Materials Normantium

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Skid, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Normantium
    Description: Normantium typically holds a plain white color. Aside from that, it's a metal so one could shape it to fit their needs.
    • Physically, Normantium's properties greatly resemble titanium.
    • Normantium naturally blocks psionics. For example, a Normantium helm would greatly dampen, if not outright prevent, empethetics. A Normantium wall would cause a telekinesis user extreme difficulty in manipulating objects behind it.
    Conditional Abilities:
    • While Normantium is conductive of heat and electricity, psions would lose all control over the elements as it passes through the metal.
    • Similarly to psionics, Normantium metal naturally blocks cuils. A suit, or similar structure that encases it's contents, would be able to shield it's contents from high cuil counts on the exteriors.
    • The typical limitations of a metal.
    • The metal is fairly rare. 
    • People will have difficulty gathering large amounts of it.
    Conditional Limitations:
    • Normantium acts as a wall towards psionics and cuils. There's nothing to stop them from going around the metal, though they'll still be weakened due to having to travel a larger distance. 
    How does it work:
             Normantium is a naturally occurring compound element that holds a natural resistance towards anomality forces, far greater than that typical of Realspace objects. With this abnormally high resistance, Normantium greatly dampens the effects of Cuils and Psionics used around it. It's ductility, malleability, and elasticity are comparable to that of titanium, deviating slightly but still keeping fairly close. Normantium is fairly lightweight when compared to most other metals. It's melting point is approximately 1,750 degrees celsius and boiling point approximately 3,500 degrees celsius.
    Flavor text: 
              Discovered years ago in Civ Space, Normantium has been dubbed "Expensive Titanium" due to it's seemingly normal properties.
    Attainability: Semi-closed People would either have to discover sources of Normantium through exploration, or buy from an active seller to obtain it.
    Tags: Civilian
    Category: Material
  2. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    @"Skid" Ok, let's begin. I only have one issue, and that's with the metal's ability to insulate from electrokinesis and pyrokinesis. The way I understand it, that electricity and fire isn't special at all, it's just being created and controlled. Since it conducts "regular" fire and electricity it would only make since for it to respond the same way to electrokinesis and pyrokinesis. Could you change this, to either not insulating from these forms of psionics, or perhaps interfering with their control?​
  3. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    @"Master Nemo"

    I fixed up the formatting a little, because the new forums are stinky. Aside from that, I updated that section of the app so that they just lose control of the electricity and/or fire as it passes through the metal.

    Also, if you approve of it, I'd like to make it possible for what's basically Normantium bunker glass to be created. I already went ahead and added that to the Conditional Abilities section of the app.
  4. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Alright, thank you. After talking with some other staff, we discovered some more changes that would be required before I can pass this.​

    1. We want some more flavor text, to make Normantium more interesting than just a metal that messes up cuils. Is it an element? What's its' melting point? Stuff like that. It doesn't have to be a whole essay, but we do need to be more strict with apps for new materials.
    2. I'd like a limit to the amount of cuils it can endure as well, so that people don't use it to go into hyperspace. Entering hyperspace outside of hyperlanes is a big no. I would recommend setting 3 or 4 as the max.
    3. We'd like the limited knowledge of cuils and psions to be taken into account. While the public does know that cuils exist, it would be kinda hard to determine that normantium effects them in any way without extensive research, which we would like to be done ICly, though it can be off-screen of course. The existence of psions isn't widely known yet either, so only someone who knows they exist and how they work would be able to deduce that normantium has an effect on them as well. tldr; we'd like it if normantium's abilities weren't discovered just yet.
    4. As for the bunker glass, I don't think it would really work. It's hard to describe, since cuils are meant to be scary and anomalous, but essentially, if there's a gap, cuils can get in, and normantium bunker glass clearly isn't 100% normantium so most of the cuils would get through.

  5. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    @"Master Nemo"

    Hey, so I'm going to leave expanding in the metals properties for a short bit while I put a little bit of research into that. That said, if it's fine by you I'd just like to address your other concerns until I get there.

    Would it be possible to make it so that a quarter inch of Normantium can resist 4 cuils before they start to seep through? Go up in thickness, go up in resistance. Go down in thickness, go down in resistance. As for venturing in Hyperspace, is that really an issue? I'd always assumed that outside of hyperlanes, the alien physics would kill someone from Realspace quicker than anything else.

    Can do on the limited knowledge part, I'll update the app to reflect this.

    As for bunker glass, while I've removed it for the time being would it possible to jist give it a much lower resistance since the Normantium is still spread inside the glass? That's bits of Normantium they'd have to go around, which would hinder things slightly atleast. Would a 1 cuil per quarter inch resistance be okay?
  6. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    1. I'd prefer if a quarter inch only resisted up to 2-3. There's concern that Normantium might hinder cuil-based events, and weird stuff typically starts to happen at around 4+. Is this alright? 
    2. Cuils are a measurement of alien physics, if you're blocking them out then there's no harm in entering hyperspace.
    3. Bunker glass really wouldn't work, as cuils aren't a physical thing. To quote Wowgain, "cuils are a measurement of abstraction, the absurd physics of hyperspace are what kills not cuils, cuils are just how they are measured". Having to go around bits of Normantium wouldn't do much.
  7. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    @"Master Nemo"

    I really feel that if someone has to depend on cuils to get the effect they desire, then something's wrong. But sure, if it's that much of a concern, I can have it lowered down to 3 per quarter inch thickness.

    Alrighty, no bunker glass  :(

    Anyways, you wanted more in general information on Normantium?
    It's a naturally occurring compound element. It's ductility, malleability, and elasticity are comparable to that of titanium, deviating slightly but still being fairly close. It has a melting point of ~1,750 degrees celsius and boiling point of ~3,500 degrees celsius. The metal is fairly light weight when compared to most other metals.
  8. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Thank you for understanding, and sorry this is taking so long lol I've been really busy. Once you add the flavor text to the app I believe we are good to go.
  9. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    @"Master Nemo"

    Should be good, captain.
  10. Nemo

    Nemo Leader of the Rat Crew Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Alright, I'm satisfied. I give this an initial pass.​
    Awaiting Seconding.​
  11. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I've given this application a look over and I find it acceptable as it is post-grading with Nemo. I'm giving this a second pass.
    Enjoy your titanium-foil hats that keep the aliens out of your brain.
  12. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    This is being moved to denied simply because later developments are going to work it into the actual material lore page; it is still present in the setting. Small changes mean this shouldn’t be referred to for the time being for finding the properties of this material.
    Khaos, WowGain and Skid like this.