Poltergeists [Template]

Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: "Poltergeists" [Reincarnation Template]


    Poltergeists are a type of phase matter beings that are completely invisible to the naked eye due to a very sparse placement of their phase matter. They are similar to ghosts only that they can only be seen when exposed to a proton beam (or sucked by a phase matter vacuum), and they are often more emotional in their behavior. Being able to interact with their environment more, Poltergeists are capable of throwing objects around violently with bursts of force from their phase matter, and can also shift themselves into an object to 'possess' it, lighter objects being able to hover and heavier objects being able to close a door and such. While they can throw objects, they have difficulty directly harming people and typically resort to scaring people off or using indirect means instead (i.e. dropping rat poison in your soup) They normally cannot be hit with 'mundane' weapons such as vibroblades or hammers, but are damaged by energy weapons and can be sucked in with a Phase Matter Vacuum. They are weaker than ghosts in physical form, using their invisibility to their advantage. Their speech, like a ghost, is echoed and they are unable to show their true form.


    Behavior: For the most part, Poltergeists are left to their own free will save for those emotionally affected by the reincarnation process, some lingering near their areas of death. For the most part they will act as they did before they were turned into a Poltergeist, though many will be tricksters or even malevolent having animosity towards people dwelling in their home.

    Tamability: Most typically they act as they did before they were a Poltergeist.

    Where is it found?: Most typically places where they were Reincarnated.

    Rarity: Depends on the area, for the most part Poltergeists are an uncommon sight though some live among other species.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: They typically simply absorb energy sources around them, such as radiation, light, etc.


    Products?: When poltergeists die, they will drop a glob of very transparent phase matter commonly called 'ectoplasm', which can be repurposed.


    Reproduction: They don't.


    Size: Variable

    Weight: Weightless

    Lifespan: Immortal


    Are invisible and can pass through matter.

    Can throw and manipulate objects, make loud noises, etc.


    Made of phase matter.

    Weaker in composition.