
Discussion in 'Inactive' started by StrangerDanger, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Nuer'vitans






    Nuer'vitans: Grayscale, Segregated, Religious, Humanoid Entities with Three Different Subspecies.


    ((Also, as a note, got permission from Dek to put the three subspecies into one app, otherwise there wouldn't be much point in me making this..))





    Nuer'vitan is the general term considered for the species as a whole, and within the Nuer'vitan species, there lies three subspecies, all similar to each other but with some contrasting traits from one another. The species as a whole are socially and morally bound by what subspecies they happen to be in and their view of Justice, Chaos, and Neutrality, and the deity that they praise associated with each view. The Nuer'vitan society, like the species, are mostly divided among three different societies, where each one tends not to interact with each other in the present time. Three Subspecies for Nuer'vitans are:


    Patakis (The ‘Dark' Subspecies)- The "Dark” Subspecies, whom most believe in a Chaotic Lifestyle.

    Berakes (The ‘Gray' Subspecies)- The "Gray” Subspecies, who mostly follow a balanced karmic lifestyle.

    Tirpugaras (The ‘Light' Subspecies)- The "Light” Subspecies, who follow their own ideals of what Justice is.


    Berakes, in particular, are a hybrid offspring of both Patakis and Tirpugaras (Similar to that of Zorses or Ligers), who the two parent races considered satanic hellspawn due to the fact that the Berakes were only created through the taboo mating of the two parent races. Due to their estranged status, the Berakes were quickly taken advantage of and were put into labor as slaves, forced to work endlessly but were also stock-bred and cloned in order to keep up with the demand of labor. A bloody war soon ensued, and eventually the Berake's freedom was gained along with a very tense alliance between the three subspecies, but sadly heavy segregation and speciesism still occurred within each of the societies, leading for some radical Berakes to enslave their slavers in an ironic twist and cause more social strife. Berakes, inspired by their leader during the Slave Wars who was a poet and a scholar, reflect that in the modern times, priding themselves in Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences.


    The Patakis and the Tirpugaras in their origin stories claim that they used to be one and the same, until a great light cast itself over the species's planet of Ghahada. When half of the species went to hide into caves an became consume by darkness, turning into the Patakis, while the other half embraced the light, becoming the Tirpugaras. Due to the belief of chaos and anarchy of the Patakis, their societies mostly consist of either individual families or small groups competing for resources, almost impossible to create a large organized society among the subspecies. The Tirpugaras however, take pride in organization and in bureaucratic red tape, most of the subspecies taking their home in a frigid city-state known as the ‘City of Glass', where religious leaders take hold of the politics while the multiple bureaucracies are really nothing but obstructions, and corruption floods among the politicians and bureaucracies.



    Nuer'vitans as a whole seem to to function similar to that of most mammalian species, with similar digestive, nervous, and cardiac systems. However, the main difference that all  Nuer'vitans have lies with their additional organ they have that serves for a multitude of functions depending on the subspecies. This sac organ is located near the fore-front of the stomach (Belly or Abdominal Region), and is used by females as a womb for raising their embryonic children and as a producer of adrenaline but for males it is only used as a producer of adrenaline and sperm, which later travels down to the parts of the body where necessary. However, the similarities of the three subspecies soon end there:


    Patakis- Have durable, leathery, rough, sometimes considered scaly skin.They have large, sharp carnivorous teeth,  and can sprint quickly under short distances with a normal supply of adrenaline.

    Berakes- Can create excess reserves of adrenaline in their  special organ sack such that they can use it to become berserk for short periods of time.They also have multiple layers of skin, providing for more natural protection and sustainability.  

    Tirpugaras-  Their organ sack, rather than producing adrenaline, produces luciferin from a high calcium, high magnesium diet, allowing them to glow from their semi-transparent skin.


    Berakes in particular, due to being a hybrid species and also with the majority of the subspecies suffering from MCS(Multiple Cloning Syndrome), suffer mutations such as immotile sperm, distorted appearances and looks, and a host of other disorders and genetic diseases. It's a rare occurrence for a Berake to born naturally, where in case the male suffers from immotile sperm, he would have to cut open their organ sac or a similar procedure in order to extract the sperm.










       1a): Past

       1b): The Slave Rebellion

       1c): Present-ish

    2): Biology

       2a): Patakis

       2b): Tirpugaras

       2c): Berakes

    3): Politics And Society

       3a): Religion

       3b):patakis + Tirpugaras

       3c): Berakes

    4): Groups and Factions

    4a): The Divine Ministry

    4b): Rebellion Groups

    4c): The Savants of Cetan?

    5): Technology

    6): Summary


    1): History:

      1a): Past:

    Given that Nuer'vitans records have different established times than that of standard time, it can be safe to assume that the first modern written Nuer'vitan records first originated about 50,000 Earth years ago. Primitive Nuer'vitans were originally established as two main tribes on a planet called Ghahada. The two tribes consisted of the Patakis, the pitch-black anarchist tribe, and the Tirpugaras, the clear-white bureaucratic tribe. The Patakis had no form of government or social system, and lived in small groups as nomadic feral hunters. The Tirpugaras however, had already established a social hierarchy and classist bureaucracy in their city-state unit called Nagarada by the time the Patakis surfaced. With such obvious differences between the two tribes, it only seemed justified that the Patakis and the Tirpugaras eventually declared war on each other. Such a civilized and diligent society could not be threatened by these "Brutish Imbeciles" that were constantly raiding the food storages and weapon barracks of the Tirpugaras, when in fact, the Patakis were just as, if not more clever, than the Tirpugaras.


    The two faction's constant fighting ended up in a stalemate, where the Pataki's guerrilla tactics were equally matched with the defense technology and that the Tirpugaras contained in their grasp  which included archery and wheeled vehicles. Nevertheless, after numerous raids between each other's capitals, the two groups decided to negotiate with each other in order to create a peace treaty that would later be known as the Treaty of Ghahada. Tensions between the two groups lowered, and even trade routes were established with the Patakis in order to promote economic prosperity between the two, but unfortunately, things were too friendly between the Patakis and the Tirpugaras. The unimaginable happened when Patakis and Tirpugaras bred with each other, creating a gray hybrid race of the two initial tribes known as Berakes, the half-breeds.  Since both the Patakis and the Tirpugaras were too embarrassed and too ashamed to reveal to each other of their taboo acts, the Berakes were deemed as heretics and monsters sent by Ksobhe for his revenge. Most, if not all Berakes were soon captured, and were either put to death or enslaved,  forced to work on the same food supply farms that the Patakis and the Tirpugaras once fought over. In order to increase the demand for labor, slave lords soon developed cloning factories, breeding and cloning thousands of Berakes for the purpose of hard labor. Soon, economic prosperity ruled over both kingdoms as the Berakes were tied by ball and chain in plantations, forced to provide the everlasting peace and utopia that their parent races engorged themselves upon. It was only a matter of time before the Berakes finally decided to rebel, causing a large-scale war known as the Gulamara Dange.


    1b): The Slave Rebellion:

    The Berake slaves struck back against their against their Patakin and Tirpugaran masters with a ferocity that matched that of the anarchist tribe. The slaves burned down the plantations that they originally worked on and broke free from their chains. The rebellion was headed by a scholar named Kavi, one of the few Berakes that were educated during this time. Kavi had planned several raids against the weapon barracks of the two nations and eventually targeted the Tirpugaran capital of Nagarada itself. The Berakes were an undefeatable force, combining both the organizational tactics of the Tirpugaras and the secluded raid battle strategies of the Patakis. Hundreds of thousands of homes were burned in the Gulamara Dange and no mercy was shown to  the innocent. Ironically, the only buildings left standing were the libraries or information centers, where Kavi commanded the Berakes to loot these locations of their knowledge so that he may used it to their advantage. The war reached a turning point when the Berakes invaded Nagarada and captured the leader of the Tirpugaras, Divine Judge Phiryadi, and forced the judge to surrender and to release the Berake's chains and bonds of slavery. The Patakis however, were not as willing to accept these terms of freedom so easily, and fighting between the Patakis and the Berakes raged on for another Earth year.

    After an entire Earth year's worth of fighting, hundreds of thousands of both Patakis and Berakes dead, and hundreds of weapon barracks and bases snuffed out and looted, the Patakis and Berakes were at a standstill. Neither side wished to make peace with each other, and soon both sides ran out of sophisticated supplies to fight, leaving the Berakes and Patakis to fight each other only using sticks and stones. Such a sadder sight was never to be found in the war, where the soldiers of both sides shed their tears of misery as they beat each other senseless. Finally, a solution came from Kavi himself, who gave a heart-broken and grieving speech at Nagarada, pleading for the conflict to end peacefully. He famously proclaimed that "Do not strike against the cliff of society using the steel of violence, for your sword shall only break. Instead, use a steady stream of words, where it shall erode down said rock, and you will finally be able to make a difference..." Both the Berake and the Pataki soldiers who were fighting threw down their swords as a sign of both rebellion against their generals and peace for lasting generations.The soldiers could now go home. The war could finally be over. Compromise could now continue.

    Rather than making a new treaty, the Treaty of Ghahada was amended to treat the Berakes as equal. New laws were also added by the Tirpugaras to limit the effects of Berake imprisonment and enslavement. The Patakis made a racial truce with the Berakes, declaring them as a foreign nation and that should the Berakes try to provoke another rebellion, the Patakis would show no mercy.

    With the successful amendment passed throughout Ghadada, Berakes cheered for the new age of peace and equality.


    1c): Present-ish:

    Although Berakes were to be treated as equals in the eyes of the Patakis and the Tirpugaras, heavy discrimination still existed, leading for some Berakes to leave for stars, hoping to find a land where they can truly be treated as equals. The rise of extreme religious sects also arose from this declaration of freedom and equality. Religion had always existed for the three races throughout the years, where the prime belief is that chaos, justice, and neutrality are controlled by three gods. However, more aggressive beliefs over their gods occurred from all three sides. The fundamentalist Patakis, who believed that their god of chaos, Gondaladalli, was dying because of the peace and calm, formed miniature demolition groups for the purpose of destruction. They also took to surgically attaching horns to either their jaws or their foreheads, taking on a devilish appearance. The corrupt Tirpugara ministers wrangled control of Nagarada through the religious proclamations of N'yaya, the enforcer god of justice. Any crime committed in Nagarada now is judged by the ministry, and their divine judgement knows no bound. Some radical Berakes, in an ironic turn of events, have enslaved other Patakis and Tirpugaras, their reasoning being revenge and redemption for their god Ksobhe. With their revenge not satisfied, these slavers traveled out to space, capturing those they deemed fit. Some Nuer'vitans, tired of the ensuing problems, took to the stars, hoping for a place for themselves where they could finally find inner peace and purpose…


    2): Biology:

    2a): Patakis:

    The wild Patakis, who usually live on the outskirts of the frontier, take from their ancestors their natural hunting abilities. Like their hunter ancestors, the Patakis have sharp carnivorous teeth used for the chewing of animals and their animal hide. They are quickly able to dash to speeds as fast as 40km/h (25mph for Imperial System), when trying to chase down their kill, though they are not able to maintain these speeds for long. Should a Pataki run for too long a time, their legs will lock and cramp up, rendering them unable to move for a short time. Purebred Patakis will have almost pitch-black skin, making them perfect for hiding in the darkness.On the converse of that, it would not be hard to pick out a Pataki from a crowd in broad daylight. Not only are their skin pitch-black, but also their blood as well, where it eventually hardens when the blood enters a room temperature environment. Patakis have a slight body temperature higher than that of room temperature as they are more prone to the cold than their racial counterparts. Patakis also have a small dark sac organ, while serving of no use to Pataki males, is used as a womb for Pataki females. When a fetus inside of this sac organ is fully grown, the sac bursts and an infant Pataki is born.


    Due to the recent rise of fundamentalist sects of the Nuer'vitan religion, radical Patakis have taken to surgically implanting tusks and horns on their foreheads and jaws. These implantations usually have the effects of chronic headaches, toothaches, and/or rare cases internal bleeding should the implant get dislodged. The advantages of these implants are that at times, the Patakis are able to use these horns as a manner to ram or charge at their opponents, almost as if a rhino. The Patakis, also similar to the rhino, have developed rugged leathery skin from centuries of living in a rough climate, hardening themselves against the brush of nature.   The Patakis are usually larger and stronger in strength compared to a Tirpugara, but that in no sense makes the Patakis any dumber. Instead, unlike their albino counterpart, the Patakis have no sense of future planning or hope for the future; everything they do is for the now and plan as they go along. So, in a sense, trying to talk to a Pataki about future families, college, or retirement will usually end in vain. By code of honor, the Patakis will never usually use ranged weapons, and shuns those who uses guns, bows, and any of those weapons otherwise. Proud and headstrong, the Pataki men will never admit that they're wrong unless their wives say otherwise((Marriage joke hahah)).









    2b): Tirpugaras

    The well-mannered and aristocratic Tirpugaras are a biological curiosity of their own. Theorists have claimed that the Pataki and the Tirpugara ancestors used to be one species who lived in a dark cave environment. Those who adapted to the harsh cave environment became the Patakis while those who were afraid of the caves adapted to become the Tirpugaras. With skin and muscle so light and so clear, it could almost be considered a transparent, elastic shell. This skin shell however is very delicate, and with something like a prod of a spear or otherwise. Their skin will pop and their clear blood will slowly leak out. Tirpugara blood also matches their skin color, where their blood takes the shape of a clear, sticky liquid inside of their body. Tirpugaras have most of the same organs like their racial comrades, but have one special organ that functions differently.


    Residing within the center of their bodies, Tirpugaras have special glow sacs, which produces luciferin formed from their diet of high calcium and magnesium. Their bioluminescence can shine brightly at times, making them seem almost as if they were a figure made of light, which is why their skin is so white and clear. Tirpugaras constantly glow, making them the perfect nightlight in the dark but also more likely to be targeted, and only stop glowing should their bodies stop functioning. Female Tirpugaras also contain their fetuses in these glow-sacs, and is said that one can literally see the fetus grow within the female when they glow bright enough. However, like their skin, the glow-sac is also a more sensitive part of the body. Because of their weaknesses and weak organ parts, most Tirpugaras have much cowardice when it comes to fighting, and should they have to get into conflicts, usually wear thick-plated armor to prevent anyone from penetrating their weak biological shell. No Tirpugara would be intelligent enough to stay close to their enemies, so they carry guns and ranged weapons. With enough practice, Tirpugaras make surprisingly dangerous marksmen should they need to fight.The Tirpugaras are also the most invested into defense technology for their fragility.


    Most Tirpugaras are highly deceptive, offering genuine fake smiles and truthful lies to those they know that they can deceive. From a certain standpoint, Tirpugaras are the ultimate actors, being able to put every emotion they can into their scandals.Upper-class Tirpugaras have been known to cause entire stock market crashes and money laundering operations worth billions of pixels, and are usually considered "White Collar". Thus, most Patakis and Berakes associate the Tirpugaras with desire and greed, teaching their next of kin to avoid their desires and to certainly avoid Tirpugaras. Tirpugaras are excessively careful and organized, almost to the point of obsession. They love crafting future plans for periods up to even ten years in advance, though their frustration knows no bounds should something not go according to plan. Due to the revival of extreme Nuer'vitan sects, radical Tirpugaras have taken to surgically attaching wings to their backs, trying to emulate their justice god N'yaya. While these wings are purely decorative, the Tirpugaras risk internal bleeding should these wings get dislodged and strike at an organ.  Some Tirpugaras have started illegally importing clipped wings of Avians to the homeworld, where most of these wings are longer and more beautiful to imitate their deity.













    2c): Berakes:

    The halfbreed Berakes, considered to be trash by their ancestor races, draw genetic features from both of their ancestors. Although not as strong nor luminescent as their Patakin and Tirpugaran ancestry, they can still be a threat to their parent species if not for their genetic mutations. Due to their hybrid status and being reincarnations of clones multiple times, Berakes suffer from a host of genetic disorders and diseases, including immotile sperm, distorted appearances and looks, etc.  The skin of a Berake is not a thin shell like the Tirpugaras, but instead consists of multiple layers of skin, providing for natural protection and more sustainability. One of the main genetic qualities of a Berake is that their skin color changes depending on how much of their DNA is either Patakin or Tirpugaran. There is no true "Gray”, and Berakes will either be darker or lighter depending on their parents. Due to the very unexpectedness of their origins, some Berakes associate themselves with Patakis or Tirpugaras, taking on the same implantation surgeries to get tusks, horns, or wings like their parent races and suffer the same side effects.


    One of the most famous aspects of the Berakes is their ferocity when in battle; it seems that their never ending anger towards the Patakis and the Tirpugaras inspire them to fight continuously. Another special aspect of the Berake biology is their sac organ that performs a different function than their parent races. While this sac organ is still used by female Berakes to raise fetuses and give birth, the sac also functions as a producer and storage of Adrenaline. For males, the sac organ also functions as a producer of sperm, which lies dormant in the sac until needed. Though, in most cases, due to their genetic mutations, the sperm will be unable to travel by itself, leaving it stuck inside of the sac organ. A naturally born Berake is considered to be a rare and blissful occurrence, due to how most of the Berakes are unable to breed with each other. If natural breeding were to occur, a male Berake would be forced to extract his semen by puncturing their sac organ or some other method to extract the semen.While other races have organs that produce Adrenaline, the Berake adrenal sac can produce almost twice the amount of Adrenaline at a faster rate, although it can only be used under times of extreme pressure. When this Adrenaline floods the body of the Berake, the Berake becomes extremely hyperactive, darting around either from danger or towards danger uncontrollably. When in combat while the adrenal sac is activated, the Berake will attack relentlessly and randomly, making it hard for one to predict where they will strike but also allow that person the advantage of having an easier time to attack while the Berake's defense is down. When the adrenaline sac releases and the body uses up the last of the Adrenaline, the Berake almost collapses of exhaustion, being completely drained of energy. The period to fully restore this lost Adrenaline can take anywhere from half a day to two days depending at the rate at which the Adrenaline was used.














    3): Politics and Society:

      3a): Religion

    One of the most fascinating and central things to a Nuer'vitan, no matter what subspecies, are their culture and religion. With the exception of the radical Nuer'vitans who idolize the gods, most Nuer'vitans take the gods and their stories to be used as sagely advice and guidance to be used for a better life. While there are many different versions of these stories that are told by the different subspecies, there is one story that remains the same and central throughout the three subspecies. This story highlights the origins of the three Nuer'vitan Gods: Gondaladalli, the god of chaos who usually takes the form of a humanoid centipede demon, N'yaya, the god of justice who takes the form of a winged pot or satellite, and finally, Ksobhe, the god of time travel and also considered the neutrality god. The legend tells that before the universe was created, there lived three brothers, who were the three Nuer'vitan gods. Gondaladalli and N'yaya both wanted to claim the universe and space for themselves while Ksobhe, smarter than his two brothers, claimed time for himself. Ksobhe traveled one trillion years into the future to find that his brothers were still fighting over the universe, constantly eradicating and reviving all life to be used as pawns and entertainment. Ksobhe, with a swift resolution to end the conflict, tried to attack his two brothers with a sword made from stars and armor said to have been stitched from time itself. However, after a long and grueling battle, the brother gods overpowered Ksobhe, and tore his arms from his body, replacing them with a ball and chain on each arm to force the defeated god to remain grounded in the realm of mortals for all eternity.




    Other stories included in the Nuer'vitan religion include how the gods Gondaladalli and N'yaya corrupted those who wanted to fulfill their desires, turning them into terrible monsters. Most of these stories were told to exemplify the aversion to desire that all of the species has. In their eyes, to partake in sin is to be a monster. However, as time went on, the stories became less about the morals that the tales provided but more about idolizing the gods who was included in said story, which partly led to the radical sects of the Nuer'vitans that occurs today. Most Nuer'vitans usually have a shrine dedicated to their specific deity, and while most of these are small, some of these shrines are much larger and can function as a secondary worshipping. The usual case in Nuer'vitan society is that the Patakis praise Gondaladalli as their deity, the Tirpugaras praise N'yaya in order to accommodate their highly organized society, and the Berakes empathetically relate to Ksobhe as their god, though there are the rare case of a subspecies of the Nuer'vitan race not following their designated god, usually leading to some form of isolation or exclusion from their community.  


    3b): Patakis + Tirpugaras

    In a sense, Patakis and Tirpugaras can be considered as almost complete mirrors of each other. With the Patakis' sense of "Living in the Moment” and their somewhat chaotic behavior, the Patakis live in small hunting groups of up to ten to thirty people. While the Patakis don't have any official form of government, an Alpha leader exists to command the tribe during important events such as hunting or battling. Patakis have multiple settlements dotted throughout the outskirts and the forests of Ghahada, making an invasion on the Patakis difficult with big machinery.  


    On the other side of the coin, the Tirpugaras live together in collective city-state unit known as Nagarada.Within Nagarada, the city-state's capital resides there in luxury known as the "City of Glass”. The city is said to have once been a desert, but according to legend, under the divine light of N'yaya, completely became glass and the Tirpugaras used this as a building material. While the city is not entirely made of glass, there are certainly an excessive amount of mirrors and window panes. The government of the Tirpugara couldn't be more clearly defined than as "Red-Tape”. The government consists of two parts: One being a series of congressional houses, and the other part being the Tirpugaran Divine Ministry, which is led by a descendant of Divine Judge Phiryadi, the original leader of the Tirpugaras doing the Gulamara Dange.


    3c): Berakes

    Berake government and society in a sense are probably the most civilized out of all the Nuer'vitans. Berakes, treated as outcasts, live in most of the unoccupied space that the Patakis nor the Tirpugaras haven't conquered yet in small established towns. The political system of a Berake government tries to follow some of the principles of government of the Tirpugaras, but establishes more democratic ideals with a small council elected by the local population. Perhaps the most astounding aspect of Berake society is their emphasis and their dedication to education and the fine arts. Inspired by their leader from the slave rebellion, Kavi, most Berakes take up the job of becoming authors, journalists, or any writing job available to inscribe their thoughts and emotions on paper. The library and information centers are a haven for most Berakes, to the point that security posts are stationed at every entrance and exit to prevent the theft of books. These tomes are a source of guidance and inspiration to the Berakes, with the recent addition of old Human novels and stories saved after the destruction of Earth to further increase their imagination and knowledge. In the eyes of the Berake, knowledge leads to power and a better life, leaving some to scrounge for books, gossip, and secrets to gain a false sense of power and security.

    Truly, Berakes battle in a test of wits and knowledge, with the loser being embarrassed and shamed as unintelligent. Along with these Berake writers, many of them take up even more of the fine arts, ranging from developing to singing songs, choreography, and most things that could be considered as artistic expression. The source of this artistic expression, however, usually arises from their culture of self-sacrifice and suffering, whereupon they embrace the darkness given to them in order to produce some drastically impressive works. Some Berakes, more analytical their free-spirited brethren, take up their devoting themselves to solving the secrets of the universe, staying in their studies to research and hopefully create new groundbreaking discoveries to the scientific community. These Berakes have often been praised as the inventors for a new age of peace, and were also the few to establish the first communications in space with another intergalactic species. Sadly, this is not the case for every Berake. Some suffer an identity crisis, asking themselves if they truly are either Patakis or Tirpugaras instead of the half-breed race that they are. Thus, some rebellious Berakes follow the social behavior of either the Patakis or the Tirpugaras, either taking up the blunt way of the Patakis or the deceptive behavior of the Tirpugaras to hopefully try to assimilate in their chosen subspecies society, or hide their body in shame ,hopefully looking for a way to change their appearance. Either way, all Berakes try to live peacefully within their towns and societies, hoping to one day appease their ancestors races to socially become on equal footing.

    4): Groups and Factions

    4a): The Divine Ministry

    The Divine Ministry is the head organization of the Tirpugara government where most of its power is concentrated. The Ministry composes itself of two parts: its religious leaders and hierarchal workers, as well as majorly its bureaucratic workers and security force. The ministry's priests are considered as ‘Divine Judges', both in charge of spiritual development and for judging those who have sinned as well as those who oppose the Ministry's rule. Conversely, it is the bureaucratic workers and armed forces that carry out the will of the Divine Judges using a massive pool of data collected on its citizens. The bureaucracies control and observe all network activity of its citizens, as well as monitoring their purchases. It's truly the Ministry that controls Nagarada, though if they find anyone that opposes their rule, that person's voice shall not speak for long.  

    Responsibilities of bureaucratic workers vary, though a universal job involves making sure each citizen in Nagarada is taking (or at the very least purchasing) emotion inhibition medication known as Vertasin. All workers within the bureaucracy have access to information of all Tirpugaras and any documented Nuer'vitans that happened to live in Nagarada. It is impossible to say where the bureaucracy starts and ends, for its inner workings are not completely realized by anyone, even those within the Divine Ministry.


    4b): Rebellion Groups

    With the Nuer'vitans' strict customs concerning satiating one's desires, as well as the Tirpugaran mandate of inhibiting one's emotions through the use of medication, it is no surprise that eventually some Nuer'vitans would try to resist the societal burdens placed on them. To these ‘Free Sinners', it is better to live doing as one pleases than to constantly live in shame of one's desire. Their act of rebellion may not necessarily be considered Hedonism, but is nevertheless considered taboo throughout Ghahada.  More often than not, rebels of Nuer'vitan society protest against the Tirpugaras and their forced purchase of emotion inhibition medication. These groups however are in turn hunted down by the Divine Ministry's armed forces and possibly other governments of different subspecies. Rebellion groups often leave Ghahada, and travel to other parts of the universe to seek their own freedom.  

    4c): The Savants of Cetan?

    Despite the interspecies tensions, racism, and cultural differences between the Patakis, Tirpugaras, and Berakes, there is one ancient belief among all the subspecies that is universal:


    "Those who fall corrupt to their desires become nothing but monsters. And all monsters need to be hunted down.”


    While the belief in current times is believed to be nothing more than an empty warning by most, this statement in fact belonged to an order known as the Savants of Cetan?, a secret group whose purpose is to monitor, record information of, and then hunt monsters, both actual beasts and those who have fallen corrupt to their desires. After the monster is slain, the information written about them is then turned into a story, adding another tale to the multitudes of anecdotes of people turning into monsters from their desires.It is unclear which stories in Nuer'vitan literature about monsters and beasts are fiction and which are considered to be true.

    Its members consisting of Patakis, Tirpugaras, and even Berakes, the Savants have a far reach into Nuer'vitan society, though few know of their existence, and little to none on how to join the secret order. It is rumored further that the Savants of Cetan? hold knowledge over ancient and unusual technology, such an elixir for immortality or a portal to another dimension, but is kept hidden in a venerable forgotten tomb. Shrouded away from Nuer'vitan society, the Savants of Cetan? continue their ancient tradition of performing the hunting of monsters without being discovered, leading most to question if they ever existed in the first place.


    5): Technology

    As to be expected, Nuer'vitan technology varies depends on the subspecies that one is examining. In the case of the Patakis, one can expect their primitive and chaotic behavior to not yield any technologically advanced fruit, leaving the Patakis only with primitive, non-electronic technology to use. As discussed before, the cowardly Tirpugaras have up-to-date defense technology to protect their fragile bodies, ranging from heavily-clad armor, guns, etc. The Tirpugaras were also the first ones to develop a currency system on their planet, along with the confusing rules and ideals that comes with using money. In recent years, the Tirpugaras have invested heavily into pharmaceuticals, with their most popular drug (Mostly because it is mandated by the government), are emotion inhibition pills used to prevent the citizenry from acting upon their desires, cementing the species' culture of abstinence. The pill is known as Vertasin, and includes a catchy slogan to boot ("Avert your sins with a Vertasin!”). However, what is not reported with these pills are the side effects of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, split personality, and overall insanity. Whenever these side-effects occur, it usually prompts the user to ingest even more emotion-numbing pills, further increasing the process. The technological prowess of the Berakes lies within their love of information. The Berakes developed communication devices such as wireless signals, the first intergalactic communicator on their planet, and several communication devices known to others as phones and computers. Currently, Berake scientists are looking for a way to transmit messages to each other just by thought, though they have made little progress on the matter. Other Berakes experiment with smaller projects, either going to have a great impact on all races of the universe or be a strange, useless invention such as the automatic onion peeler.


    6): Summary:


    Berakes(The "Gray” Subspecies):

    Once enslaved due to their Taboo births. Now freed but still heavily segregated, leading some to enslave others as revenge or explore the universe.

    Some have a grudge against the Patakis and the Tirpugaras from their ancestors enslavement.

    Love information, knowledge, writing, and the fine arts.

    Take an active interest in developing information technology and the link to the mind.

    Skin color works on a monochrome scale.

    Can have genetic traits from their parent subspecies.

    Suffers  from multiple genetic disorders due to Multiple Cloning Syndrome

    Have a "Berserk" mode that they can activate at the cost of being extremely exhausted afterwards.

    Can praise either of the three Nuer'vitan gods, but most follow the "Neutrality God".

    Embraces a culture of suffering and self-sacrifice in respect to their god, using this as a method to create more of their fine arts.

    A select few of Nuer'vitans, but mostly Berakes, are part of an organization known as the Savants of Cetan? that dedicates themselves to researching the universe, and hunting monsters and those who fall insane to their sins.

    Most are usually cloned from their past selves due to their inability to make a naturally-born child.

    Has a strict abstinence from most if not all desires, to the point that they even take emotion inhibition pills.

    The pills usually have unreported side effects such as insanity, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar mood swings, and split personalities.


    Patakis(The "Dark” Subspecies):

    Somewhat wild and tribal, living in small groups scattered across the planet.

    Praises the Nuer'vitan god of chaos, and support a destructive lifestyle.

    Prideful and stubborn to the point of being bull-headed, most use melee weapons for both pride and honor.

    Have sharp carnivorous teeth, rough rugged skin, and can quickly chase down prey over short distances.

    Has a strict abstinence from most if not all desires. To partake in these desires usually means that one is marked as a beast to be hunted down.


    Tirpugaras(The "Light” Subspecies):

    Deceptive and obsessive about organization and bureaucracy.

    Praises the Nuer'vitan god of justice, and have a religious ministry that controls the government known as the "Divine Ministry".

    Most live in a frigid city-state known as the "City of Glass”, rumored to once have been a desert  heated to glass by the God of Justice.

    Have semi-transparent, vulnerable skin that can glow with luciferin.

    Develops defense technology for fear of their vulnerability, as well as pharmaceuticals, such as the emotion inhibition pills.

    Has a strict abstinence from most if not all desires, to the point that the commoners are forced to take emotion inhibition pills. Not taking these pills will usually incur the wrath of the ministry.

    Emotion Inhibition pills are called Vertasin.



    [/b]v.2.0.1- Added pictures. Hooray.[/b]

    [/b]v.2.0.2- Added some lore about emotion pills. Cleaned up some stuff.[/b]

    [/b]v.2.1.0- Added new lore concerning Groups and Factions. Cleaned up other categories.[/b]