Melee Armaments Neutron Blade

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Ryanatorx, Jan 11, 2022.

  1. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Neutron Blade

    AKA: Edgelord Sword, Worse Than A Shield, Suicide Lane

    Description: Neutron blades are deceptively named melee armaments, generally swords. They are single-edged weapons, occasionally monoblades or vibroblades, which harvest their kinetic energy for a unique defensive purpose. Also built into the blade, usually the flat edge, are shield generators.


    -Generates an energy shield in a small area around the blade for a brief moment when swung

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):

    -Can be used with a gun, unlike a normal shield belt, as the shield is only active during the swing
    -Doesn’t activate when used with dashtech (normally, dashtech kills you when you use it with a shield belt)
    -If high-speed constant spinning is achieved (such as with a robot hand, or attaching it to a motor), it effectively becomes a worse shield belt. It 'breaks' after a few shots, and has to stop spinning and rest for several (3) turns to form a shield again.


    -Shield is only active mid-swing
    -Can’t stand up to automatic fire
    -Block area is small, so spread weapons generally aren’t blocked completely

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):

    -Reaction time necessary to actually be effective is generally only found in novakids

    How does it work:

    High-efficiency motion-to-power technology is employed along the blade, allowing it to generate a brief but potent amount of electricity, which charges and activates the shield generators. However, this is still significantly less energy than what is in a traditional shield belt battery, which is why the shield dissipates after the swing is done and is far smaller than the protective area of a normal shield belt. The area of defense is roughly a half-foot radius extending out from the blade during the swing.

    The shield generators are the same technology used in belts, and can be 'burnt out' if overcharged, such as by spinning the blades rapidly. If they are used this way and the shield breaks, it will take several moments of cooling down before a shield can be generated again. Burning out does not happen in normal operation due to the smaller energies and volumes of the shield.

    Flavor text:

    “I do not settle my disputes with a revolver alone. I settle mine with the blade.” -Anton Antimony, mere seconds before being shot several times in a well-recorded duel with Herbet Hafnium

    Neutron Blades were originally a technology developed by novakids for novakids, specifically as a way to respond to the slow-firing weapons most commonly used by their peers. Anton Antimony was the first to develop the technology, and for many years used it to great success among non-nova in his region. His reaction time was much faster than theirs, and onlookers reported that he ‘cut bullets from the air in front of him.’ As soon as he faced reaction time equal to his own, he faced his doom.

    Years later, the Antimony family re-discovered his workshop and began to market the weapon far and wide. They claimed that it could stop bullets, which while technically true, is very misleading. Nevertheless, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and hylotian anime fans flocked to the weapon that would seemingly allow them to pull off impossible feats- until someone used an automatic.

    Attainability: Open

    Tags: [Military]

    Category: Melee Armaments
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
    SilverGallium, Khaos and Endiie like this.
  2. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Just what I needed for my sword art online Oh See! First pass.
    Ryanatorx likes this.
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Second pass!