Reborn Order of Moonlighters (R.O.O.M.) General Purpose and/or Mission Statement: - To promote freedom and entrepreneurship throughout the Fringe - To provide a home to those who feel they don’t belong, and to bring hope to those with none - To peer into the unknown and explore the mysteries of the Fringe frontier List of Members: EPS-Reborn (Lost Reborn, Nastia T. Reborn, Valerius Alogon, Carlotta Theridii, Geryon) @Lange (Rose Avalice) @Cheffu (Lillian) @Tamyka310 (Corchea) @Iamnotanumber2000 (Archer) @PrivateNomad (Phineus) @TurnWall (Pyrebloom Amberknell) @Horriblues (Koo Ch'Kan) List of Techs/Race Apps: Base Hub(s): Moonlighter HQ is located on Eden, in the Reach system. Link to Discord: