Logbook 8

Discussion in 'Diaries & Captain's Logs' started by Pinkbat5, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 2, 3288

    We watched the yellow one today.
    We have yet to fully record our observations of the creature. The body is the same shape as always; fitting into shirts and leggings without struggle. The face is pulled into a point; the eyes are sunken and irised with crimson. The head is adorned with flesh-petals and feathers, and from their teeth I suspect them to be carnivorous. There are scales. Once, we observed their tongue to be forked. There is a tail; less dexterous than our own. We see no sign of parent species. Frogg, perhaps? Or is it all new?
    I could know. I could see through their eyes, borrowed momentarily or picked from my orchid. I could learn, and I could grow. But I am not so selfish now. The living need themselves, and I would not rob them of this.

    A woman of the tavern asked for the bodies of the tormet. We do not know why for certain; but we have suspicions. We would have done as she asked– she was kind– but the others had already disposed of the corpses. Goss, one of the council, attempted to establish dominion instead; I answer to no-one but myself.
    MaskedHero, 9K, Ryanatorx and 6 others like this.
  2. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 3, 3288

    We awoke to a barrage of texts. They have found Ry to be infected, and the likely nature of her attacker. It was the Ascended in a human suit, Red, who outed her. I have read her messages twice, and I still do not understand why. I know now she is not safe to speak with.
    The others are angry, and in all the wrong ways. I see Goss and the bar owner suggest tests of immolation. Dox has volunteered her flamethrower. There is talk of scans and lockdowns and walls and guns pointed at every infected. I too am angry. This is not freedom. I have provided Renaize’s rights for the protection of the people, and the Council ignores them for convenience. Do they know nothing of precedent?
    I do not understand why another would cause such an infection. If not a gift given to the willing, the virus is a tool of indoctrination. What recruitment does my kin hope to achieve? If this is madness, they still hold the knowledge of a two-legged skin.
    I only know what will happen if they will discover me. We must stay away until I can be sure it is safe. I will spit venom at the Council, and hide until they assure my privacy. Ry has fallen silent, and I must assure her safe liquefaction.

    Goss and Kilaria are the enemy. They do not understand their own actions. I doubt their desire to aid the colony. If there is any, it is misguided. When I tell Kilaria to preserve freedoms, she demands I plan for her. Goss has been spying on us in the clouds and is blind to reason. I have no words beyond this. The bar owner is complicit.
    With irony, it is the former tyrant who stepped to my defence, followed by Dox. They wound the colony’s sorrow state. I will speak to them again, and with them we may inject salvation. If the tyrants win before this, we will flee.

    With our privacy assured, we have found Ry. She is in liquefaction. She is healthy, we have brought her biomass.
    We must visit the medbay. Abdul has every scanner in the colony. I must ensure they are not used by the military here.
    I hope for his conviction. If he is angry like the others, I am in danger.

    I have been too forward. He has seen us for what we are. We are lucky– the Ascended is rooted in his past, and his hand shook as he spoke to us, but I saw no resentment in his eyes. I will trust his goodwill for now, and hope he does not tell the others.
    I suspect the perfumed construct also nears the truth. They have seen my expertise in the Ascended. They have said nothing to me. I was relieved to hear they are against lynching.
    Abdul formed a reasonable plan. We will conduct an optional survey and blood test. Those who declined are noted. When we are done, we will see how many are like us.
    I am confident in the ability of my testing. I know the structures of the Core more intricately than any construct. My test strips work– I have used them on myself. I will go now, and see where I can find kin.

    The survey’s end was interrupted. An explosion has struck the Glass. I pulled dead and living from the wreckage. The bar owner is among the injured. Of five dead, two were salvageable in the golden city. The rest have been laid in the snow.
    It is now night, and we cannot sleep. I am not scarred as the others were; I am comfortable with the dead. We have seen and caused tragedy. It is sad, and then it is nothing. We will prevent it when we can, but I will not dwell on strangers. They will regrow in their metal wombs, and we will use what they have left behind.
    My new skin is almost finished, a quick alteration of the old. We will visit again on Sarah’s arms, draped with the white of her skin.
    The soul is recycled by the world. Reincarnated, and alive in us. There is no greater sadness than wasted flesh. I offer the mercy of another path.
    Khaos, 9K, Cheffy and 2 others like this.
  3. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 4, 3288

    The Glass’s corpse has been swept away. Soon, it will rest in a distant grave.
    There is talk of security again. I have tried to close my ears to this noise, to preserve my mind and temper. Kilaria has only seen a gentle poison today. Once again, I have learned she saw a threat and did nothing. I see she wishes for her actions to fail, so she can justify more power.
    We saw Mary give sermon where the Glass stood. She was genuine, but I do not understand her Great Machine. We will inquire later, and hope that Matryoshka holds no domain over fire.
    I am unsure which of the dead I consumed was Reggie.

    Ry is progressing well. We will greet her tomorrow.
    Goss has offered me the chance to devise a better government than the Council. I am skeptical of the opportunity, but I will not waste it. I will consult other sources, and my design must stand.
    Khaos, 9K, Cheffy and 2 others like this.
  4. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 5, 3288

    Ry is awake. I am happy to greet her once again into this world. We have conducted the tests; she is a Warrior. We have discussed possible improvements. She intends to regrow her limb, and repair her weak bones. It is joyful to see a newling to take such a shine to their new life.
    There is a lagging concern. Ry has been sent her lost weapon, from her infection in the forest. The infector knows of her living space and has not cut contact. I am troubled. Is it an apology, or a threat? If an apology, how could they lose their malice so quickly? I hope for a change of heart, or perhaps even the revealing of a misunderstanding.
    The clone is also awake. We will retrieve the biomass when I can be sure that it is safe. I am relieved to see they have not fallen as Husk. There is clear confusion here, but we hope for it to fade.
    Khaos, 9K, Cheffy and 2 others like this.
  5. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 8, 3288

    We have delivered the clone their own biomass, as planned. Soon we saw them in their old skin. We are happy to see they have adapted so well.

    One of many from Renaize has followed us to the caves. They interrupted our dancing– a demonstration to two curious masked ones, and Ry– and screamed that we were disgusting. They saw that we were Ascended, and they hated us for it. We have heard this before. It is always the same. We did not speak to them, so they would not know our voice.
    This is the first of many, I expect and I dread. We have heard and read anger in this place, but this is the first time it is spat in my face.

    January 10, 3288

    I have adapted myself to the medical bay work. I am relieved to see the addition of a new worker. Another construct. We have not spoken to them, but I trust their abilities.
    Khaos, Exon, 9K and 1 other person like this.
  6. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 11, 3288

    We have seen the one who screamed at us in the cave once again. This time, we wore our fabrics, and he did not recognize us. Such is the use of our disguises.
    We had found an animal in the woods– a ‘rat.’ It was small and hairy, and we had mistaken it to native of the area. Its teeth were not grown for meat, but it bit us all the same.
    We ate it all the same. Soon, it will belong in our soul.
    This angry one- ‘Noel’– had learned of the creature’s death, through means I do not understand. He was angry, but he quickly understood our good intentions. We have bonded over hatred for the Gossa. I can only hide my fear when he speaks of his hatred of the inhuman.
    My concern; he runs for Council. I cannot imagine what he intends to inflict on infected such as me. I see no choice but to join him on the ballot. We will win alongside him, and ensure safety, or we will lose and flee.
    I can smell smoke on the horizon. I am a bad liar. Others see through me; I cannot weave stories like the Imitators back home. Sooner or later, there will be an unveiling, and all will see us for what we are. I fear that day. I must prepare for it. Noel must be lulled with stories of rebellion against the tyrants. When the time comes, I will point to our common enemy, and beg forgiveness for the virus in my soul.
    Khaos, Exon, PrivateNomad and 4 others like this.
  7. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 12, 3288

    Diana is a former tyrant. It enrages me to see others so eager to forgive her. Do they not understand it is not their place to offer forgiveness? Only two years have passed; a mere heartbeat in the path of history. They were not victims. They do not understand the pain of oppression. I have offered venom. Diana was angered to threats of violence; soon, we will discuss barring her from the healing bay. I am not sure how I feel on such a decision; I do not know if such an action has use.
    Goss begged for forgiveness of myself today, claiming to have changed. But she does not understand her own sins; she could not list them, and there was no reparation. Thus there is no forgiveness. Noel thinks similar.
    Noel has told me to kill the bacteria of my rat-bite. An internal secretion would rouse suspicion. We seek an external source of antibacterial. My coworkers provide.

    January 13, 3288

    We feel ill. We will seek solitude today. This pain is new to us; I hope for the bacteria to fade. My bedding must remain safe, so we will sleep on the floor.
  8. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 14, 3288

    The floor was a mistake. We did not sleep, and then we slept too soundly. I do not understand how others sleep dry with ease. Despite our late awakening, we are exhausted. I do not want to heal today.
    I almost regret eating the rat. Almost.

    Next time, I am cutting off the bitten limb.

    I have realized why we suffer. These pills are for the intestines of the omnivorous. It is all released slowly. Our gut is too short, the medication has not reached our blood.
    I do not want to lengthen our intestine right now. We are too tired. I do not want to secrete either. We will find intravenous.
    When we are healed, I am considering adapting to omnivory. Stronger stomach acid should prevent food-sickness.

    A hive in the forest has been found. It is large, and inhabited by at least one; an Ascended in deer skin. It asked Ry to place a nest in the forest. With horror, I have learned Noel’s rats track Ascended flesh, likely through scent; this nest was a distraction. My fabrics must block my perfume well. I am lucky for this.
    The distraction did not function; Ry was found, and admitted to her motives. Noel is furious, and calling for blood. She is locked away, and there is to be a trial. I am nervous on her behalf. If she is sentenced to a cruel fate, I will help her escape.
    I do not know the intentions of this hive-builder. Its words suggest it is not involved with Ry’s attacker, but our kind is well adapted to lies. I will have to see for myself, now or later. Abdul and the construct go to see, and assess motives. I will ask them for their accounts. Until this, I wait with anxiety.
  9. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 15, 3288

    With great sorrow we must wash ourselves of our perfume. Unless I can be sure the rats see through other means, scent is the greatest risk. Soap feels disgusting on our flesh. Water once gave us our freedom; now it aids us once again.
    This place is not good for me. I am first threatened, then sickened, and now I am forced to strip the last shreds of my identity. My only friends here are two newlings; one with a feeble mind. This existence is a lonely one. I am beginning to question why I stay here at all.

    We still feel ill, but not worse. We will take a midday nap.
    Khaos and Exon like this.
  10. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 16, 3288

    Word drifts that the hive is large, and suspected to reside underground. I know this is not uncommon for my species. Beneath the earth is a place of hiding, and the hive-builder wishes to remain unknown. Motives are still unknown by all. Noel intends to end it, and claims that there are shifter spies among our ranks. To him I dismiss this claim, but in my mind I suspect the same.
    It is with reason for a hive to hide away without ill intent. Renaize is a violent creature. This I believe. But I fear they are Superhive, perhaps a remnant of this Corrav attack. I do not know how to prepare for this. They would need burning, but the others will see this, and place precedent. To see a shifter is to know it is Superhive, and thus it is to be burned. When they find us, they will know this, and our flesh suffers.
    I consider speaking directly. In our soul rests disguises of obvious nature. The passed hylotl’s flesh would do.
    I have practiced my words once more, exhaled on once-mute lungs. I would speak easily in Ascended tongue. But lies pass easy on Superhive lips, and I have no reason to trust their words. Yet surely there is still something I can do.
    Khaos, Cheffy and Exon like this.
  11. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 17, 3288

    We are feeling more energetic today. This is good.

    The more my thoughts linger on this place, the more I am convinced I do not have a future here. My gaze drifts to La’megoth, home of many founders here, and the golden city. The home of the Vampyr may be more receptive to my diseased flesh; those of Haven hold resentment for my kind, but there is anonymity in numbers.
    I will go to both, and see what there is to see.

    I wonder why Renaize has not mourned Sarah. Do they not miss her? If we had known they would forget so quickly, I would have preserved some of the body for them.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
  12. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 18, 3288

    More and more I see talk of La’megoth annexation.
    One of the founders has funnelled her vampyric funds here, and it has angered those back at her home. They believed they were funding a subservient state, when in reality Renaize is free, and offers little in return.
    Now, they are demanding we repay the debt, or face conquest.
    Did I ask to have a debt placed upon me? Did any here? The answer is no. For what reason should we cover another’s mistake? We were not told of the strings attached to the cheques, so why now are they entitled to our work?
    No, this was the founder’s funds that were offered. Thus, it is the founder’s debt.
    We will make sure the Archemporer knows this. If there is still invasion, I know what we will say next.
    Khaos, Mir, Exon and 2 others like this.
  13. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 19, 3288

    My mind reels of this place. My thoughts edge the cliff of words. Warm malice oozes at every chapped crack of this broken frontier. Splintered minds haul the caravan ever further over cracking ocean ice, and I am the only one with gills.

    A ranger has murdered another. Beat them on the head, and left them to bleed away in the cold. They were a robber, but this changes nothing. No court issues sentence to a slow, icy end.
    Kilariya at first did nothing. So we source the confession and present it to the world, and she scrambles with desperation to expel the offender. She claims now it was a delay in thought, not a desire for inaction, but I see through this lie. Her lack of passionate condemnation is damning enough. Ever defensive, keeping her power and her place here.
    The new lieutenant – we have this now, lieutenants, as if our occupation was not already obvious enough – drooled unconditional support from malformed lips. I quiver with anger in remembrance of our electronic words. I have not felt such frustration in years. So few of them see the danger of this force.
    We left. I remember little of the walk. We spent hours in the woods. I did not realize until it spoke to us we had found the hive.
    The hive-builder is Drone. It is natural-born. It speaks in native tongue. Its hive is large and beautiful. Art. I had forgotten the feeling of living walls, flesh or leaf or bone or skin. I am reminded of home, and those passed, and those I left behind.
    When I left, I wept.
    Khaos, Exon, Mir and 3 others like this.
  14. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 20, 3288

    Abdul has learned of our treatment of the clone. He was displeased by our actions; the clone is young of mind, and could not agree to what I have done. I understand, but there is also no agreement to death. Those of limited will do not deserve extinction.
    He speaks of debt as if it is better than infection. If the hospital offered life in exchange for debt, I would have chosen this path. But in my mind, I know that this is worse. Why is such burden placed upon the dying?
    I do not understand why the hospital offered no option for life. Did they not create this weakness? Surely they can add what is lacking, yet they told me plainly they could not. We told Abdul such, but I suspect he does not believe me. Still, he has done nothing. Our words have passed, there is nothing more I can offer.
    Khaos, Exon, Cheffy and 2 others like this.
  15. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 21, 3288

    So much has happened today.
    It has been found that Kilariya has been hiding an inevitable war. To prevent panic, she claims. Mary and Xander were complicit in this. As was the council, but only because they did not pay attention.
    In response, disbandment approaches. All felt betrayed by this treason. Words rage with anger. I am relieved to see it over. A temporary force reforms under a more trustworthy leader, to dissolve again if we survive the war.
    Many here do not understand anarchy. My mind rejects this reality, reeling at its sheer absurdity. They truly do not understand how or why it functions. Mary is such an example. She fails to know why any world not a crude copy of CivSpace machinations would not allow a colony of one hundred to thrive. And yet she had joined self-advertised anarchy. Does she not know this word? Do any do? I have done my research, I can make my arguments. I speak from experience and wisdom and I am careful in my knowledge. These others are not. The only lawlessness they know is the Fringe. They must be educated. I will see to this in less desperate times.

    In preparation for war, two Havenites have been brought to us. One that types syrupy sentences, and another that can hardly type at all. I am appalled by their mannerisms; are democratic heads not more professional? Impartial? Is there a component of Haven mannerism I miss?

    Aid-man asked us to follow him as he speaks to Kilariya. There was no struggle; we and Noel have succeeded in securing the weapons. They have been redistributed; we will train with new immigrants today.
  16. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 23, 3288

    Once again Renaize has been indebted. Another has stolen on our behalf. One hundred laser rifles, and ammunition, provided for no expenses. Only with contact from the seller did I learn there was no permission for this. Red claims the gun-selling was stolen from her; the other claims the opposite. I do not wish to get involved in this further. The other provided a generous discount; a friend spoke of our cause.
    We now have excess. This could have gone many ways worse. I am relieved it did not.

    January 25, 3288

    Gossa has written dissertation on the society of Vampyr. It is well crafted. We will share it among many.

    To the shock of all, but especially myself, a short exchange of heated words on sites of Haven has seeded the Archemperor’s resignation. I learn of his fleeing to us, and providing of 3 million to our accounts. I am shocked. Were our words truly so convincing? Is this a trick? The 3 million is real.
    I do not trust this. But I will not protest at the pixels. These funds will be used to prepare for the war.

    In hopes we must not fight, we will plead for Haven’s intervention. It is not right of them to stand by and watch like this. The Havenites have been quiet in our chat-rooms. What purpose do they hold here?
  17. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 26, 3288

    A source has spoken to us. Luo, former trader and presence in La’megoth council. She whispers of a preemptive attack. We have alerted who we could. Animals will soon be upon us.
  18. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    January 30, 3288

    The tyrant of La’megoth has repealed the desire to kill us all. Still, they continue the invasion. I know of them lurking away in the forest. I barely remember the other joys that lie there.
    Rehi has attacked the fleeing, but there is no surrender in retreat. Others take issue, but not myself.

    I have learned that Haven speaks of us. We turn our gaze now to their electric channels.
    We finally now see those in leadership. The chamber is swathed in the gold of failed livers. Dead walls polished to mirror shine hold a roof above them.
    Four weave their shapes to be human. Pale skin and limestone eyes. Light rings of colour direct their gaze, and we see the blood through their flesh. There is range here; two hold the warm tones of a forest animal. One holds fur that threatens to blind me, and the other clears the body of all colour and life.
    I do not know many humans. Is this nation for them?
    Then there is avian, and hylotl. I do not know of avians, but I know of hylotl. I remember their hurried thoughts and quiet noises. Their skin. What is underneath it, and inside. How much it takes to quiet it.
    We see the one before us now holds twice our lifespan in his meat.
    We will keep watching.

    This is not right. They see only the worst of us. And they want to take control.
    Of course it is the hylotl that suggested this.
    I speak for myself to them.
    I did not know of the others eating souled flesh. The only pickings from the fallen has been our doing, and we do it with respect. Do the others respect the body like us? I hold no optimism.

    They want to speak to us?

    We have spoken sense into them. They see opportunity in our offer. They protect us, for now. I only hope for continued independence later. Noel is not optimistic.
    I have learned that it is the sickly one and the avian that view our communications. It is easy to assign face to name and typing. I am intrigued by what grows from them both. We have never tasted avian, nor have we grown fur such a bright blazing red.
    SilverGallium, Khaos, Cheffy and 3 others like this.
  19. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    February 1, 3288

    The nexus is away. The relay is down. There is no teleporter anymore. We are stranded here.

    There has been a battle. Renaize has won. We have been injured, glass shards into body. We are already getting better. And we are healing the others.
    The enemy that remain cannot leave Renaize any longer. We have seen to this. Their ships are punctured, trapped to this planet with us.
    I must rest.

    February 2, 3288

    I will never get used to this bed. We cannot sleep. Sometimes we feel empty, sometimes we feel ill. We hide it well, I think.

    The former Archemperor has betrayed us. Gossa and Rehi have been attacked. They are barely alive. There is fire and smoke.
    I am not surprised. A betrayal was expected, and the money is still real.

    February 3, 3288

    We see the exhaustion in Abdul’s eyes. We share this burden.
  20. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    February 4, 3288

    One has been rescued from La’megoth grasp. I learn they were prepared to be eaten. Bafflingly, this is no show of respect for the Vampyr. It is a show of power, exclusive to enemies.
    I follow this logic, but barely. To take control over a corpse after death is to show power. I simply do not understand why it is through consumption. Why nourish yourself with your enemy, if it is not to show forgiveness? Would allowing the flesh to rot not be a greater show of force?

    February 5, 3288

    It is said Septimus could manifest flame without source. What does this mean?

    There was argument behind us. Abdul and a strange visitor, here to see the recovering founders. The words were vague, source of agitation unclear. Strange.