
Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Cloudydays, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. Cloudydays

    Cloudydays New Arrival

    Jul 22, 2017
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    ((I could not for the life of me get his brand just the way I wanted it in this picture, apologies))
    A novakid from one of the border planets in Civilized space, Moe out here for a vacation from the hustle and bustle of his home city! Who knows though, there's a lot of opportunity to start a clinic out here.

    General Information

    First name: Moe

    Middle name(s): N/A

    Surname: Propyl

    Age: 436

    Date of birth: May 8th, 2852

    Race: Novakid

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    Current residence: Doesn’t own property in the fringe, looking to get booked in somewhere!

    Relationship status: Single, but mingling is expensive

    Social status: Pretty much a “whom” in the grand scheme of things, especially in the fringe.

    Financial standing: Financially well off, but he’s pretty stingy

    Traits of Voice

    Accent (if any): Distinct Californian surfer accent

    Language spoken: English, Common

    Other languages known: Knows like 5 words in latin, “doctor speak”

    Style of speaking: Likes to draw out words with a pronounced “ay” sound at the end of their sentences, such as “maaaaaaaaaan”, generally has an upbeat tone of voice

    Volume of voice: medium-loud

    Physical Appearance

    Height: 5’9

    Weight: 160 lbs

    Brand color: Black

    Plasma color: Yellow-orange

    Shape of brand: A somewhat thick curved plate that tapers at both ends, situated where one’s mouth might be.

    Distinguishing features: Always seen with shades on, giving an appearance of a smiley face with shades. More accurately a sun with shades, but nobody’s here for semantics.

    Build of body: ectomorph, with some definition in arms

    Corona color: Also yellow-orange.

    Hair style: Slicked back, in a common novakid styling

    Posture: Stands tall, but droops his head a smidge when not actively talking to someone.

    Typical clothing: When not at work, always seen in a Hawaiian-style shirt of varying colors and designs. His favorite is red with green chilis!

    Is seen by others as: “I swear I have this guy as an emoji on my datapad.”


    Likes: Outdoor activities and sunshine, the sea, fruity drinks, bad puns, thinks pirates are pretty cool

    Dislikes: Being inside for extended periods of time, people who overthink things, bad taste in colors, being referred to as Dr.

    Education: Degree in dentistry, and a postgraduate certification in dental medicine.

    Fears: Not being able to hang out with his friends anymore, driving on ice

    Personal goals: Is currently saving money to buy a boat

    General attitude: Upbeat, even at the worst times

    Religious values: No real religious values, but believes in good morals and karma.

    General intelligence: Only really knowledgeable in his occupation, the rest goes in one ear and out the other. He’s all for listening about your job’s mumbo jumbo, though!

    General sociability: Likes to befriend anyone he sees, actively seeks out people by themselves to talk to.


    Illnesses (if any): No lasting afflictions

    Allergies (if any): N/A

    Sleeping habits: Has a set sleeping schedule and does his best to stay on it.

    Energy level: Medium, is pretty laid back most of the time

    Eating habits: Has breakfast each day, and then just has drinks the rest of the day.

    Memory: Pretty bad, as is the norm. Goes over the motions of his job at home to keep himself sharp.

    Any unhealthy habits: Drinks listerine despite not actually having any teeth.


    Parents: Quark and Heptan, a pair of much more traditional “yee haw” novakids.

    Siblings: Joseph, Spike, And Tesla. Usually spend at least one holiday together.

    Any enemies (and why): Nobody of note just yet.

    Friends: Nobody in the fringe, just yet!


    Peaceful or violent: Peaceful, doesn’t really like guns all too much.

    Weapon (if applicable): Carries a magnetic comb with a switchblade in the handle.

    Style of fighting: Does his best to just flee the scene, actual attacks involve hampering the opponent’s ability to chase them.


    Occupation: Dentist

    Current home: Some apartment in the fringe

    Favorite types of food: Food with chilis and peppers, shishkebabs and philly cheesesteaks are the go to.

    Favorite types of drink: Cocktails with “blue” in the name. Blue hawaiians, blue bombsicles, Summer blue islands, the like.

    Hobbies/pastimes: Grilling, drink mixing, wants to learn how to fish but doesn’t have anyone to do it with.

    Guilty pleasures: Falling asleep on his porch all afternoon, playing dumb on the nexus about a subject to intentionally piss off nerds

    Pet peeves: Showing up to a meetup just to kill the mood with something bad that happened. Everyone’s got those moments, but we’re here to have a good time, y’know?

    Pets: N/A

    Talents: Retains an exceptionally articulate memory about what sorts of drinks people like.

    Favorite colors: Three way tie between red, blue, and green.

    Favorite type of music: Classic rock
    TriReef, crumchy, Teldrassil and 2 others like this.
  2. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    what a chad