Pet Rocks

Discussion in 'Approved' started by krowski_nall, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Pet Rocks - Petra socius

    Description: Looks like a rock. They can have camouflage that looks like some eyes or a mouth like so; 


    But the eyes or mouth don't really function and not all have eyes or mouths as camoflage. They can look like a variety of rocks, from small little pebbles to giant boulders. Some even are spikey or have crystalike growths on them for a natural defense. Sometimes they may grow hair that is green and very plant or fungus like. 


    Two Rock Pets mating with some hair and an earth snail to create some excitement.


    Behavior: They usually just sit around and wait for rain and the sun to provide them with energy and sustenance. Rock Pets do move but very slowly and usually don't bother moving because they are very very lazy. They move in the following two ways; 

    First is how its surroundings can move it. Aka water, ice, wind, other creatures that move it around, etc.

    Second is how it moves by itself with some vibrations to move about a centimeter per day.

    They can only move in space via external things like gravitational pull and vibrating does nothing in space.


    Here is a photo of a Rock Pet in a desert, easily able to see the path they chose to move in across the plain, Their intelligence is also very limited as they only know some things. "Stay away from really really high temperatures. Get some water and sunlight if you want. Maybe mating sounds cool or whatever, you can probably do it by yourself. Maybe just relax here for a few years, it seems cool enough."

    Tamability: Extremely tamable and barely needy. Once in a while sitting in water is good for them and dragging them across the ground via a leash is quite a nice exercise for them. They make great pets for people who don't have a lot of resources.

    Where is it found?: Practically everywhere! They have been found in extremely hot climates, extremely cold climates, forests, plains, oceans, and they have even been found floating in space!

    Rarity: Super common.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: They gain nutrients from minerals around them, sunlight, and nutrients in water.

    Products?: They grow crystal like growths that can be harvested as well as their plant/fungus like hair they grow. Some even have growths of minerals like iron from a high iron content in their diet among other minerals and such.

    Reproduction: Sexually and Asexually, after a good few years some smaller Rock Pets could fall off from a larger one.

    Size: In their first few years they are quite small, some even say they can be as small as a grain of sand, while through the years and decades they get slowly larger. Only the oldest Rock Pets can reach gigantic sizes. The largest size being recorded at 28.5±1.9 Jupiter masses

    Weight: Extremely variable.

    Lifespan: They do not seem to die from old age.

    Abilities: Are very very tough. But they do chip at times. They can survive in nearly any environment and do not need to breath any specific gas like oxygen. They seem to be near identical to a rock? Strange...

    Flaws: Extremely slow moving and cant be offensive really. The only place they can't really survive in is somewhere with extremely high temperatures like inside of an active volcano or the sun.

