Nauhtaivil [ ZECYRIA ]

Discussion in 'Approved' started by LillithN, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Pic: A fully grown Nauhtaivil, moments away from catching its prey, a lone and fully grown Sharool.
    Description: The Nauhtaivil are one of the last titanic ocean life-forms left on Zecyrion and their numbers are believed to be no more than ten. As a solitary creature, the Nauhtaivil will wander the entire ocean in search of Sharool, having lost the ability to track migration routes eons ago, a flaw in evolution and a direct attribution to their dangerously dwindling numbers. Their near extinction however is a good thing, allowing the rest of the Larissian ecosystem to thrive and prosper such as their main target, the Sharool. The Zecyrian State currently has trackers on two of these creatures for research purposes.

    From jaw to tail, the Nauhtaivil can reach lengths of up to seven kilometres and due to their titanic size are naturally faster than anything else in the Larissian Ocean. Covered in tough keratin scales with a blue hue excluding the soft underbelly, the Nauhtaivil is capable of withstanding most clawed or sharp attacks. Two front legs with webbed feet allow for the Nauhtaivil to crawl along the ocean bed and to gain a slight boost of speed whilst swimming.

    It is this very creature that is the reason behind the city-state of Zecyrion does not travel out into the ocean in boats or over the surface by ship, as the lights from the thrusters and vessels themselves act as bait for the Nauhtaivil which will then dive out of the water, dragging whatever is above, down below to never be seen again. Rows upon rows of appendages that protrude from under the jaw, on top of the skull, along the back and across the tail provide a bio-luminescent glow that attracts prey both small and large. Some creatures such as the Sharool, are unaffected by this glow due to using echolocation to see.

    Behaviour: To hunt, the Nauhtaivil will either swim directly for its prey unless it is low on food and energy where it will sit on the ocean floor, activate its bioluminescent lights and literally wait for food to swim into its mouth. If no food can be collected this way, the Nauhtaivil will most likely die from starvation in the following weeks unless it moves positions and feeds. The Nauhtaivil will usually ignore anything smaller than 10 meters in length and there have been no recorded humanoid deaths.

    Tamability: Untamable.

    Where is it found?: Native to the Larissian Ocean of Zecyrion.

    Rarity: Extremely rare.

    Diet: Meat & fish.

    • Keratin Scales, useful for creating armour or for carving objects, much like a carpenter with wood.
    • Teeth up to 150 meters long that can be sold on the black market for a hefty price. Sometimes they wash up on shore.
    • Although almost impossible to find, the blubber and matter form the corpse of one of these creatures could provide top quality fertilizer for the farmlands of Birmingham.

    Reproduction: External fertilization. Slow breeder and grower, fifty eggs are laid once every century on average, only few of those survive, barely any make it to adulthood.

    Size: 2,000+ meters in length.

    Weight: 300+ tonnes.

    Lifespan: 1000 years. Adulthood at 650.

    • Fastest & most dangerous life-form in the Larissian Ocean.
    • Bio-luminescent appendages attract prey.

    • Slow grower and breeder.
    • Easily distracted by light, the natural defence mechanism of most prey.
    • Very large appetite which struggles to be maintained for maximum growth and optimal health.
    • Must rest either in the open or in a massive underground cavern, leaving them susceptible to attack from other titans.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  2. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Size decreased from 7 kilometers in length to 2 kilometers as per staff request.
  3. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Still just as terrifying. And also now holds the record for the largest leviathan in GC. Pass!