Nanotechnology Paralysis Inducing Nanite Swarm

Discussion in 'Denied' started by syntheticdeity, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Paralysis Inducing Nanite Swarm

    A standard PINS cloud outside of a container would look like a dark cloud of mist anywhere from the size of a small fist to a head. A single PIN has a small propulsion system and a singular claw at the front.

    • Induces total paralysis for anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes depending on how large the PINS cloud is.

    Conditional Abilities:
    • Behaves similar to a gas, and as such conforms to the container they’re placed in.
    • Surprisingly heat-resistant, as such can be mixed into vapes or infused into cigarettes.

    • Takes anywhere between 30 seconds and 2 minutes for any effect to take hold.
      • Generally there’s a period of 15 seconds when the PINS start taking effect where the affected individuals' movements get more sluggish.
    • How long it takes for paralysis sets in depends entirely on the delivery method.
      • About 30 seconds for inhalation/ingestion.
      • About 30 seconds for injection near or around the neck.
      • 45 seconds to 1 minute for injection in the torso.
      • 1 minute to 1 minute and a half for injection in the limbs.
      • 1 minute and a half to 2 minutes for injection in the hands/feet.
    • A PINS is not immune to EMP, and the paralysis will wear off near instantly after the affected individual is EMPed.
    • Does not work on individuals without an organic spinal cord.
    • How long the paralysis lasts depends on how large the PINS cloud is.
      • 1 fl oz. = 1 minute.
    • A standard 5 oz vial of PINs costs about 500 px.
    • Because they're nanomachines, they take special facilities to manufacture.
    • After the effects of a PINS wears off the user can experience effects similar to the common cold for about a day as the immune system attempts to remove the nanites.
    • A PINS cloud cannot go through materials designed to filter out dust. So most gas masks, or even N95 equivalents can stop a PINS cloud.

    How does it work:
    After a PINS cloud enters the body, the machines try to find their way to the spinal cord where they then attach to the neurons and block the signals to the rest of the body. Depending on how many nanites there are, some will enter a sleep mode in order to not waste battery until another nanite near it runs out of battery, and that increases the time the affected individual is in paralysis.

    A PINS cloud is generally delivered one of two ways. It can either be shot in a container that will shatter upon impact, where the nanites will seek out the closest mouth and/or nose to enter by using sensors designed to pick up both heat and CO2 levels. The second method is by injection, either by something like a tranquilizer dart or a syringe.

    Flavor text:
    A businessman enters the room, the CEO greets him with a shake of the hand. After a few minutes of talking the businessman paces the room, complimenting the owner of the company on his awards. He pats the CEO on the shoulder, and violently drags him away from his desk, holding him in a chokehold and stabbing an autoinjector into the CEOs neck. They struggle for a few moments, before the executive goes limp. The businessman begins rifling through the executives office, stealing documents and leaving a virus in the executives’ computer. The businessman leaves, having ample time to exit the building before the CEO can move once more.

    Attainability: [OPEN]

    Tags: [MILITARY]

    Category: Nanotechnology
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
  2. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hi! I'm giving this a pending for now- One, change the tag to [MILITARY] since this is definitely more for combat than anything industrial. Second off, how are the swarms usually delivered? If released from a container, do they simply float out like a gas or actively pursue the nearest closest thing? What makes this different from using a paralysis inducing gas?
  3. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Delivery is actually in the limitations, however I will add that onto how it works. Generally they can be delivered in one of two ways, either through injection or inhalation/ingestion. When released for inhalation, they actively pursue the closest living thing and attempt to enter it via the mouth/nose. Otherwise they can just be injected via a syringe or dart. Generally in a combat situation they would either be fired from a dart gun or their container will be shot and shattered on a target, where they will then attempt to enter the target.

    They're different from a gas because a swarm will actively seek out the nearest living thing, and it takes less than a gas. Overall, it's more controlled and potent than a regular paralysis inducing gas.
  4. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Based! Add this to the app, but for now, First Pass!
  5. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    I can't pass this in its current state if it's able to work via inhalation, it'd simply be too powerful to paralyze somebody just with gas (gas that actively seeks its targets). Remove the inhalation mechanism of action, and also note that these would be difficult to produce because they are nanites, and I'll give it a pass.

    Also, you still haven't changed the tag.
  6. syntheticdeity

    syntheticdeity boss Silver Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Added a weakness that was originally going to be there, and forgot to put on the app.
    Added how a PINS cloud can be delivered.
    Changed the tag.