Medic! [Ironman]

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Pyro, Oct 4, 2022.

  1. Pyro

    Pyro New Arrival

    Jun 27, 2019
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    General Information
    First name Yumi
    Middle name(s): Erin
    Surname: Kora
    Age: 40
    Race: Avian
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Current residence: N/A; wandering mercenary, no personal ship
    Relationship status: Single
    Social status: Unknown to any public sources, but known as reputable among official mercenary organizations due to a clean and well-built resume.
    Financial standing: Well off; able to maintain his equipment and himself comfortably.

    Traits of Voice

    Accent: North American Eastern
    Language spoken: Galactic Common
    Other languages known: Avian
    Style of speaking: Direct, to the point
    Volume of voice: Slightly louder than normal

    Physical Appearance

    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: 190lbs
    Feather Color(s): Dirty white
    Shape of Face: Avian/birdlike; eagle-like
    Distinguishing Features: Small crack on the left side of beak
    Build of Body: Athletic, bulky
    Plumage Style: Swept back
    Beak Style: Eagle-like
    Posture: Standing straight
    Typical Clothing: Full kit when in unknown, new, dangerous, or formal environments (pictured above). Black sweat pants, sneakers, and a white t-shirt when in safe or informal environments.
    Is Seen By Others As: Serious, blunt, adventurous


    Likes: Adrenaline-inducing experiences, virtual reality games, learning anything new, nature
    Dislikes: Inexperienced coworkers, chess
    Education: Associate of Applied Science (United Systems of Humanity), Certified Paramedic (United Systems of Humanity, qualified to treat the seven primary races), professional Soldier and Combat Medic (United Systems of Humanity).
    Notable Skills: Emergency medicine, knowledge of how to climb and rappel down harsh surfaces
    Fears: Losing his family, plasma weaponry, being trapped/bound
    Personal goals: Continue sending pixels home, finding a way to retire content
    General attitude: Realist, always looking towards how to solve a problem or plan his next day
    Religious values: Atheist Grounded; averse to religion due to Flightless fanaticism
    General intelligence: High
    General sociability: Normal; when he finds someone who can tolerate his direct nature, an attempt at friendship often follows.


    Illnesses: N/A
    Allergies: Animal fur (teary eyes, sinuses)
    Sleeping habits: Erratic; sleeps when he's tired or when able
    Energy level: Very high
    Eating habits: Erratic; eats when he's hungry
    Memory: Above average
    Any unhealthy habits: Occasionally forgetting to sleep or eat, drinking

    Yumi was born in United Systems of Humanity space, hailing from a decently sized city on a planet in the northern section of the territory. His family was practically impoverished, being immigrants from the Stargazer Theocracy and struggling to work enough hours to sustain their household. Yumi grew up poor throughout all of his childhood and teenage years, but he proved to be an excellent student, taking accelerated courses and embracing as many academic opportunities and challenges as public education could offer him. When he graduated, the reality of his financial situation hindered him, as his family had only grown in the time it took him to come of age. He couldn't travel anywhere, a higher education would take too much time to complete, and the typical jobs that were available to him didn't pay enough. To get as much money as he could as fast as he could, he enlisted with his planet's defense force as a combat medic and sought higher education on the side. Although he saw no combat, he completed four years of service before his contract was over, sending almost all of the pixels he earned back to his household. After his contract expired, he continued to aspire, looking instead towards the highest risk highest reward option: Mercenary work. He was taken from his planet to participate in whatever fight he was told to participate in, all the while still sending the majority of his spoils back home, the cycle of working to provide only persisting throughout the years. As he reached his thirties, he had all but accomplished his initial goal. His home's situation reached relative stability, but even so, he continued to work and send money back, striving to make whatever relatives he had as comfortable as he could, even if he'd never get the chance to meet them in person. Part of it was truly wanting the best for his family back home, another was that he'd found work that made him feel happy. In no other field would he get such a rush, in addition to the satisfaction of saving lives. Now, unbeholden to any organization, he traveled to the fringe to seek his next adventure.


    Parents: Both living and elderly in United Systems of Humanity space
    Siblings: Two brothers and a sister living in United Systems of Humanity space
    Children: N/A
    Love interest: Stay tuned



    -Stay tuned
    -Stay tuned
    -Stay tuned
    -Amir: "Interesting creature, first person I meet in the Fringe and it's something I've never seen or heard of before. They were pleasant."
    -CIRCLEEYE: "The Grand Protector in all their glory. They were cool, we hiked and hung out a little. I'll have to give them more of my time."
    -Aster Bayers: "One of the more interesting florans I've met, a treasure hunter raised by a novakid. All that treasure hunting gave him a really good build though, I'll have to try and go on one of his hunts one day, see what kinds of challenges that'll bring."
    -Lithui: "I don't have too many strong memories of what happened that night, but they kept me safe when I did something dumb. That's always appreciated."
    -Diana: "Hands down one of the best-worst nights ever, damn my heart was going. I should be careful around them, they brought out a bad side of me after less than a minute of conversation."
    -Virse: "Does he really think just stabbing people is normal? Am I the crazy one here?"
    -Ryan: "Chill. Seems a bit over his head with the whole photojournalism in the fringe thing, but I can see it working out."
    -Vagrant: "Seems down on her luck, but nice enough."


    Peaceful or Violent: Remains on the level of escalation he is placed in; won't attack unless attacked.
    Weapon(s): 6.8x51mm rifle, 9mm pistol, combat knife. Crudely carved on the middle of the rifle's upper receiver are the words "One for the money, two for the show, three to be a legend".
    Armor: Combat Uniform: Vest with rubium plates covering the front and back of the chest and a layer of IIIA Kevlar under the plates. Heavy duty tactical gloves, steel toed boots, and black hat. Casual Outfit: None.
    Equipment: Medical backpack (general trauma supplies + AED), flashlight, notepad, pens and permanent markers, blank casualty cards
    Style of fighting: Classic firefight tactics from medium to short range.
    Relevant Skills: Well trained in rifle marksmanship, well trained in hand-to-hand fighting, professional in emergency medicine


    Occupation: Combat medic/paramedic
    Current home: N/A; wandering mercenary, no personal ship
    Favorite types of food: Beakseed-based dishes
    Favorite types of drink: Fruit juice
    Hobbies/past times: Hiking, rock climbing, virtual reality gaming, exercise
    Guilty pleasures: Using medical supplies for personal comfort, IE using saline to quickly recover from a hangover
    Pet peeves: Botched medical care, hesitation, leaving weapons out of arm's reach
    Pets: N/A
    Talents: Fast learner, very athletic
    Favorite color(s): Dark purple
    Favorite type of music: Rock

    The [Ironman] marker indicates that consent to death, injury, and other significant acts are automatically granted against this character. Solus Fatum Decernit.

    Med RP time! Tried my best to make an actual character as opposed to a skill-specialized avatar, hopefully it works out.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
    Horriblues, Yz2 and Pinkbat5 like this.
  2. D&K

    D&K Nicotine Mogul Bronze Donator

    Dec 4, 2017
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