Kingdom of Windhoek Members: Morgan Snip (Administrative/Owner) (Nin #0569) Harry Banklin (Administrative) (Lubricants Gladly #6281) Fern (Knight) (Capslock #4570) Mortuss (Fresh Hire) (Deadlantern #5679) Cardice (Fresh Hire) (Khaos #0633) Jonathan Cristallum (Fresh Hire) (Jonathan Cristallum #5959) Zach (Fresh Hire) (.exe #1337) Lore: After the successful raid upon a Undercrypt castle, containing a 'Lich' by the name of Baxel, a group of foolhardy adventurers claimed the layer he inhabited for their own. Though much of the original group has disbanded, the remnants continue development on the layer with a small group of shitbots and their own hands. Hierarchy: Windhoek has a simple chain of command, as it's too small to support departmentalization. Owner Administrative Knight Fresh Hire Technology: Using refitted purgatorian shitbots and homebrew tech, Windhoek doesn't really use much aside from what they can scrounge up. However, efforts are underway to develop something of their own. Assets: (wow look we actually use player interactions for resources) Currently, Windhoek has a wealth of resources due to intel trade in the Adroma-Horde war, and their own efforts. Such is listed as follows; 1x Refinery in Windhoek 1x Surface-Highreach Portal 1x Solarium Generator 2x Mining Rigs (One in Highreach, One on a moon of Sanctus) 1x Refinery on Nisia, run by Remnants and Clones 5x Corvettes 1x Frigate (Half Scrapped)