Other Psionic Scrolls

Discussion in 'Approved' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Psionic Scrolls

    Description: Psionic scrolls are a type of highly valuable and artisan storage medium for a psionic ability, allowing a single use of the scroll's stored ability before the scroll itself disintegrates. The paper itself is specially made from a flux conductive material and a thin layer of specially created neural tissue is overlaid on top. The size of a scroll depends on the complexity of the stored ability; a simple ability like a flux projectile can be stored in a scroll the size of standard A4 printer paper, whereas a particularly complex ability might require substantially more paper, in which case it is typically rolled up into a scroll case.

    Scrolls can be 'live'/'hot' or 'cold'; live scrolls have a layer of material that act as a flux battery that stores all the flux the scroll needs. Cold scrolls however require an external source of flux, either from a psion's flux pool or from a psionic device.

    Any written text on a scroll essentially acts as a rudimentary instruction manual for the scroll, containing text like the scroll's trigger mechanism, the use of the scroll, and the scribe's signature. This text is typically not written in common and may sometimes even be encoded with a cipher known only to the scribe.

    • Can manifest the stored psionic ability by triggering the scroll.
      • Scrolls can have different triggers, the most common being the reciting of a code word or phrase printed onto the scroll.
    • Spell scrolls can form limited psychic connections to their users while being activated, allowing some level of control in the ability (such as when aiming) or the ability to utilize the user's brain.
    • Live scrolls can only be triggered while in areas of above average ECF like anchor worlds due to the necessity of ECF for the trigger cell's sensitivity.
      • This limitation does not apply to cold scrolls due to the necessity of a psion or psionic technology as a catalyst.
    • Live scrolls only have one use, disintegrating upon activation. Cold scrolls can have more uses depending on the complexity of the ability.
    • Because the scroll's neural tissue is technically alive, it can be damaged by rot or radiation. Most scroll cases protect against this.
    • It is possible to accidentally trigger a scroll, like by accidentally saying its activation phrase while it is in your pack.
    • Spell scrolls are highly flammable and quick to burn. If a live scroll burns, it will violently discharge its stored ability in an uncontrolled manner.
    • The size of the scroll is proportional to the complexity or power of the stored ability.
      • Larger scrolls may also have more complex trigger mechanisms and flux requirements.
    • Any physical wear or damage of the scroll can result in complications when activated.
      • A damaged scroll might have a chance to simply not trigger, or its ability might be uncontrolled or unreliable. This tends to be the case for many scrolls found deep in dusty dungeons.
    How does it work: The neural tissue of the scroll itself consists of live neurons put into a dormant state via induced cryptobiosis. The neural tissue also includes the presence of cuiloplasts which sustain the cells while in their dormant state, allowing the dormant neural tissue to live virtually forever. When the trigger cells cause activation of the neural tissue, they suddenly exit their dormant state in order to form a rudimentary (sometimes even conscious in the case of complex abilities) tulpa that automatically activates the ability, disintegrating the scroll and destroying itself in the process from the stress of manifesting the ability.

    Flavor text: The most common design of the spell scroll was created by Shifter magicians in Boreas, an icy layer of the Undercrypt. The process was complex and time consuming, typically only performed by skilled artisans. The paper itself was made from the dried pulp of special flux conductive flower petals harvested from the Undas Caverns. Once the flower paper was set, the scriber would grow neural tissue genetically modified to conduct anomalous flow over it and imprint the tissue with the necessary ability. Once the neural tissue was trained and stored the ability, it is forced into a dormant state and stored.

    Psionic scrolls can be found throughout the Undercrypt and is often sold by merchants in exchange for soul coins.

    Semiclosed. Designed as exclusive loot for Undercrypt events. DM me to use elsewhere.

    Tags: Industrial

    Category: Other
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
    WowGain and Mir like this.
  2. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    scroll of Nomad Killing

    first pass
  3. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    After some talk about how does it work and some alteration, Second Pass.