Ribingu Paper Animals

Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Ribingu Paper - Vitae charta

    Description: Creatures made from Ribingu Paper that can come in a nearly infinite array of patterns, colors, etc. and try to mimic animals. They also have a blue glittery sharp edge to the paper. They can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Bird-like ones are the most common.



    And even predator-like.

    Behavior: Kinda dumb, they have the intelligence capability of whatever animal it is turned into but is limited to a very low IQ human.

    Tamability: Smaller ones can be picked up easy and don't put up much of a fight. They are a popular toy for Hylotl children.

    Where is it found?: Large cities, industrial areas, places with high population. Mainly because the paper that they are made from is produced by a Hylotl toy company and children often lose the small ones.

    Rarity: Uncommon, like a city rat.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: They sometimes hang around electrical charges and things that make electricity, sometimes leading into small quick deaths from being fried.

    Products?: Entertainment.

    Reproduction: New ones are created from anyone who makes one, so it varies. Some animal activists have also been seen creating them folded in bulk.

    Size: Can be the size of a dime, all the way to the size of a house. Smaller ones are more common however whilst large large ones are very uncommon.

    Weight: Lightweight, varies, small ones are usually under a pound easy.

    Lifespan: Usually lasts for a couple years without power. With power lasts maybe 30-40 years.

    Kind of like a razor edge for their blue glittery edges.
    Some can fly.
    Some are good at gliding.

    Not good with water, will be very immobile while wet and can die if in water for a very long period of time. EMPs make em stiff up and fall flat on their faces. Fire = dead.

    Ribingu Paper app
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2022