Lamarru [ ZECYRIA ]

Discussion in 'Approved' started by LillithN, Mar 5, 2018.

  1. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Description: The tall globally migrating herbivore can reach heights of five meters with a length of up to eight that includes the tail. Incredibly sharp and used for scratching, fighting and knocking against trees to gather food, two large horns protrude from the Lamarru head and can grow to lengths of two meters. The scent of the Lamarru in its thick white fur from sweat attracts fire-flies from the Deepwood, making the creature easy to spot for hunters and predators while providing an extra level of light during the night time hours and inside the tree line. The Lamarru visit Zecyria multiple times per year on their migration route and are bred by Zecyrian and Melkanian farmers from Birmingham along with Mooshi and Fluffalo for livestock and fire-flies. The Lamarru has four large and powerful legs capable of launching the creature to great heights, its feet being remarkedly like those of a cat with retractable claws for climbing ice. The Lamarru are known as the most hardy and durable creature on the planet of Zecyrion, although renowned for being the biggest prey.

    Behaviour: The Lamarru are a native herbivore to Zecyria that travel the globe in herds of around 2,000 – 10,000, migrating up the tree-lines of the Deepwood for their entire lives as the continuously look for clearings and rivers to graze near. At full sprint, the Lamarru can reach speeds of up to 96 kilometres per hour which helps it escape the countless predators that come out of the Deepwood, having the ability to keep up a steady pace sprint for over fifty kilometres.

    Tamability: Incredibly docile creatures, the Lamarru will always prefer to run from a fight, unless a Lamarru calf is under threat in which the creature may find short bursts of courage that it uses to ram an attacker with its long and pointed horns. They can be kept as pets although they will show less affection to their owner the older they are when first introduced to each other. Lamarru raised from birth will usually imprint on the first person they see and they are expensive to feed.

    Where is it found?: The snow and ice battered fields of Zecyrion, along the tree line of the Deepwood.

    Rarity: Native to Zecyria.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: The furry and horned herbivores love to suck the moss and mould from rocks and cliff faces, relying on a steady diet of any plant life that can be uncovered in the snow. They also use their horns to ram into trees that contain fruits and delicacies.

    Products?: The thick fur of the Lamarru can be utilized for clothing while the meat is a common dish in the Zecyrian State. The sweat of the Lamarru is also used to attract fire-flies that are popular pets amongst children, usually by being sprinkled outside or placed in a jar in which the fire-flies will feed from.

    Reproduction: Sexual Reproduction.

    Size: Lamarru can grow up to eight meters in length including the tail, and five meters in height.

    Weight: Up to one and a half tonne.

    Lifespan: 125+ years.​

    • Can be mounted with a saddle and ridden.
    • Natural ability to see in the dark.
    • Sweat is a natural magnet for fire-flies that are sold as pets.
    • Fast breeders.
    • Fur for clothing.
    • Livestock with ideal edible meat.
    • Can run for up to fifty miles without rest.
    • Will become overloaded with stress if faced with danger and will enter a panic to flee.
    • Sharp horns can inflict severe damage if attacked.
    • Invasive species kept in check by the predators of the Deepwood.

    [ In a combative situation, a Lamarru mount will flee the area 90% of the time until the situation ends. ]
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
  2. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Change the dice roll to just a 90% probability and the app is a pass. @shhhhlp

  3. LillithN

    LillithN L i l l i t h Impervium Donator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    That's what is was, I put the word percent in there though. Done!
  4. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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