reaction when met with organic matter, causing an immediate necrotic decay in the surrounding area. The reason for this happening is that its chemical properties are such that it forms atomic bonds with various forms of organic matter, amalgamating with it in a similar way as with Mercury when in contact with various other metals. Though no metal is actually lost in this process as its spread is limited by the fact it is not liquid at room temperature, this causes a layer of rotting, organic slurry to form over the metal the more material it comes into contact with, rotting and pulling it from its source. Over time if proper maintenance isn't done to remove this slurry the metal will decrease in effectiveness, as instead of the material coming into contact with organic material, it's the slurry that makes the connection. With prolonged exposure, the decay will spread further at a similar rate. Rotsteel suffers no negative effects from being in low to negative cuil environments, while in higher cuil environments it simply accelerates the formation process.

    Flavor text:

    We didn’t know what the black metal was at first. Not until we used it on the invaders and their beasts- they rotted and died from our arrows and blades. Their flesh decaying when they tried to claw and hit our chassis. We knew then of the power of the Rot and the black metal in the depths of the mountain. Nothing could stop us after that moment. - From the scriptures of the Mad Scribe of Torael.

    Rotsteel was first discovered in the anchor world of Torael, specifically by the awakened Glitch Queendom of Torael. At first they had assumed it simply strong metal- until a nearby Floran warband began to rampage through their lands. The potential of this material was then realized and the knowledge quickly spread to other Glitch kingdoms and the Undercrypt.

    In modern day though, Rotsteel is a legendary material often spoke about in the same manner as Solus and Frosten- as well as in miner horror stories about Rotsteel ore dust-, primarily used by Glitch Doomlords named “Deathknights” and “Warlocks”. Smiths with the knowledge to safely forge weapons and armor of this material are far and few between, most practicing their craft in the lowest sublayers of the Undercrypt and in sanctums on other Anchor Worlds.


    Semi-Closed (Only attainable on planets that are both anchor worlds with an ECF of 3 or higher, have transition metals and have suffered mass extinction events, or from events. You can DM me for permission to have it otherwise.)

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Materials.

    Durability: Just a bit stronger than normal steel.

    Melting point: 3200 degrees F

    Thermal conductivity: High.

    Electrical conductivity: Medium.

    Weight: 0.28 lbs per cubic inch.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
    Dekerrex likes this.
  2. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Surprised bastard, I have questions.
    1. Due to its partially anomalous origin, does Rotsteel suffer any negative effects in 0 cuil environments? Does it get stronger in high cuil environments?
    2. Compared to other metals, how strong is it? What other qualities does it have besides being able to melt people?
    3. Does it only kill you when forged or does even the raw ore(I assume it has ore) end up killing people? Are there stories of people in a rotsteel mine dying from breathing in rotsteel dust?
    4. You say it's impossible to wear this as an organic, but wouldn't you be able to if you were wearing like, an uncomfortable rubber suit or something?

    Additionally, you say it's always cold the touch, but I imagine it's rather painful to the touch.
    ThatCabbage and Cheffy like this.
  3. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    It doesn't suffer any negative effects in zero cuil environments! The high cuil environment is only a requirement for it to form. Higher cuil environments would probably cause it to "alloy" in less time.

    It's about on-par with steel in every way! In fact- I'll change the metal from titanium to iron so that way this is basically a steel equivalent. For hard details (thank you 9k), here they are below!
    Durability: Just a bit stronger than normal steel.
    Melting point: 3200 degrees F
    Thermal conductivity: High.
    Electrical conductivity: Medium.
    Weight: 0.28 lbs per cubic inch.

    The raw ore also kills people! And yes, there would totally be stories about that- though most would just assume that there's some kind of natural gas and likely abandon the mine. Unless they're Glitch.

    I suppose you could! But it'd have to be full body and honestly? It probably wouldn't be worth the effort, so I'd like to keep that as a conditional- or at least, 'extremely hard to use as armor as an organic'.

    That is mainly there so Synthetics, Glitch, and other non-organic species can feel the non-painful aspects!
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  4. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Edit this in to the app and, unless I think of any more questions between then and now, I'll give you the first pass.
    ThatCabbage and Cheffy like this.
  5. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    And with all edited, I give the first Pass!
    ThatCabbage and Cheffy like this.
  6. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    After reading this all up, I'm giving this a second pass. Now to imbibe a skeleton with some new bling.
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  7. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Correction: I was very sippy at the time of this grade, so I'm going to pull back on this like I mentioned in DMs. Sorry for that.
  8. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I hate to do this to anything that falls under the description of "evil metal that kills you." I love Evil metal That Kills You. This straddled the line between pending and fail, I opted for fail because I think it would be easier to rebuild entirely than revise. Base concept is good, balancing seems OK, but its origin and explanation are flawed and missing respectively

    Some of the issues:
    -A mass extinction event is not needed for a large amount of decaying organic matter to be around, provided you have enough iron that any dead body could just fall onto it. All ecosystems are filled with constant death, it's why decomposer species exist. Leaf litter is decaying organic matter and it's everywhere
    -"The decaying matter is submerged in the earth and eventually comes into contact with iron deposits" – dead bodies generally don't sink into the ground, it's why fossils are found in layers, with younger fossils being closer to the top
    -Why would dead bodies + cuils create a magic metal? What is it about the molecules found in dead bodies that can cause this change? Life is made of very common elements and many of its smaller component molecules are widespread in nature, so shouldn't this be everywhere, dead bodies or not?
    -"The reason for this happening is that its chemical properties are such that it forms atomic bonds with various forms of organic matter, amalgamating with it in a similar way as with Mercury when in contact with various other metals. Though no metal is actually lost in this process..." – if the metal is chemically reacting with the molecules in living tissue, it has to be lost– that's the nature of a chemical reaction. See IRL cases of mercury forming amalgamations (it looks cool as hell).
    -If the metal works by forming amalgamations, why does it work in a radius? Chemical reactions require the two reagents to touch each other
    -This app is a material, it isn't invented or sold by any organization, it lacks the justification to be semi-closed

    Some possible answers to these questions, if you choose to rework:
    -The "metal" is some sort of evil psionic fungus/plant that destroys organic tissue as a defense mechanism
    -The metal has a mundane chemical reaction with flesh, damaging it and you in the process (would probably not be an ore in this case) (also might already exist IRL)
    -Metal beehive full of flesh eating bugs or some shit
    -Some combination of the above, like the "metal" is a fungus that oozes acid or something

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
  9. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Seconding the fail.