Milky Way Catalog & System Submission

Discussion in 'Notable Fringe Worlds' started by PrivateNomad, Jul 25, 2020.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Milky Way Discord is where many off-server locations are roleplayed when they may not necessarily have on-server hubs. It serves as the stage for the rest of the Fringe, and is the location of many events and expeditions that take place across the galaxy. Locations in the Milky Way Catalog are able to be visited, GMed by the people who wrote them.

    Submitting a system to the Milky Way Catalog
    To submit a system to the Milky Way Catalog, please create a google doc and format your system to match the catalog so that it can easily be pasted in to the catalog by staff. Post the google doc with the formatted system as a reply to this thread and it will be added to the catalog. Unless there are issues with the system, it will be automatically passed. Also in your post, make sure to include the location of the system if it isn't already a Notable Fringe World, circling it on the galaxy map or describing where it is relative to another system.

    Some things to keep in mind:

    • Please make sure the system is formatted correctly so staff can easily paste it into the catalog; we get a lot of these. You can use other systems in the catalog as examples to follow. This proper indentation. We will fix minor errors for you, but major errors in formatting will be rejected.
    • Please consider where to place resources properly; you can use the legend as a guide. For example, erchius is only found in worlds with no atmosphere, and rubium is found in very cold worlds.
    • Please limit the number of habitable worlds in your system. Tier III words are relatively rare, and Tier IV Gaia worlds are even rarer.
    • Make sure to note yourself as the GM of the system in the google doc. Include your discord tag.
    • If the system is associated with a faction, please note it in your post.
    Once you post your system, the catalog will be updated when a staff member can get to it. The Galaxy Map may take longer to update.

    Also, all systems in the Milky Way catalog are viewable OOC, but some may not be known about or accessible ICly.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
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