Robo lad who lives in a penny

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Yz2, May 27, 2019.

  1. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Character Name: Jayven 'Rabbit' Moore.

    Cause of Death: Died two years ago in a little event chain I held, that never really got anywhere. Was torn apart by generic phase matter monsters in an exploding space station.

    # of Previous Clones: 0

    Member Vouch: @Capslock was present and observing.

    Character Sheet: I lost it because old forums DIED and it's gone forever :(. Unrelated to cloning app, but if anyone has archives or a way to access wayback machine, pls help....

    Cloning Method: After his death, Rabbit's stuff floated off into space, never to be obtained. However, a friend of his, Fernfearer, made a trip into Hell's Deep of the Undercrypt. There, he obtained a Soul Coin based on Rabbit, generated through a mixture of, presumably, cuil fuckery and the technology there.

    The coin was generated based off of Fern’s limited amount of memory regarding Rabbit, making it more of an impression than an actual instance of the man. While I’m not exactly sure how Hell’s Deep was meant to work, I hope that it’s at least a doable enough concept to receive a pass. Namely, having a barebones Ai formed from an acquaintance’s limited experience.

    While not really being a proper identity, as Fern didn't exactly know him fully, it was still a coin with an AI that thought of itself as Jayven Moore. After changing hands several times, the coin was eventually placed into a crappy little robot designed to read and transfer the AI from the coin into itself, now serving as the proto-Rabbit's new body.

    OOC this stuff happened over the last two years. Just kinda procrastinated making the app and all, since it was a little convoluted. Decided to just do it.

    Skills: Prior to this, he was trained in military tactics, heavy firearm usage, as well as CQC. I'd like to essentially restart him as a blank slate, however, and want to completely clear his skillset, save for what an android/robot could reasonably relearn in a short timespan.
    Last edited: May 29, 2019
    WowGain likes this.
  2. Capslock

    Capslock you're all nerds Ex-Staff Event Builder

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Am vouch
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Your cloning app has been accepted.
    As with the first cloning, the only compromise are two bits of minor memory loss. Usually.
    Given this is someone else's impression of Rabbit, meaning impressions and memories are going to be vastly different already, I won't be applying any of the base penalties.
    Yz2 likes this.